David Hall - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку
- 3 произведения
- 2 издания на 2 языках
Plastic Lace Crafts for Beginners David HallLearn all the essential stitches and skills you need to master the colorful art of plastic lacing. 17 simple but fun projects are provided for making zipper pulls, key chains, bracelets, decorations and more, using both 4-strand and 6-strand lacing techniques. Every braid is clearly illustrated, so instructions are a cinch to follow.
Cross-border Contract Farming Arrangement David HallThis series features the scholarly works supported by the Phnom Penh Plan for Development Management, a region-wide capacity building program of the Asian Development Bank that supports knowledge products and services. It seeks to disseminate research results to a wider audience so that policy makers, implementers, and other stakeholders in the Greater Mekong Subregion can better appreciate and understand the breadth and depth of the region's development challenges.
Woodworker's Guide to Handplanes David Hall
ISBN: 9781607654704 Издательство: Ingram Язык: Английский Learn all the essential stitches and skills you need to master the colorful art of plastic lacing. 17 simple but fun projects are provided for making zipper pulls, key chains, bracelets, decorations and more, using both 4-strand and 6-strand lacing techniques. Every braid is clearly illustrated, so instructions are a cinch to follow.