Мардж Сайзер

Marge Saiser

  • 1 книга
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Мардж Сайзер — новинки

  • Losing the Ring in the River Мардж Сайзер
    ISBN: 0826353207
    Год издания: 2013
    Язык: Английский
    Spare and incisive, the poems in Losing the Ring in the River deal with three strong women--Clara, Emma, and Liz, women who are tough, often sassy, and have dreams that aren't quelled by the realities they face. Saiser deftly explores the undercurrents connecting three generations and is at her most powerful when she explores how lives are restricted and sometimes painfully damaged by what people cannot or will not share with one another. Saiser's poetry is as harsh as it is beautiful; she avoids resolutions and easy endings, focusing instead on the small, hard-won victories that each woman experiences in her life and in her love of those around her.