Драм Хэдли

Drum Hadley

  • 1 книга
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Драм Хэдли — новинки

  • The Voice of the Borderlands Драм Хэдли
    ISBN: 188789683X
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Rio Nuevo Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Drum Hadley's poems, said Allen Ginsberg, are "like time and death." Gathering forty years of Hadley's work, this extraordinary collection ranges from powerful lyrics to droll Western "haiku":
    A Long Day's Ride
    "My horse looks smaller than it did when I left."
    It also commemorates one man's richly eventful career as a poet, rancher, and dedicated conservationist. A friend and literary associate of writers including Robert Creeley and Charles Olson, Hadley is a poet of and for the land he has helped to preserve:
    "Wash me along the rims of arroyo rocks,
    Carry the dust, carry the sands,
    Carry these words, my seeds,
    Down these blue desert valleys, away."