Алан Дин Фостер

Alan Dean Foster

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Алан Дин Фостер — библиография

  • Програмерзость Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Mocking Program
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский
  • Вселенная Риддика Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Chronicles of Riddick
    Перевод: Любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский
    Больше всего на свете ему хотелось, чтобы его оставили в покое. Ему всегда этого хотелось. Но теперь в действие вступили силы, от которых будет не так легко избавиться. Он никогда в жизни не пытался увильнуть от поединка. На этот раз вызов ему бросила целая Вселенная. Ну что ж, он разберется и со Вселенной.
  • Звёздные Войны. Пробуждение Силы (Эпизод 7) Алан Дин Фостер

    Более тридцати лет назад Звёздные Войны ворвались на большой экран, став культурным феноменом.   Приключения продолжаются в новом блокбастере, способном увлечь как преданных фанатов саги, так и новых поклонников долгожданного фильма «Звёздные Войны: Пробуждение Силы». За кинематографическим дебютом следует захватывающая новеллизация от автора бестселлеров по версии «Нью-Йорк Таймс» Алана Дина Фостера.   Спустя годы после «Возвращения джедая» великолепный, остросюжетный космический боевик возвращает нас в мир принцессы Леи, Хана Соло, Чубакки, C3PO, R2D2 и Люка Скайуокера, знакомя со множеством замечательных новых персонажей. Можно…

