Джейми Лэнгстон Тернер

Jamie Langston Turner

  • 4 книги
  • 1 подписчик
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Джейми Лэнгстон Тернер – лучшие книги

  • Winter Birds Джейми Лэнгстон Тернер
    ISBN: 0764200151
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Английский
    Plain and dutiful, Sophia Hess has lived most of her life without ever knowing genuine love. Her professor husband had married her for the convenience of having a typist for his scholarly papers. The discovery of a dark secret opens her eyes to the truth about her marriage and her husband. Eventually nephew Patrick and his wife, Rachel, take Sophia into their home, and she observes from a careful distance their earnest faith and the simple gifts of kindness they generously bestow upon her and others-this in spite of an unthinkable tragedy they've suffered. Dare she unlock the door behind which she stalwartly conceals her broken heart? An insightful and moving portrayal of the transforming power of love
  • A Garden to Keep Джейми Лэнгстон Тернер
    ISBN: 076422154X
    Год издания: 2001
    Язык: Английский
    Suddenly alone and looking for the point when her husband's betrayal began, Abby traces the path of her marriage and is caught off guard by the realization of her own past failures. Original.