Гольназ Хашемзаде Бонде – лучшие книги
- 2 произведения
- 4 издания на 2 языках
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Was bleibt von uns Гольназ Хашемзаде Бонде
ISBN: 978-3-442-71877-1 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: btb Nahid ist sechzig und hat nicht mehr lange zu leben. Nun will sie ihrer schwangeren Tochter Aram ihre Geschichte erzählen: Wie sie sich 1980 als Medizinstudentin in Teheran in den charismatischen Marxisten Masood verliebte. Wie sie im Überschwang ihre jüngere Schwester zu einer Demo mitnahm, die blutig endete und von der die Schwester nie mehr zurückkehrte. Wie sie gemeinsam mit Masood nach Schweden floh - ihre Tochter sollte in einem freien Land aufwachsen. Doch es fällt Nahid schwer, den richtigen Ton zu finden und ihre wahren Gefühle zu offenbaren. -
What We Owe Гольназ Хашемзаде Бонде
ISBN: 1328995089 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Mariner Books Язык: Английский Nahid has six months left to live. Or so the doctors say. But Nahid is not the type to trust anyone. She resents the cancer diagnosis she has been given and the doctor who has given it to her. Bubbling inside her is also resentment toward life as it turned out, and the fact that it will go on without her. She feels alone, alone with her illness and alone with her thoughts. She yearns yet fails to connect with her only daughter, Aram. As the rawness of death draws near, Nahid should want to protect Aram from pain. She knows she should. Yet what is a daughter but one born to share in her mother’s pain?
At fifty, Nahid is no stranger to death. As a Marxist revolutionary in eighties Iran, she saw loved ones killed in the street and was forced to flee to Sweden. She and her husband abandoned their roots to build a new life in a new country. They told themselves they did it for their newborn daughter, so she could live free. But now as she stands on the precipice facing death, Nahid understands that what you thought you escaped will never let you go. And without roots, can you ever truly be free? -
Vam ser nosaltres Гольназ Хашемзаде Бонде
ISBN: 9788412283907 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Каталанский La Nahid t? gaireb? cinquanta anys quan rep el diagn?stic de c?ncer. La not?cia fa que s'hagi d'encarar amb la gran paradoxa de la seva vida: la lluita contra la mort i la ineludible sensaci? de viure en un temps prestat.La Nahid recordar? la seva infantesa en el paisatge de sorra irani?, com va con?ixer i es va enamorar d'en Masood a la universitat, i com van lluitar per la llibertat en la revoluci? de l'Iran de 1979, en la qual hi va haver morts. La revoluci? va acabar tenint un preu molt m?s alt del que podrien haver somiat. La parella va fugir cap a Su?cia, per no perdre-ho tot i donar un futur en llibertat a l'Aram, la seva filla nounada. Escrita amb una honestedat sorprenent, amb un enginy i una for?a irresistibles, Vam ser nosaltres ?s una novel·la d'amor i superviv?ncia, una reflexi? sobre els vincles poderosos i de vegades agonitzants entre mares i filles, un crit d'esperan?a d'un futur millor.