Энтони Поуэлл

Anthony Dymoke Powell

  • 37 книг
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  • 31 читатель
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Энтони Поуэлл — последние издания книг

  • A Dance to the Music of Time. Volume 1. Spring Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099436683
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    The first three volumes of Anthony Powell's remarkable A dance to the Music of Time sequence: A Question of Upbringing; A Buyer's Market; The Acceptance World
    Anthony Powell's brilliant twelve-novel sequence chronicles the lives of over three hundred characters, and is a unique evocation of life in twentieth-century England. It is unrivalled for its scope, its humour and the enormous pleasure it has given to generations.
    These first three novels in the sequence follow Nicholas Jenkins, Kenneth Widmerpool and others, as they negotiate the intellectual, cultural and social hurdles which stand between them and the 'Acceptance World'.
  • The Soldier's Art Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472476
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this eighth volume, Nick Jenkins has been posted to Divisional Headquarters as the assistant to his old friend, the rapidly rising Major Widmerpool. Having to work alongside the rather obnoxious Captain Biggs, Nick is pleased when his old school pal Charles Stringham becomes the latest recruit to the armed forces. However, the cruelties of war are not far behind. As the Blitz intensifies, tragedy and despair befall Nick and his friends.
  • Casanova's Chinese Restaurant Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472445
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Роман Энтони Пауэлла "Китайский ресторан Казановы" - пятая часть серии "Танец под музыку времени".
    Ник Дженкинс наконец-то остепенился и наслаждается жизнью в Лондоне. Однако этого нельзя сказать о его друзьях, каждый из которых переживает свою собственную драму и душевную боль. Композитор Хью Морленд рискует своим браком из-за бессмысленной интрижки, в то время как старый школьный приятель Ника Стрингем чуть не покончил с собой из-за пьянства. Но с приближением войны их будущее начинает казаться неопределенным.
    Книга на английском языке.
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this fifth volume, Nick Jenkins finally seems to be settling down and enjoying the life he has made for himself in London. However, the same cannot be said of his friends, who are each dealing with their own drama and heartache. The composer Hugh Moreland is risking his marriage for a pointless affair, while, Nick’s old school pal Stringham has nearly destroyed himself with drink. But with the rumblings of war getting louder and nearer, the future is starting to look uncertain for all of them.
  • The Kindly Ones Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472452
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Роман Энтони Пауэлла "Добрые" - шестая часть серии "Танец под музыку времени".
    Британия снова на грани войны. Ник Дженкинс вспоминает свое детство, проведенное в тени Первой мировой. Желая пойти по стопам своего отца, Ник решает стать офицером армии и просит о помощи своего старого школьного друга Уидмерпула. Списки резервистов быстро пополняются. Война приближается.
    Книга на английском языке.
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this sixth volume, with Britain on the brink of war yet again, Nick Jenkins reflects back on his childhood growing up in the shadow of World War I. Wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps, Nick sets his sights on becoming an officer in the Army, and asks his old school friend Widmerpool, who is gaining prominence in the business world, if he will help him. But reserves lists are quickly filling up with names, and it’s not long until the threat of war is the one thing on everyone’s mind.
  • Temporary Kings Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472520
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Роман Энтони Пауэлла "Временные короли" - одиннадцатая книга серии "Танец под музыку времени".
    Ник Дженкинс, уговорив своего старого друга Марка Лембса, посещает литературную конференцию в Венеции. Тем временем его старый школьный приятель Уидмерпул продолжает подниматься по служебной лестнице, на этот раз в качестве пэра. Но его положение у власти оказывается под угрозой, когда его обвиняют в шпионаже.
    Даже в Венеции, окруженный прекрасными видами города, Ник оказывается втянут в бурную жизнь своих друзей.
    Книга на английском языке.
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In the eleventh volume in the series, Nick Jenkins, persuaded by his old friend Mark Members, attends a literary conference in Venice. Meanwhile, old school pal Widmerpool continues to climb the ranks, this time as a Life Peer. But his position in power is under threat when he becomes the subject of whispered accusations of espionage, and wife Pamela, former lover of the dead writer X. Trapnel, also finds herself the centre of attention, as the mystery around the writer continues to draw ghoulish interest from readers and academics alike. Even in Venice, surrounded by the beautiful vistas of the city, Nick cannot escape his friends' turbulent lives.
  • The Valley Of Bones Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472469