  • Bloodhype Алан Дин Фостер
    Оригинальное название: Bloodhype
    Первая публикация: 1973
    Язык: Английский
    It caused instant addiction, followed by an excruciating slow death, and there was no known antidote. It was a killer! Supposedly the drug had been totally eradicated from the humanx galaxy years before. At least that's what everyone thought. But somehow, mysteriously, that dreadful substance was back in circulation on Repler and threatening to wreak havoc throughout the known galaxy. Someone, somewhere was secretly manufacturing Bloodhype, but nobody seemed to know where or who!
  • Pardon Our Conquest Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Pardon Our Conquest
    Первая публикация: 2009
    Язык: Английский
  • The Muffin Migration Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: The Muffin Migration
    Первая публикация: 1999
    Язык: Английский
  • Cachalot Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Cachalot
    Первая публикация: 1980
    Язык: Английский
    Cachalot - landless ocean planet, long ago reserved by man as a refuge for the great sea-creatures they had hunted near to extinction. Scattered humans lived peacefully in floating townships, until one day something rose from the deep destroying all in its path.
  • Конец материи Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The End of the Matter
    Дата написания: 1977
    Первая публикация: 1994
    Перевод: Д. Арсеньев, С. Рахабов
    Язык: Русский
    Приключения никогда не обходят стороной Флинкса. На этот раз он случайно становится хозяином странного, смешного инопланетного существа, за которым охотятся наемные убийцы-квармы. Цепочка событий, заставляющая Флинкса перемещаться с Драллара на Аласпин, знакомство со Скуа Септембером, новая встреча с Браном Цзе-Меллори и Трузензюзексом... А галактика тем временем оказывается на краю катастрофы, которая должна уничтожить приличный кусок пространства. Флинкс и его друзья пытаются предотвратить трагедию.
  • Strange Music Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Strange Music
    Первая публикация: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    The unexpected return of an old friend draws Flinx and Pip to the backward planet of Largess, whose seal-like denizens' primitive technology and fractious clan politics have kept a wary Commonwealth from a profitable trade relationship. But now a rogue human employing forbidden advanced weaponry threatens to ignite a war among the Larians. And Flinx is just the man to stop it before it starts. But once on Largess, Flinx discovers his empathic abilities--usually his greatest asset--are rendered useless by the natives' unique language, which is sung rather than spoken. Worse, the abduction of a powerful chieftain's daughter has raised tensions to the boiling point. Now Flinx must depend on his own mettle--and of course, Pip, the devoted minidrag with the deadly edge--to right wrongs, mend fences, and battle a cold-blooded adversary armed with enough firepower to blow them all away . . . and destroy the chance for peace in Largess forever.
  • Flinx Transcendent Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Flinx Transcendent
    Первая публикация: 2009
    Язык: Английский
    Flinx is the only one with even the tiniest chance of stopping the evil colossus barreling in to destroy the Humanx Commonwealth (and everything else in the Milky Way). With time running out, Flinx is a man in search of a solution and in search of himself. His efforts take him to the land of his mortal enemies, the bloodthirsty AAnn, where chances are excellent that Flinx's discovery-and summary execution-will eliminate all his demons and doubts in one masterstroke.
    The way Flinx is feeling, that might not be the worst imaginable end. After years of searching for his father, he finally has-and must bear-the truth. And now he must also seek out an ancient sentient weapons platform wandering around somewhere in the galaxy and then communicate with it, a powwow that could very well fry his already frazzled brain. Then there are the oblivion-craving assassins determined to stop Flinx before he can prevent total annihilation.
    With a future that rosy, it's no surprise he's flirting with disaster. Still, Flinx is no quitter, and he's got something else going for him-an uncanny ability to improvise and triumph (or at least survive) in impossible situations. He's certainly been through enough of them, and now he's going to need every ounce of that know-how, because he's venturing to places where the laws of physics fear to tread, where no one's ever been, to do what no one's ever done, and where his deadliest enemy is so close it's invisible.
  • Growth Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Growth
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Язык: Английский
  • Patrimony Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Patrimony
    Первая публикация: 2007
    Язык: Английский
    “I know who your father is . . . Gestalt.” A shocked Flinx hears these dying words from one of the renegade eugenicists whose experiments with humans twenty-odd years ago shocked the galaxy . . . and spawned Flinx. So Flinx and his minidrag, Pip, venture to Gestalt, an out-of-the-way planet perfect for someone who never wants to be found–disregarding the advice of those who think Flinx could make better use of his time locating the ancient, sentient weapons platform that could be the galaxy’s only chance of stopping the exterminating scourge that’s fast approaching. Flinx might agree with them–but the quest for patrimony wins out. (Sorry, galaxy!)
    Could Gestalt supply the key to Flinx’s shadowy past and strange powers? An eccentric loner in a remote area could be the father Flinx has never stopped searching for, perhaps the only person who can unravel the mystery of his birth and his amazing, agonizing powers. An eccentric longer in a remote area of the distant planet could be he father Flinx has never stopped searching for, perhaps the only person who can unravel the mystery of Flinx’s birth and his amazing, agonizing powers. Unfortunately for Flinx, Gestalt also hosts a resident bounty hunter who’s just learned about the stupendous reward offered for a certain dead redhead. Flinx gets a chance to test his adversary’s skills when our hero’s skimmer is blasted out of the sky and into a raging river in the middle of nowhere–a nowhere of impassable terrain and ravenous, carnivorous beasts. But hey, what’s one more impossible challenge for someone who’s spent his life defying the odds and escaping the inescapable? Flinx has one thing going for him . . . plenty of experience.
  • The Howling Stones Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Howling Stones
    Первая публикация: 1997
    Язык: Английский
