Кеннет Оппель

Kenneth Oppel

  • 31 книга
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 369 читателей
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Кеннет Оппель — новинки

  • Silverwing: The Graphic Novel Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 9781665938488
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: ‎ Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
    Shade the young silverwing bat may be the runt of his colony, but he’s determined to prove himself on the long, dangerous winter migration to Hibernaculum—millions of wingbeats to the south. Too soon, his hopes are dashed when a fierce storm catches Shade in its grasp. Driven far from the others by the unforgiving winds, Shade is left alone.

    On his journey back to his family, Shade meets other winged loners. Marina is a Brightwing bat with a strange metal band on her leg, Zephyr the mystical albino bat has an unusual gift, and Goth the carnivorous vampire bat is the largest bat Shade has ever seen. Shade will need all the help he can get if he hopes to reunite with his colony, but with a long and perilous flight ahead, how will he know who to trust?
  • Занимательный Древний Египет Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 978-5-00185-185-1
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Просвещение-Союз
    Язык: Русский

    Книга немецкого писателя и педагога Карла Оппеля (1816-1903) по истории Древнего Египта была не менее популярна у школьников, чем легендарные "Мифы Древней Греции" Николая Куна. Вы перенесетесь на 3000 лет назад, в пору расцвета египетской цивилизации, увидите грандиозные пирамиды в их первозданной красе, побываете при дворе знаменитых фараонов, проплывете по священному Нилу, посетите дворцы, храмы, оазисы, познакомитесь с жизнью простых египтян, жрецов и правителей. И, конечно же, вас ждет удивительная экскурсия по миру египетской мифологии. Для нашего издания легендарная книга Оппеля была заново отредактирована: все сведения в ней…

  • Пегги и Йети Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 978-5-6043151-0-1
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Баобаб
    «Пегги и Йети» – захватывающая история про девочку, которая больше всего на свете любит приключения. Причем любит настолько, что смогла забраться на Эверест и подружиться с настоящим чудищем. А необыкновенные пластилиновые иллюстрации Барбары Рид и шутливый слог Кеннета Оппеля делают эту историю поистине вдохновляющей: главное – не бояться, и тогда получится покорить любые вершины!

    Книга – лауреат международных премий; включена в каталог Гайдаровки (Центральной городской детской библиотеки им. А.П. Гайдара) «100 лучших новых книг для детей и подростков 2021 г.»
  • Bloom Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 1443450316 (ISBN13: 9781443450317)
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    The first book in bestselling author Kenneth Oppels new trilogy

    It was just rain.

    But after the downpour, odd black plants begin to shoot up.


    They. Are. Everywhere.

    They take over fields and twine around houses. They bloom and throw off toxic pollenand feed.

    Strangely, three Salt Spring Island teens seem immune. Anaya, Petra and Seth. What’s their connection? What’s their secret? A week ago, they wouldn’t have thought they had one.

    But they’d better figure it out fast—the invasion has already begun.
  • Every Hidden Thing Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 1481464167
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Books for Young
    Язык: Английский
    The hunt for a dinosaur skeleton buried in the Badlands, bitter rivalries, and a forbidden romance come together in this beautifully written new novel that’s Romeo and Juliet meets Indiana Jones.

    Somewhere in the Badlands, embedded deep in centuries-buried rock and sand, lies the skeleton of a massive dinosaur, larger than anything the late nineteenth century world has ever seen. Some legends call it the Black Beauty, with its bones as black as ebony, but to seventeen-year-old Samuel Bolt it’s the “rex”, the king dinosaur that could put him and his struggling, temperamental archaeologist father in the history books (and conveniently make his father forget he’s been kicked out of school), if they can just quarry it out.

    But Samuel and his father aren’t the only ones after the rex. For Rachel Cartland this find could be her ticket to a different life, one where her loves of science and adventure aren’t just relegated to books and sitting rooms. Because if she can’t prove herself on this expedition with her professor father, the only adventures she may have to look forward to are marriage or spinsterhood.

