Аврелий Августин

Aurelius Augustinus

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Аврелий Августин — библиография

  • The Confessions of Saint Augustine Аврелий Августин
    "Narrow is the mansion of my soul; enlarge Thou it, that Thou mayest enter in. It is ruinous; repair Thou it. It has that within which must offend Thine eyes; I confess and know it. But who shall cleanse it? or to whom should I cry, save Thee? Lord, cleanse me from my secret faults, and spare Thy servant from the power of the enemy. I believe, and therefore do I speak. Lord, Thou knowest. Have I not confessed against myself my transgressions unto Thee, and Thou, my God, hast forgiven the iniquity of my heart? I contend not in judgment with Thee, who art the truth; I fear to deceive myself; lest mine iniquity lie unto itself. Therefore I contend not in judgment with Thee; for if Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall abide it?"
  • Kirkkois? Augustinuksen Tunnustukset Аврелий Августин
    "Kirkkois? Augustinuksen Tunnustukset" – Saint Bishop of Hippo Augustine (k??nn?s Oswald Stenroth). Julkaisija – Good Press. Good Press on moneen tyylilajiin keskittynyt laajamittainen julkaisija. Pyrimme julkaisemaan klassikoita ja kaunokirjallisuutta sek? viel? l?yt?m?tt?mi? timantteja. Tuotamme kirjat jotka palavat halusta tulla luetuksi. Good Press painokset ovat tarkasti editoitu ja formatoitu vastaamaan nykyajan lukijan tarpeita ottaen huomioon kaikki e-lukijat ja laitteet. Tavoitteemme on luoda lukijayst?v?llisi? e-kirjoja, saatavilla laadukkaassa digitaalisessa muodossa.
  • On Christian Doctrine Аврелий Августин
    Since the dawn of the fifth century, theology students, religious scholars, and Christian readers have turned to this volume for instruction. Written by one of the foremost leaders in the development of Christian thought, it offers practical as well as theoretical guidance on how to read the Bible and explain the meaning of scripture. Augustine intended his treatise for the priests in his North African diocese of Hippo, but ultimately, the saint's counsel laid the groundwork for modern hermeneutics and semiotics.The first of On Christian Doctrine's four parts begins with an overview of the subjects treated in holy scripture. Subsequent parts discuss signs and their recognition, the distinctions between literal and figurative expressions, and the scriptures' stylistic combination of eloquence and wisdom. Above all, Augustine's text concerns itself with the ways in which individuals can live in harmony with Jesus' teachings. Christians and non-Christians alike value this work for its role in historical theology, its influence on the development of Biblical interpretation, and its insights into the mind of a great Christian philosopher and ecclesiastic.
  • Saint Augustine: On Christian Doctrine Аврелий Августин
    On Christian Doctrine is a theological text written by Augustine of Hippo. It consists of four books that describe how to interpret and teach the Scriptures. By writing this text, Augustine set three tasks for Christian teachers and preachers: to discover the truth in the contents of the Scriptures, to teach the truth from the Scriptures, and to defend scriptural truth when it was attacked. Book One discusses enjoyment, use, interpretation, and the relation of various Christian doctrines to these concepts; Book Two discusses the types of unknown signs present in the world and defines each and presents methods for understanding the Scriptures; Book Three discusses how to interpret ambiguous literal and ambiguous figurative signs. Ambiguous signs are those whose meaning is unclear or confused; Book Four discusses the relationship between Christian truth and rhetoric, the importance of eloquence, and the role of the preacher.
  • Bekenntnisse-Confessiones Аврелий Августин
