Кен Бруен

Ken Bruen

  • 48 книг
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Кен Бруен — новинки

  • Galway Confidential Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9781613164792
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский
    In this new installment of Ken Bruen’s beloved Jack Taylor series, the whiskey-swigging Irish detective investigates a series of violent attacks on the local convent’s nuns. Jack Taylor wakes up from a coma to discover that much of the world has changed since he last walked the streets of Galway. The pandemic had hit while he was under, devastating the lives of many in his beloved city and beyond. Now, as Jack tries to recover from the attack that put him in the hospital and absorb the incredible changes in the world around him, a woman approaches him with a distressing two local nuns have been bludgeoned by a mysterious man wielding a hammer, and more are sure to follow. As the police fail to act while the violence against the Sisters escalates, Jack seems like their only hope.

    Initially wary of becoming involved in the investigation, Jack finds he cannot stay away from the mystery surrounding these vicious attacks. He also cannot shake a feeling of darkness that has haunted him since he awoke from his coma―a darkness that is far too close for comfort. Luckily an old friend is there to help see him through and there is always Jack’s dark wit and a drink to help shore up his mood.
  • Убивства Тінкерів Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 978-617-7579-83-9
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Жорж
    Язык: Украинский
    Рік тому у старому ґардівському пальті, із тверезим розумом і блиском в очах, Джек Тейлор залишив Ґолвей, сподіваючись знайти нове життя в Лондоні. І ось тепер він повертається — у шкіряній куртці на плечах, з пачкою сигарет у кишені, кількома грамами кокаїну на поясі й з пінтою пива в думках. Так багато всього для нових звершень… Тож невдовзі Джек знову занурюється у стан алкогольно-наркотичної феєрії, виринаючи назовні лише раз на декілька днів, щоб остаточно не втратити зв’язок із реальністю. В один із таких рідкісних моментів «прояснення» він отримує чергову справу. А точніше — вона сама знаходить його, обіцяючи купу неприємностей. Та хіба це колись зупиняло Джека?
  • A Galway Epiphany Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9780802157034
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский
    In the newest novel in Bruen's thrilling series, ex-cop turned private eye Jack Taylor is pulled out of his quiet new life on a farm by three mysteries that soon prove dangerously linked

    Jack Taylor has finally escaped the despair of his violent life in Galway in favor of a quiet retirement in the country with his friend Keefer, a former Rolling Stones roadie, and a falcon named Maeve. But on a day trip back into the city to sort out his affairs, Jack is hit by a truck in front of Galway's Famine Memorial, left in a coma but mysteriously without a scratch on him.

    When he awakens weeks later, he finds Ireland in a frenzy over the so-called "Miracle of Galway." People have become convinced that the two children spotted tending to him are saintly, and the site of the accident sacred. The Catholic Church isn't so sure, and Jack is commissioned to help find the children to verify the miracle or expose the stunt.

    But Jack isn't the only one looking for these children. A fraudulent order of nuns needs them to legitimatize its sanctity and becomes involved with a dangerous arsonist. Soon, the building in which the children are living burns down. Jack returns to his old tricks, and his old demons, as his quest becomes personal.

    Sharp and sardonic as ever, "the Godfather of the modern Irish crime novel" (Irish Independent) is at his brutal and ceaselessly suspenseful best in A Galway Epiphany.
  • Стражі порядку Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 978-917-7579-82-2
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Жорж
    Язык: Узбекский
    Так і не оговтавшись після звільнення з ірландської поліції Ґарди Шихани, Джек Тейлор воліє дивитися на світ крізь каламутне денце пивного кухля і не помічати відсутність жодних перспектив. Він балансує на межі, натикаючись на найгостріші кути життя, скалічений минулим і позбавлений майбутнього.