    The newly discovered planet of Senisran was a veritable paradise. Its vast oceans were dotted with thousands of lush islands containing vast deposits of rare-earths and minerals. But Senisran was also the Humanx Commonwealth's problem child, for each island was inhabited by a different tribe of aboriginal natives whose customs and tribal rites varied from island to island. Each had to be negotiated with separately for mining rights, and the Commonwealth was locked in a race against the vicious AAnn Empire to secure those rights. Now the clans of the Parramat Archipelago on Senisran were resisting entreaties by the Commonwealth and AAnn alike. So, xenologist and first-contact specialist Pulickel Tomochelor was dispatched from Earth to handle this sensitive and stubborn negotiation. More comfortable with aliens than with his own species, and confident in his extraordinary ability to communicate with them, Pulickel looked forward to a short assignment and a triumphant return to Earth. But he hadn't counted on the incredible secret of Parramat: the strange green stones that the natives used to bless the crops, ensure plentiful fishing, heal the injured and ill, and control the weather. Within these stones lay an awesome technology the origin of which was lost in time, technology that had to be kept from the AAnn at any cost. In his previous travels around the planets of the Commonwealth, Pulickel had seen many wonders, but never any like this. And he had seen the effects of evil on both beings and planets, but he never expected to meet the very essence of evil face-to-face . . .
  • Trouble Magnet Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Trouble Magnet
    Первая публикация: 2006
    Язык: Английский
    Wandering out there in some remote region of the galaxy is a gargantuan sentient Tar-Aiym weapons’ system. All Flinx has to do–while his pals look after his injured love Clarity Held–is find the hefty object and persuade it to knock out the monstrous evil that is hurtling through space to waste the entire Commonwealth. A no-brainer, really, especially for Flinx, who is never without his loyal entourage of official snoops, crazed zealots, assorted goons, and the occasional assassin. Indeed, the boy wonder and his mini-drag, Pip, are eager to commence their heroic task . . . just as soon as Flinx visits Visaria–a dangerously depraved planet–to convince himself that humans are indeed worth saving. The chances of stumbling across high moral values and utopian ideals don’t look promising–what with Flinx playing a lawless Pied Piper to a gang of lying, thieving juvenile delinquents. But prospects really go south when Flinx runs afoul of the corrupt planet’s ruthless crime king. Still, life is full of surprises, and Flinx is about to get smacked by a passel of them–by turns devastating, heartening, and positively jaw-dropping. For although Flinx came to Visaria to plumb the enigma of humankind, there’s another mystery waiting here, a shocking clue about his own shadowy past.
  • Running from the Deity Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Running from the Deity
    Первая публикация: 2005
    Язык: Английский
    In the outer depths of the universe lies that Great Emptiness, behind which lurks something dreadful - something that is now raging straight for the Commonwealth. To avert catastrophe, Flinx must find a conscious planet size weapons system and, using his heightened mental powers, coax it into joining the battle against the behemoth from beyond. So Pip and Flinx sail their little spaceship into the unknown, only to be forced down for emergency repairs on planet Arrwad, home to primitive sentiments and therefore off limits to space travellers. But rules never applied to Flinx. Upon his arrival, Flinx is besieged by hordes bent on worshipping him as a god. Escaping this fate will be as impossible as fulfilling his dire mission. What's a deity to do?
  • Sliding Scales Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sliding Scales
    Первая публикация: 2004
    Язык: Английский
    The daring pair have braved countless dangers to emerge victorious. But now Flinx attempts something that may be impossible for the heretofore undefeated hero. His mission: to take a vacation.
  • Flinx's Folly Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Flinx's Folly
    Первая публикация: 2003
    Язык: Английский
    It’s a good thing Flinx is no stranger to trouble, because he’s swimming in it. Even before the latest murderous attack by a new gang of assailants, there seems no end to people determined to arrest, examine, or kill him. To add insult to all that injury, Flinx has been spirited away and enlisted in a battle against a monstrous extra-galactic threat. Hidden behind the Great Emptiness, in a place where it seems matter and energy have never been, there is only evil. Pure evil that is approaching him, accelerating. Against such a quintessence of colossal evil what can one puny human and a formidable mini-drag protector do? Flinx must tell someone or go out of his already addled mind. Choosing a confidant is easy: Clarity Held, a crush he hasn’t seen in six years. She is a young woman who has clearly gone on with her life in ways that (he soon learns) don’t necessarily include Flinx.
    Whatever happens, Flinx makes up his mind to act quickly. His decision is the beginning of a terrifying, high-stakes adventure through perilous new realms that will rocket him into the very heart of danger–and into the arms of the only woman he’s ever loved. As he and Pip bravely travel to a place where no man or mini-drag has gone before, Flinx discovers he has a few more friends than he thought–and far more enemies than he ever imagined.
  • Mid-Death Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Mid-Death
    Первая публикация: 2006
    Язык: Английский
  • Quofum Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Quofum
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Язык: Английский
    The mission to planet Quofum is supposed to be a quickie for Captain Boylan and his crew. Boylan is tasked with delivering four scientists-two men, one woman, and one thranx-to the unknown world, setting up camp while the experts investigate flora and fauna, then ferrying them safely home. The first surprise is that Quofum, which regularly slips in and out of existence on Commonwealth monitors, is actually there when Boylan and company arrive. The second surprise is more about what Quofum is not: The planet is not logical, ordered, or rational. The team encounters three intelligent, warring species-some carbon-based, others silicate-based, all bizarre-along with thousands of unique, often unclassifiable life-forms. Quofum's wild biodiversity doesn't appear to be natural. But if it is by design, then by whose, and for what purpose? There are more revelations, more highly evolved species waiting to be identified, even tantalizing clues to a civilization light-years ahead of the Commonwealth's. But the crew members are not ready for the real shockers, because none of them expect to find a killer in their midst, or to discover that their spaceship is missing and, with it, all means of communication. Of course, the marooned teammates know nothing about the Great Evil racing toward the galaxy, and they certainly havenever heard of Flinx, the only person with half a chance to stop it. Nor do they know that Quofum could play a crucial role in defeating the all-devouring monster from beyond. One thing the scientists do know, however, is how to ferret out the truth. But whether that will be enough to alter the course of the oncoming catastrophe is anyone's guess.
  • Sideshow Алан Дин Фостер
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Sideshow
    Первая публикация: 2002
    Язык: Английский
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