    Durch die grunds?tzlichen Erw?gungen ?ber das Wesen des Menschen sind die Bekenntnisse des heiligen Augustinus mehr als nur eine Biographie – sie gelten vielmehr als die erste Autobiographie der Literatur. Die Bekenntnisse beschreiben introspektiv die Phasen der geistigen Entwicklung Augustins. Er analysiert sein fr?hes Leben, seine st?ndige Suche nach Wahrheit und seine Bekehrung. Wie Augustinus sp?ter bemerkt, hat der Titel zwei Bedeutungen: Confession im Sinne von «Schuldbekenntnis» und Confessio im Sinne von «Glaubensbekenntnis». Neben den unmittelbar theologischen Einsichten geben die Confessiones Einblick in das menschliche Seelenleben ?berhaupt und offenbaren dabei eine bis heute unerreichte Tiefe und Subtilit?t.
  • Vortr?ge ?ber das Johannes-Evangelium, Band 2 Аврелий Августин
    Augustinus von Hippo, der Mann mit dem nach oben gerichteten Auge, mit der Feder in der linken und dem brennenden Herzen in der rechten Hand (wie er gew?hnlich dargestellt wird), war ein philosophisches und theologisches Genie ersten Ranges, das wie eine Pyramide ?ber seine Zeit hinausragt und auf die nachfolgenden Jahrhunderte herabblickt. Er hatte einen ungew?hnlich fruchtbaren und tiefsinnigen Verstand, k?hn und pr?zise – und dazu ein Herz voll christlicher Liebe und Demut. Er steht mit Recht an der Seite der gr??ten Philosophen des Altertums und der Neuzeit. In diesem Werk befasst sich der Kirchenvater mit dem Evangelium nach Johannes. Seine Vortr?ge dazu belaufen sich auf ?ber hundert Schriften. In diesem zweiten von zwei B?nden finden sich die Nummern 39 bis 124.
  • City of God Аврелий Августин
    The City of God is a book of Christian philosophy written in Latin by Augustine of Hippo in the early 5th century AD. The book was in response to allegations that Christianity brought about the decline of Rome and is considered one of Augustine's most important works. Augustine wrote The City of God as an argument for the truth of Christianity over competing religions and philosophies. He argues that Christianity was not responsible for the Sack of Rome, but instead responsible for its success. Even if the earthly rule of the Empire was imperiled, it was the City of God that would ultimately triumph. As a work of one of the most influential Church Fathers, The City of God is a cornerstone of Western thought, expounding on many profound questions of theology, such as the suffering of the righteous, the existence of evil, the conflict between free will and divine omniscience, and the doctrine of original sin. &t;br/&t; &t;br/&t; &t;br/&t;
  • On Christian Doctrine Аврелий Августин
    On Christian Doctrine is a theological text written by Augustine of Hippo. It consists of four books that describe how to interpret and teach the Scriptures. By writing this text, Augustine set three tasks for Christian teachers and preachers: to discover the truth in the contents of the Scriptures, to teach the truth from the Scriptures, and to defend scriptural truth when it was attacked. Book One discusses enjoyment, use, interpretation, and the relation of various Christian doctrines to these concepts; Book Two discusses the types of unknown signs present in the world and defines each and presents methods for understanding the Scriptures; Book Three discusses how to interpret ambiguous literal and ambiguous figurative signs. Ambiguous signs are those whose meaning is unclear or confused; Book Four discusses the relationship between Christian truth and rhetoric, the importance of eloquence, and the role of the preacher. &t;br/&t; &t;br/&t; &t;br/&t;
  • Vortr?ge ?ber das Johannes-Evangelium, Band 1 Аврелий Августин
    Augustinus von Hippo, der Mann mit dem nach oben gerichteten Auge, mit der Feder in der linken und dem brennenden Herzen in der rechten Hand (wie er gew?hnlich dargestellt wird), war ein philosophisches und theologisches Genie ersten Ranges, das wie eine Pyramide ?ber seine Zeit hinausragt und auf die nachfolgenden Jahrhunderte herabblickt. Er hatte einen ungew?hnlich fruchtbaren und tiefsinnigen Verstand, k?hn und pr?zise – und dazu ein Herz voll christlicher Liebe und Demut. Er steht mit Recht an der Seite der gr??ten Philosophen des Altertums und der Neuzeit. In diesem Werk befasst sich der Kirchenvater mit dem Evangelium nach Johannes. Seine Vortr?ge dazu belaufen sich auf ?ber hundert Schriften. In diesem ersten von zwei B?nden finden sich die Nummern 1 bis 38.
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