    Принаймні так було до того дня, коли до бару ввійшла приголомшлива жінка, яку привели туди чутки про детективний талант Джека. І хоча детективу на підпитку не одразу вдалося злізти зі стільця, щоб поговорити з клієнткою, роботу він все ж таки отримав. От тільки Джек навіть і не підозрював, у що йому доведеться вплутатися.
  • Galway Girl Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9780802147936
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский
    Jack Taylor has never quite been able get his life together, but now he has truly hit rock bottom. Still reeling from a violent family tragedy, Taylor is busy drowning his grief in Jameson and uppers, as usual, when a high-profile officer in the local Garda is murdered. After another Guard is found dead, and then another, Taylor’s old colleagues from the force implore him to take on the case. The plot is one big game, and all of the pieces seem to be moving at the behest of one dangerously mysterious team: a trio of young killers with very different styles, but who are united their common desire to take down Jack Taylor. Their ring leader is Jericho, a psychotic girl from Galway who is grieving the loss of her lover, and who will force Jack to confront some personal trauma from his past.

    As sharp and sardonic as it is starkly bleak and violent, Galway Girl shows master raconteur Ken Bruen at his best: lyrical, brutal, and ceaselessly suspenseful.
  • In the Galway Silence Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9780802128829
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский
    After much tragedy and violence, Jack Taylor has at long last landed at contentment. Of course, he still knocks back too much Jameson and dabbles in uppers, but he has a new woman in his life, a freshly bought apartment, and little sign of trouble on the horizon—until a wealthy Frenchman comes to him with a request to investigate the double murder of his twin sons.

    Jack is meanwhile roped into looking after his girlfriend’s nine-year-old, and is in for a shock with the appearance of a character out of his past. The plot is one big chess game and all of the pieces seem to be moving at the behest of one dangerously mysterious player: a vigilante called “Silence,” because he’s the last thing his victims will ever hear.
  • The Ghosts of Galway Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9780802127334
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский
    Jack Taylor is recovering from a mistaken medical diagnosis and a failed suicide attempt. In need of money, and with former cop on his resume, Jack has been hired as a night-shift security guard. But his Ukrainian boss has Jack in mind for some off-the-books work. He wants Jack to find what some claim to be the first true book of heresy, The Red Book, currently in the possession of a rogue priest who is hiding out in Galway after fleeing a position at the Vatican. Despite Jack's distaste for priests of any stripe, the money is too good to turn down. Em, the many-faced woman who has had a vise on Jack's heart and mind for the past two years, reappears and turns out to be entangled with the story of The Red Book, too, leading Jack down ever more mysterious and lethal pathways.
    It seems all sides are angling for a piece of Jack Taylor, but as The Ghosts of Galway twists toward a violent end, he is increasingly plagued by ghosts--by the disposable and disposed of in a city filled with as much darkness as the deepest corners of Jack's own mind.
  • The Emerald Lie Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9780802125460
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский
    Ken Bruen, the “Godfather of the modern Irish crime novel” (Irish Independent), is beloved for his black humor, verse-like prose, and irascible protagonist Jack Taylor, an ex-cop who is as addicted to trouble as he is to Jameson, pills, and pop culture.

    In The Emerald Lie, the latest terror to be visited upon the dark Galway streets arrives in a most unusual form: a Cambridge graduate who becomes murderous over split infinitives, dangling modifiers, and any other sign of bad grammar. Meanwhile, Jack is approached by a grieving father with a pocketful of cash on offer if Jack will help exact revenge on those responsible for his daughter’s brutal rape and murder. Though hesitant to get involved, Jack agrees to get a read on the likely perpetrators. But Jack is soon derailed by the reappearance of Emily (previous alias: Emerald), the chameleon-like young woman who joined forces with Jack to take down her pedophile father in Green Hell and who remains passionate, clever, and utterly homicidal. She will use any sort of coercion to get Jack to conspire with her against the serial killer the Garda have nicknamed “the Grammarian,” but her most destructive obsession just might be Jack himself.
  • Green Hell Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9780802123565
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский
    The award-winning crime writer Ken Bruen, called “the best-kept literary secret in Ireland” by the Independent, is as joyously unapologetic in his writing as he is wickedly poetic, mixing high and low with hypnotic mastery. In the previous book in the series, Purgatory, ex-cop Jack Taylor had finally turned his life around, only to be taunted back into fighting Galway’s corruption by a twisted serial killer named C33. In the new novel Green Hell, Bruen’s dark angel of a protagonist has again hit rock bottom: one of his best friends is dead, the other has stopped speaking to him; he has given up battling his addiction to alcohol and pills; and his firing from the Irish national police, the Guards, is ancient history. But Jack isn’t about to embark on a self-improvement plan. Instead, he has taken up a vigilante case against a respected professor of literature at the University of Galway who has a violent habit his friends in high places are only too happy to ignore. And when Jack rescues a preppy American student on a Rhodes Scholarship from a couple of kid thugs, he also unexpectedly gains a new sidekick, who abandons his thesis on Beckett to write a biography of Galway’s most magnetic rogue.

