Julien Baer
  • 1 книга
  • 1 читатель
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Julien Baer – лучшие книги

  • The Book in the Book in the Book Julien Baer
    ISBN: 978-0823442430
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Holiday House
    In this unique novelty book, join a young boy named Thomas on his adventure in a book . . . inside a book . . . inside a book

    Having wandered off from his vacationing family, Thomas is a little bit lost and looking for something interesting-- which he finds, in the form of an abandoned book on the beach. As Thomas opens up the little book, so does the reader!

    Within the little book, the story repeats-- until Thomas, this time walking through quiet, snowy woods, finds another smaller book, with an even stranger adventure within it.

    Wandering again through the third book, Thomas finally hears familiar voices and ends up reuinted with his family. But what adventures lay ahead . . . ?

    Cleverly constructed with two actual, smaller books within the book, this imaginative adventure is illustrated in bold, graphic style. A perfect gift for young, curious readers!