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Роман Энтони Пауэлла "Долина костей" - седьмая часть серии "Танец под музыку времени".
    Британия снова находится в состоянии войны, и Ник Дженкинс занимает должность второго лейтенанта в уэльской пехоте, оставив свою беременную жену Изабель и жизнь в Лондоне. Вскоре Ник оказывается в центре столкновения между своим командиром капитаном Гуаткином и лейтенантом Бителом. Военная жизнь оказалась совсем не такой, как он себе представлял, и Ник понимает, что тоскует по домашнему уюту.
    Книга на английском языке.
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this seventh volume, Britain is at war again and Nick Jenkins must leave his pregnant wife, Isobel, and his life in London, to take up his position as a Second Lieutenant in a Welsh infantry. As Nick grapples with endless regulations and the tedious routines of military life, it is not long before he finds himself in the middle of a dispute between his commanding officer Captain Gwatkin and Lieutenant Bithel. Stationed in Northern Ireland, military life is not what it seems, and Nick finds himself longing for the comforts of home. But when the battalion is transferred to an unknown destination, Nick is met with a familiar face.
  • Hearing Secret Harmonies Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472537
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Роман Энтони Пауэлла "Звук тайных гармоний" - завершающая часть серии "Танец под музыку времени".
    Шестидесятые в самом разгаре, а Ник Дженкинс и его жена Изабель доживают свои последние годы в сельской местности. После тихой отставки старый школьный друг Ника Уидмерпул снова на подъеме и становится ректором нового университета. Но в то время как Ник и его современники привыкают к новому, медленному ритму жизни, расцвет контркультуры шестидесятых сигнализирует о том, что новое поколение пробивается вперед.
    Книга на английском языке.
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this final volume of Anthony Powell’s ‘A Dance to the Music of Time’, the sixties are in full swing and Nick Jenkins and his wife Isobel are living out their later years in the countryside. Not content with a quiet retirement, Nick’s old school friend Widmerpool is on the rise again and is appointed chancellor of a new university. But while Nick and his contemporaries are settling in to a slower pace of life, the rise of sixties counterculture signals a new generation pushing its way to the front. And as the Dance draws to a close, a wedding brings together old faces one last time.
  • At Lady Molly's Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472438
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Роман Энтони Пауэлла "У леди Молли" - четвертая часть серии "Танец под музыку времени".
    Ник Дженкинс с комфортом освоился в мире искусства, культуры и общества в качестве лондонского сценариста. Когда друг приглашает его провести выходные за городом, он знакомится с Изабель Толланд, младшей сестрой большой аристократической семьи, и сразу решает, что им суждено быть вместе.
    Тем временем, ходят слухи о помолвке старого друга Ника, Уидмерпула, на вечеринке у леди Молли. Танец жизни продолжается.
    Книга на английском языке.
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this fourth volume, Nick Jenkins has settled comfortably into the world of art, culture and society as a London scriptwriter. When invited by a friend to spend the weekend in the country, he becomes acquainted with Isobel Tolland, the youngest sister of a large aristocratic family, and immediately decides they are destined to marry.
    Meanwhile, rumours are circulating around Nick’s old friend Widmerpool’s engagement during a gathering at Lady Molly’s. As the roaring twenties fade into the austerity of the thirties, Nick and his friends face love and heartbreak as life’s dance continues to play out.
  • The Acceptance World Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472421
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this third volume, determined to make a name for himself, Nick Jenkins starts working for a publisher, establishing connections across the London literary scene. But whilst Nick is ready to move forwards with his new life, the past is never far behind.
    A weekend away with his friend Templer sees a surprise reunion quickly blossom into an affair, while an Old Boys dinner at the Ritz, in honour of their old housemaster Le Bas, reunites Nick with his schoolmates Stringham and Widmerpool. Set against the backdrop of thirties London, The Acceptance World provides a snapshot of the complicated nature of young love.
  • Books Do Furnish A Room Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472490
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers.
    In this tenth volume, Nick Jenkins and his circle of friends are re-establishing their lives in the wake of war. With the London literary scene starting to find its feet again, things begin to look up for Nick as old acquaintance Quiggin offers him a position at the literary magazine he is launching. Meanwhile, there already seems to be trouble in paradise for the newly married Widmerpool, whose wife, Pamela Flitton, has caught the eye of writer X. Trapnel – a man who exudes in equal measure mystery, talent and an air of self-destruction.
  • A Question Of Upbringing Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099472384
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Arrow Books