    As their paths cross and the rivalry between their fathers becomes more intense, Samuel and Rachel are pushed closer together. And with both eyeing the same prize, their budding romance seems destined to fail. But as danger looms on the other side of the hills, causing everyone’s secrets to come to light, Samuel and Rachel are forced to make a decision. Can they join forces to find their quarry—and with it a new life together—or will old enmities and prejudices keep them from both the rex and each other?
  • Локомотив «Бесконечный». Последний костыль Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 978-5-17-089282-2
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Уилл Эверетт всю жизнь мечтал о приключениях. Наконец он готовится совершить свое первое путешествие: пересечь страну на локомотиве «Бесконечный» — самом великолепном поезде, когда-либо построенном людьми. В дороге Уильям случайно становится свидетелем убийства и обладателем ключа от вагона с бесценными сокровищами, и таким образом оказывается в смертельной опасности. На помощь Уиллу приходят артисты цирка, которые также путешествуют в поезде. Теперь вместе им нужно пробраться через весь локомотив, не попавшись злодеям, чтобы найти отца Уильяма в вагоне первого класса и спасти «Бесконечный» от ограбления.

  • The Nest Kenneth Oppel
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    For some kids summer is a sun-soaked season of fun. But for Steve, it’s just another season of worries. Worries about his sick newborn baby brother who is fighting to survive, worries about his parents who are struggling to cope, even worries about the wasp’s nest looming ominously from the eaves. So when a mysterious wasp queen invades his dreams, offering to “fix” the baby, Steve thinks his prayers have been answered.

    All he has to do is say “Yes.” But “yes” is a powerful word. It is also a dangerous one. And once it is uttered, can it be taken back?
  • The Boundless Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 978-1442472891
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
    Язык: Английский

    The Boundless, the greatest train ever built, is on its maiden voyage across the country, and first-class passenger Will Everett is about to embark on the adventure of his life! When Will ends up in possession of the key to a train car containing priceless treasures, he becomes the target of sinister figures from his past. In order to survive, Will must join a traveling circus, enlisting the aid of Mr. Dorian, the ringmaster and leader of the troupe, and Maren, a girl his age who is an expert escape artist. With villains fast on their heels, can Will and Maren reach Will’s father and save The Boundless before someone winds up dead?

  • Другие миры (сборник) Рэй Брэдбери
    ISBN: 978-5-17-086861-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Фантастические истории от самых известных писателей современности рассказывают о далеких мирах, величественных богах и магических таинствах, которые скрывает наша Вселенная.

  • Чудеса древней страны пирамид Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 978-5-4460-0330-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Директ-Медиа
    Язык: Русский
    Вниманию читателей предлагается перевод с немецкого сочинения Карла Оппеля "Чудеса древней страны пирамид" (1868 гг.). Автором перевода является философ и публицист Николай Николаевич Страхов, обладавший прекрасным знанием немецкого языка. Карл Оппель не ставил своей целью написать ученый труд, он хотел рассказать широкой читательской аудитории, а в особенности подрастающему поколению, о прекрасной и загадочной Стране Пирамид, о ее народе и культуре, оказавшим существенное влияние на развитие культуры Средиземноморья и нашей новейшей цивилизации. Основываясь на трудах Геродота, Диодора, Плутарха, ряде работ других писателей древнего времени, а также современных ему авторов, Оппель рисует перед читателями живую и яркую картину жизни Древнего Египта. Издание снабжено большим количеством иллюстраций, позволяющих полнее представить историческое прошлое Страны Пирамид.
  • The Boundless Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 9781480584174
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Brilliance Audio
    Язык: Английский

    Will Everett has always wished for an adventure. Little does he know his adventure starts the moment he boards the Boundless. There is a murder, and now Will protects a key that can unlock the train¹s hidden treasures. Villains are fast on his heels and strange creatures are lurking outside the windows, as the Boundless hurtles across the country. Together with Maren, a gifted escape artist, and Mr. Dorian, a circus ringmaster with amazing abilities, Will must save the Boundless before someone else winds up dead. His adventure may have begun without him knowing…but how it ends is up to Will.

  • The Boundless Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 144247288X, 978-1442472884
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
    Язык: Английский

    The Boundless train is on its maiden voyage across the country. When first-class passenger Will Everett gets the key to a train car containing priceless treasures, he becomes the target of sinister figures from his past. To survive, Will joins a travelling circus, helped by ringmaster leader Mr. Dorian, and Maren, a girl his age and an expert escape artist.