    Between pub crawls and violent outbursts, Jack’s vengeful plot against the professor soon spirals toward chaos. Enter Emerald, an edgy young Goth who could either be the answer to Jack’s problems, or the last ripped stitch in his undoing. Ireland may be known as a “green Eden,” but in Jack Taylor’s world, the national color has a decidedly lethal sheen.
  • Purgatory Ken Bruen
    Год издания: 2014
    Someone is scraping the scum off the streets of Galway, and they want Jack Taylor to get involved. A drug pusher, a rapist, a loan shark, all targeted in what look like vigilante attacks. And the killer is writing to Jack, signing their name: C-33.
  • Merrick Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 1624670830
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Open Road Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A new character and a new novel from one of the most prominent Irish crime writers of the last two decades. For fans of Ken Bruen’s Jack Taylor and Inspector Brant series, L.A. Confidential by James Ellroy and Mystic River by Dennis LaHane, comes a noir crime story set in New York City about a rogue ex-cop from the Irish Guarda.

    A rouge Irish cop manipulates a transfer to work for the NYPD in an exchange program. However, it turns out that the Irish cop is really a serial killer wanted for murder in Ireland and now NYC.
  • Tower Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 9781480405929
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Open Road Integrated Media
    Язык: Английский
    From opposite perspectives, two master authors spin a chilling tale
    Nick’s father is a stand-up Irishman—once a cop, now a security guard in the World Trade Center’s North Tower—but Nick does not take after his old man. He’s “got the bad drop,” meaning he only cares about booze, violence, and getting into trouble with his best friend, Todd, a low-level hood connected to the Boston mob. Todd inducts Nick into the world of petty crime. What starts as a bit of good fun—robbing apartments, scoring weed—turns serious as Todd gets closer to the inner circle. He may not love violence as much as Nick does, but he’s about to get more than his fair share.

    The first collaboration by beloved mystery authors Ken Bruen and Reed Farrel Coleman, Tower is as uncompromisingly brutal as the work that made them famous. They each tell the story once—Bruen from Nick’s perspective, and Coleman from Todd’s. Their narratives hinge on a single, blistering question: How can friendship survive in an underworld built on pain?
  • Верни меня обратно... Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 978-5-386-06033-6
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский
    Частный детектив Джек Тейлор, уволенный из полиции за пристрастие к алкоголю, получает задание от крупного местного мафиози. Ему нужно найти "ангела" монастыря Снятой Магдалины - женщину, помогавшую несчастным девушкам, попавшим в заточение. Одновременно наследник огромного состояния нанимает его для расследования обстоятельств смерти своего отца. Он подозревает, что эта смерть не случайна. Джек сумел отказаться от пьянства и наркотиков, но стремительно развивающиеся события не только могут нарушить с трудом достигнутое равновесие, но и ставят его жизнь под угрозу...
    Ранее книга выходила под названием "Мученицы монастыря Святой Магдалины".
  • Headstone Ken Bruen
    ISBN: 978-1-848-27118-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Transworld Ireland
    Язык: Английский
    Some people help the less fortunate. Others kill them. Evil has many guises. Jack Taylor has encountered most of them but nothing before has ever truly terrified him until a group called Headstone rears its ugly head. An elderly priest is viciously beaten until nearly dead. A special needs boy is brutally attacked. A series of seemingly random, insane, violent events even has the Guards shaken. Most would see a headstone as a marker of the dead, but this coterie of evil intends to act as a death knell to every aspect of Jack's life as an act of appalling violence alerts him to the horror enveloping Galway. Accepting the power of Headstone, Jack realizes that in order to fight back he must relinquish the remaining shreds of what has made him human - knowledge that may have come too late to prevent an act of such ferocious evil that the whole country would be changed forever - and in the worst way. With awful clarity, Jack knows that not only might he be powerless to stop it but that he may not have the grit needed to even face it.
  • Стражи Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 978-5-386-05925-5
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    Жизнь Джека Тейлора катится под откос: разбитое сердце, алкоголь, увольнение из элитного полицейского подразделения... В этот момент к нему за помощью обращается мать девочки, по официальной версии, покончившей жизнь самоубийством. Власти считают, что все детали трагедии известны, однако у бывшего полицейского на этот счет другое мнение. Он начинает собственное расследование. "Стражи" - первый роман из серии книг о Джеке Тейлоре, обаятельном и опасном. Для любителей нетривиальной прозы и черного юмора.

