Лайан Герн

Lian Hearn

  • 15 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 59 читателей
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5 29
4 35
3 12
2 9
1 4

Лайан Герн – лучшие книги

  • Через соловьиный этаж Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 5-17-033823-6, 5-271-13239-0, 5-9578-2997-8
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Первая мировая самурайская фэнтези для подростков! Трилогия, ставшая мировым бестселлером и восхитившая и критиков, и читателей! Отважнейшие самураи и лучшие наемники совершали покушения на жизнь жестокого правителя Инуямы - Йоды и гибли.

  • Сияние луны Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-039045-8, 978-5-271-15467-6, 978-5-9762-1480-4, 978-985-16-0812-2
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский

    Брак Такео с прекрасной Каэдэ вызвал гнев многих властителей. Междоусобные войны захлестнули страну. Как сохранить свои владения и жизнь молодому самураю Отори Такео, приемному сыну и наследнику великого воина Отори Шигеру? Мир будет достигнут лишь

  • Трава - его изголовье Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 5-17-035041-4, 5-271-13243-9, 5-9578-3404-1
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Транзиткнига
    Язык: Русский

    Убит жестокий властитель крепости Инуяма - Йода, но мертв и великий воин Шигеру Отори. Наследник Шигеру - приемный сын и ученик, юный Такео, обладающий сверхъестественными способностями. Казалось бы, Такео покровительствует удача - в союзе

  • Across the Nightingale Floor Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 9781509837809
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Picador

    Set in a mythical, feudal, Japanese land, a world both beautiful and cruel, the intense love story of two young people takes place against a background of warring clans, secret alliances, high honour and lightning swordplay. Lian Hearn's stunningly powerful bestseller, Across the Nightingale Floor, is an epic story for readers young and old. In his palace at Inuyama, Lord Iida Sadamu, warlord of the Tohan clan, surveys his famous nightingale floor. Its surface sings at the tread of every human foot, and no assassin can cross it. But sixteen-year-old Otori Takeo, his family murdered by Iida's warriors, has the magical skills of the Tribe -…

  • Heaven's Net is Wide Lian Hearn
    ISBN: 978-0-330-44745-4
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Русский
    Shigeru bides his time for the moment when he will win back the Middle Country and be with the woman he loves, the faithful Lady Maruyama. His life is under constant threat - Warlord Iida Sadamu is not the only one who desires his death. But Shigeru has friends who will not only protect him, but who reveal the existence of a boy of the secret sect known as the Hidden, a boy who might prove to be "the unexpected move that opens up the whole game".

    Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см.
  • Grass For His Pillow Episode 2 : The Way Through The Snow (Tales of the Otori) Lian Hearn
    ISBN: 0142404322
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionBoth Takeo and Kaede have visions of their future. Takeo works to escape the Tribe and fulfill the last wishes of his adoptive father, Lord Shigeru Otori. And Kaede, heir to two seats of power, moves forward step by step, aided by
  • The Harsh Cry of the Heron Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 9781509837793
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Picador
    Set fifteen years after the seismic events of Brilliance of the Moon, The Harsh Cry of the Heron is an elegiac and bittersweet successor to the bestselling series by Lian Hearn, Tales of the Otori.
    Their realm is held in balance by their union... Break that union and the Three Countries will fall apart.
    Otori Takeo and Kaede have ruled the Three Countries peacefully for over sixteen years, following the events laid out in the epic Tales of the Otori. They have three daughters: Shigeko, fifteen years old and heir to the Otori, and Maya and Miki, thirteen-year-old twins who have inherited the supernatural skills of their father. Kaede knows nothing of the prophecy that Takeo will die at the hands of his son and longs to give him a male child. Nor does she know of the boy he fathered sixteen years ago - a boy whose heart is filled with hatred and whose skills as a Ghostmaster give him the power to incite the dead.
    Takeo is determined that clan conflicts will never again ravage the Three Countries, but warriors are born to fight: the warlord Arai Zenko has deadly ambitions, the Emperor himself has challenged Takeo's rule and, despite a delicate truce between the deadly Tribe and the Otori, revenge still eats at the heart of renegade leader Kikuta Akio...
    Against these gathering threats Takeo draws strength from his love for Kaede, but even this is not beyond the reach of their enemies...
  • Heaven's Net is Wide Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 9781509837830
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Picador
    The Middle Country, home of the Otori clan is ruled by a benign but weak leader while in the East, the warrior-like Tohan are gathering power. On the plain of Yaegahara the clans clash in a bloody battle that leaves Otori Shigeru desperate for vengeance. Meanwhile, in a remote mountain village, a boy is born gifted with the supernatural skills of his father, once the deadliest assassin of the Tribe.
    Set in the years before the beginning of Across the Nightingale Floor, Heaven's Net is Wide by Lian Hearn is the first and last Tale, which both closes the circle and introduces new readers to the fantastical, beautiful and thrilling world of the Otori. It is an epic story of betrayal, revenge, magic and love.
  • Emperor of the Eight Islands Lian Hearn
    ISBN: 978-1509812790
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    In the opening pages of the action-packed Book One of Lian Hearn's epic Tale of Shikanoko series--all of which will be published in 2016--a future lord is dispossessed of his birthright by a scheming uncle, a mountain sorcerer imbues a mask with the spirit of a great stag for a lost young man, a stubborn father forces his son to give up his wife to his older brother, and a powerful priest meddles in the succession to the Lotus Throne, the child who is the rightful heir to the emperor barely escaping the capital in the arms of his sister. And that is just the beginning.

    As destiny weaves its rich tapestry, a compelling drama plays out against a background of wild forests, elegant castles, hidden temples, and savage battlefields. This is the medieval Japan of Lian Hearn's imagination, where animal spirits clash with warriors and children navigate a landscape as serene as it is deadly.
  • Grass for His Pillow Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 9781509837816
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Picador

    Grass for His Pillow is the second novel in Lian Hearn's astonishingly beautiful series inspired by feudal Japan, Tales of the Otori. In the ancient Oriental lands of the Otori, amidst a time of violent war, famine and treacherous alliances, the fate of the young lovers Otori Takeo and Shirakawa Kaede hangs in the balance . . . Takeo, heir to the great Otori clan, has pledged his life to the secret Tribe. His supernatural skills of virtual invisibility and acute hearing make him their most deadly assassin. But he must deny the solemn oath of vengeance he made, his adopted birthright of wealth, land and power - and his love for Kaede. If he…

  • Grass For His Pillow Episode 1 : Lord Fujiwara's Treasures (Tales of the Otori) Лайан Герн
    ISBN: 978-0142404232
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Firebird

    Adopted by an Otori Lord, orphan Takeo rises to become a closely held member of the Tribe while his love, Maruyama heir Shirakawa Kaede, returns home to a shattered family only to realize she can rely on no one but herself.