  • This Dark Endeavor Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 1442403152
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Victor and Konrad are the twin brothers Frankenstein. They are nearly inseparable. Growing up, their lives are filled with imaginary adventures...until the day their adventures turn all too real. They stumble upon The Dark Library, and secret books of alchemy and ancient remedies are discovered. Father forbids that they ever enter the room again, but this only peaks Victor's curiosity more. When Konrad falls gravely ill, Victor is not be satisfied with the various doctors his parents have called in to help. He is drawn back to The Dark Library where he uncovers an ancient formula for the Elixir of Life. Elizabeth, Henry, and Victor immediately set out to find assistance in a man who was once known for his alchemical works to help create the formula. Determination and the unthinkable outcome of losing his brother spur Victor on in the quest for the three ingredients that will save Konrads life. After scaling the highest trees in the Strumwald, diving into the deepest lake caves, and sacrificing one’s own body part, the three fearless friends risk their lives to save another.
  • Half Brother Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 1441871497
    Год издания: 2010
    Язык: Английский
    For thirteen years, Ben Tomlin was an only child. But all that changes when his mother brings home Zan — an eight-day-old chimpanzee. Ben’s father, a renowned behavioral scientist, has uprooted the family to pursue his latest research project: a high-profile experiment to determine whether chimpanzees can acquire advanced language skills. Ben’s parents tell him to treat Zan like a little brother. Ben reluctantly agrees. At least now he’s not the only one his father’s going to scrutinize.

    It isn’t long before Ben is Zan’s favorite, and Ben starts to see Zan as more than just an experiment. His father disagrees. Soon Ben is forced to make a critical choice between what he is told to believe and what he knows to be true — between obeying his father or protecting his brother from an unimaginable fate.

    Half Brother isn’t just a story about a boy and a chimp. It’s about the way families are made, the way humanity is judged, the way easy choices become hard ones, and how you can’t always do right by the people and animals you love. In the hands of master storyteller Kenneth Oppel, it’s a novel you won’t soon forget.
  • Darkwing Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 978-1554686131, 155468613X
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    As the sun sets on the time of the dinosaurs, a new world is left in its wake. . . .

    He alone can fly and see in the dark, in a colony where being different means being shunned—or worse. As the leader's son, he is protected, but does his future lie among his kin?

    He has the true instincts of a predator, and he is determined that his kind will not only survive but will dominate the world of beasts.

    From the author of the internationally acclaimed Silverwing trilogy comes an extraordinary adventure set 65 million years ago. Kenneth Oppel, winner of a Michael L. Printz Honor for Airborn, has crafted a breathtaking animal tale that reaches out to the human in all of us.
  • Silverwing Kenneth Oppel
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: BBC Radio 4 Extra
    Язык: Английский
  • Starclimber Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 978-0-571-23839-2
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Faber
    Язык: Английский
    Matt Cruse is back for his most dangerous expedition yet - into outer space!

    Pilot Matt Cruse is looking forward to spending a peaceful summer with Kate de Vries - until they are offered the chance of a lifetime to join the first expedition into space aboard the incredible ship Starclimber.

    But many challenges stand in the way: the gruelling tests to become astralnauts, and attacks by fanatical Babelites who are opposed to the space race. And then there are the unknown dangers that could be lurking in space. They will have to fight all the way. And even they survive the journey into space, will they ever be able to return?
  • Darkwing Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 0002007444, 9780002007443
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Harper Collins
    Язык: Английский
    Dusk can't help it. From the moment his father pushed him off the tree, he has yearned to flap. But in a colony where being different means being shunned - or worse - Dusk knows he must glide like the rest of them and keep his secret to himself.

    Carnassial also has a hidden desire. And when he finally gives in to his instincts, a vicious predator is born. He knows the world is changing, and he's determined that his kind will take over as rulers of the beasts.

    The battle for survival - and the future - has begun...
  • Skybreaker Kenneth Oppel
    ISBN: 0060532297, 9780060532291
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    A legendary ghost ship. An incredible treasure. A death-defying adventure.

    Forty years ago, the airship Hyperion vanished with untold riches in its hold. Now, accompanied by heiress Kate de Vries and a mysterious gypsy, Matt Cruse is determined to recover the ship and its treasures. But 20,000 feet above the Earth's surface, pursued by those who have hunted the Hyperion since its disappearance, and surrounded by deadly high-altitude life forms, Matt and his companions soon find themselves fighting not only for the Hyperion—but for their very lives.
  • Небесный охотник Кеннет Оппель
    ISBN: 5-91181-181-2
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Азбука-классика
    Язык: Русский

    Юнга воздушного корабля Мэтт Круз в поисках новых приключений! У Мэтта есть почти все, чтобы радоваться жизни. Он самый знаменитый курсант Воздушной Академии, его любит самая лучшая девушка в мире… Правда, счастливчик Мэтт стеснен в средствах, и когда появляется возможность разбогатеть, он, не раздумывая, отправляется в опасный рейс. Но не один… У каждого из его таких же отчаянных спутников своя цель в этом путешествии, и вот всем им предстоит сделать выбор: золото, любовь или жизнь.

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