    'A Dance to the Music of Time' is universally acknowledged as one of the great works of English literature. Reissued now in this definitive edition, it stands ready to delight and entrance a new generation of readers. In this first volume, Nick Jenkins is introduced to the ebbs and flows of life at boarding school in the 1920s, spent in the company of his friends: Peter Templer, Charles Stringham, and Kenneth Widmerpool. Though their days are filled with visits from relatives and boyish pranks, usually at the expense of their housemaster Le Bas, a disastrous trip in Templer’s car threatens their new friendship. As the school year comes to a…

  • Dance To The Music Of Time Volume 4 Powell Anthony
    ISBN: 9780099436751
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
  • Dance To The Music Of Time Volume 2 Powell Anthony
    ISBN: 9780099416876
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
  • The Military Philosophers Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 978-0099472483
    Год издания: 2005
    A Dance to the Music of Time – his brilliant 12-novel sequence, which chronicles the lives of over three hundred characters, is a unique evocation of life in twentieth-century England.

    The novels follow Nicholas Jenkins, Kenneth Widmerpool and others, as they negotiate the intellectual, cultural and social hurdles that stand between them and the “Acceptance World.”
  • Сумеречные люди Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 5-93381-180-7
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Б.С.Г.-Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Творчество Энтони Поуэлла (1905-2000), классика английской литературы XX столетия, автора нескольких десятков книг, остается до сих пор почти неизвестным в России. Впервые издающийся на русском языке роман "Сумеречные люди" (1931) позволит читателям в какой-то степени восполнить этот пробел.

  • A Dance To The Music Of Time: Volume 3: Autumn Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 9780099445470
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Русский
    Anthony Powell's brilliant twelve-novel sequence chronicles the lives of over three hundred characters, and is a unique evocation of life in twentieth-century England. It is unrivalled for its scope, its humour and the enormous pleasure it has given to generations.
    In this volume, containing books seven to nine of the sequence, Powell follows Nicholas Jenkins and a host of familiar and newer characters through the strains, absurdities and preoccupations of England at war.
  • A Dance to the Music of Time: Fourth Movement Энтони Поуэлл
    ISBN: 978-0226677187
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: University Of Chicago Press
    Язык: Английский
    Anthony Powell's universally acclaimed epic encompasses a four-volume panorama of twentieth century London. Hailed by Time as "brilliant literary comedy as well as a brilliant sketch of the times," A Dance to the Music of Time opens just after World War I. Amid the fever of the 1920s and the first chill of the 1930s, Nick Jenkins and his friends confront sex, society, business, and art. In the second volume they move to London in a whirl of marriage and adulteries, fashions and frivolities, personal triumphs and failures. These books "provide an unsurpassed picture, at once gay and melancholy, of social and artistic life in Britain between the wars" (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.). The third volume follows Nick into army life and evokes London during the blitz. In the climactic final volume, England has won the war and must now count the losses.

    In this climactic volume of A Dance to the Music of Time, Nick Jenkins describes a world of ambition, intrigue, and dissolution. England has won the war, but now the losses, physical and moral, must be counted. Pamela Widmerpool sets a snare for the young writer Trapnel, while her husband suffers private agony and public humiliation. Set against a background of politics, business, high society, and the counterculture in England and Europe, this magnificent work of art sounds an unforgettable requiem for an age.
  • A Dance to the Music of Time: First Movement Anthony Powell
    ISBN: 978-0226677149, 0226677141
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: University Of Chicago Press
    Язык: Английский
    Anthony Powell's universally acclaimed epic encompasses a four-volume panorama of twentieth century London. Hailed by "Time" as "brilliant literary comedy as well as a brilliant sketch of the times," "A Dance to the Music of Time" opens just after World War I. Amid the fever of the 1920s and the first chill of the 1930s, Nick Jenkins and his friends confront sex, society, business, and art. In the second volume they move to London in a whirl of marriage and adulteries, fashions and frivolities, personal triumphs and failures. These books "provide an unsurpassed picture, at once gay and melancholy, of social and artistic life in Britain between the wars" (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.). The third volume follows Nick into army life and evokes London during the blitz. In the climactic final volume, England has won the war and must now count the losses."Anthony Powell is the best living English novelist by far. His admirers are addicts, let us face it, held in thrall by a magician."--"Chicago Tribune""Powell has a quality all his own. Irony and understatement are parts of this quality, but more essential ingredients are the sheer delight of form, stylization and rhythm.
  • At Lady Molly's Anthony Powell
    ISBN: 0445200553
    Год издания: 1985
    Язык: Английский
    The fourth novel in Anthony Powell's brilliant twelve-novel sequence, A Dance to the Music of Time
  • A Question of Upbringing Anthony Powell
    ISBN: 0445200103
    Год издания: 1985
    Издательство: Warner Books
    Язык: Английский

    Who is Widmerpool? The question that is to dog Nicholas Jenkins crystallizes as he sees the gawky figure of his schoolmate huffing through the mists on a solitary cross-country run. So unexceptional, unsmart -- even unpopular -- Widmerpool continues to drop in and out of Jenkins life through school, university and London in the 1920's. A Question of Upbringing is the first volume of A Dance to the Music of Time -- recently a successful television series starring Simon Russell Beale. James Purefoy, Alan Bennett, Sir John Gielgud and Claire Skinner.

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