  • Время уснуть навеки Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 978-5-386-06034-3
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский
    Частный детектив Джек Тейлор завязал с бурным прошлым: здоровый образ жизни, новая любовь и... новое задание от старого знакомого. Герою предстоит провести расследование несчастного случая, произошедшего несколько лет назад, - гибели молодой девушки. Книга, найденная на месте происшествия, убеждает Джека в том, что смерть девушки - тщательно спланированный спектакль, режиссер которого все еще на свободе.
  • Верни меня обратно... Кен Бруен
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский
    Частный детектив Джек Тейлор, уволенный из полиции за пристрастие к алкоголю, получает задание от крупного местного мафиози. Ему нужно найти "ангела" монастыря Снятой Магдалины - женщину, помогавшую несчастным девушкам, попавшим в заточение. Одновременно наследник огромного состояния нанимает его для расследования обстоятельств смерти своего отца. Он подозревает, что эта смерть не случайна. Джек сумел отказаться от пьянства и наркотиков, но стремительно развивающиеся события не только могут нарушить с трудом достигнутое равновесие, но и ставят его жизнь под угрозу...
    Ранее книга выходила под названием "Мученицы монастыря Святой Магдалины".
  • The Devil Ken Bruen
    ISBN: 978-1-848-27020-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Transworld Ireland
    Язык: Английский
    America - the land of opportunity, a place where economic prosperity beckons: - but not for PI Jack Taylor, who's just been refused entry. Jack resumes his old life in Galway. But when he's called to investigate the frenzied murder of a student, he remembers an encounter with an over-friendly stranger in the airport bar. A stranger who seemed to know rather more than he should about Jack. After several more murders and too many encounters to be coincidental, Jack believes he may have met his nemesis. But why has he been chosen? And could he really be dealing with the Devil himself?
  • Blitz. Без компромиссов Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 978-5-386-03172-5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский
    Полицейский участок юго-восточного Лондона охвачен гневом и ужасом: маньяк-убийца, вооружившись молотком, выслеживает копов одного за другим. В лучших традициях Гая Ричи и Квентина Тарантино стражам порядка придется спасать свои шкуры и пытаться остановить сумасшедшего Блица. "Blitz. Без компромиссов" - новый роман Кена Бруена, одного из самых успешных авторов нуар-детективов. Сюжет, крепкий, как ирландский виски, покорил не читателей по всему миру.
  • Лондон бульвар Кен Бруен
    ISBN: 978-5-386-02894-7
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    Митч - только что освободившийся из тюрьмы преступник. Он решает порвать с криминальным прошлым. Но его планы ломает встреча с Лилиан Палмер. Ранее известная актриса, а сегодня полузабытая звезда ведет уединенный образ жизни в своем поместье. С добровольно покинутым миром ее связывает только фанатично преданный хозяйке дворецкий. Ситуация сильно усложняется, когда актриса нанимает к себе в услужение Митча и их становится трое... Кен Бруен - один из самых успешных современных авторов детективов, известный во всем мире как создатель нового ирландского нуара, написал блистательную, психологически насыщенную историю ярости, страсти,…

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