Роберт Зеталер

Robert Seethaler

  • 19 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 409 читателей
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Новинки Роберта Зеталера

  • The Field Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 9781529008074
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Picador
    If the dead could speak, what would they say to the living?
    From their graves in the field, the oldest part of Paulstadt’s cemetery, the town’s late inhabitants tell stories from their lives. Some recall just a moment, perhaps the one in which they left this world, perhaps the one that they now realize shaped their life for ever. Some remember all the people they’ve been with, or the only person they ever loved.
    These voices together – young, old, rich, poor – build a picture of a community, as viewed from below ground instead of from above. The streets of the small, sleepy provincial town of Paulstadt are given shape and meaning by those who lived, loved, worked, mourned and died there.
    From the author of the Booker International-shortlisted A Whole Life, Robert Seethaler’s The Field is about what happens at the end. It is a book of human lives – each one different, yet connected to countless others – that ultimately shows how life, for all its fleetingness, still has meaning.
  • The Field Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 9781529008050
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Picador
    If the dead could speak, what would they say to the living?
    From their graves in the field, the oldest part of Paulstadt's cemetery, the town's late inhabitants tell stories from their lives. Some recall just a moment, perhaps the one in which they left this world, perhaps the one that they now realize shaped their life forever. Some remember all the people they've been with, or the only person they ever loved.
    These voices together - young, old, rich poor - build a picture of a community, as viewed from below ground instead of from above. The streets of the small, sleepy provincial town of Paulstadt are given shape and meaning by those who lived, loved, worked, mourned and died there.
    From the author of the Booker International-shortlisted A Whole Life, Robert Seethaler's The Field is about what happens at the end. It is a book of human lives - each one different, yet connected to countless others - that ultimately shows how life, for all its fleetingness, still has meaning.
  • Вся жизнь Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-102467-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: АСТ, Жанры
    Язык: Русский

    Андреас Эггер вырос в далекой альпийской деревушке, не зная, что представляет собой мир за окружающей ее горной чередой. Простой физический труд, любовь к прекрасной девушке, спокойная, размеренная жизнь – все это оказалось чрезвычайно хрупким перед лицом природной стихии и Второй мировой войны. Это нежная и красивая история об отношении человека и природы, об одиночестве, о наступлении современного мира – а главное, о повседневных мелочах, которые и делают нас теми, кто мы есть.

  • Вся жизнь Роберт Зеталер
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Русский
    "Вся жизнь" в шорт-листе Букеровской премии- самой престижной награды в области литературы!
    Андреас Эггер вырос в далекой альпийской деревушке, не зная, что представляет собой мир за окружающей ее горной чередой. Простой физический труд, любовь к прекрасной девушке, спокойная, размеренная жизнь – все это оказалось чрезвычайно хрупким перед лицом природной стихии и Второй мировой войны.
    Это нежная и красивая история об отношении человека и природы, об одиночестве, о наступлении современного мира – а главное, о повседневных мелочах, которые и делают нас теми, кто мы есть.
    Copyright 2017 Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
    Демина М., перевод, 2017
    ООО “Издательство АСТ”, 2019
    & ℗ ООО «Аудиокнига», 2019
    Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта
  • The Tobacconist Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 9781509806591
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Picador
    From Robert Seethaler, the author of the Man Booker International shortlisted A Whole Life, comes a deeply moving story of ordinary lives profoundly affected by the Third Reich, in the tradition of novels such as Fred Uhlman's classic Reunion, Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Rachel Seiffert's The Dark Room.
    When seventeen-year-old Franz exchanges his home in the idyllic beauty of the Austrian lake district for the bustle of Vienna, his homesickness quickly dissolves amidst the thrum of the city. In his role as apprentice to the elderly tobacconist Otto Trsnyek, he will soon be supplying the great and good of Vienna with their newspapers and cigarettes. Among the regulars is a Professor Freud, whose predilection for cigars and occasional willingness to dispense romantic advice will forge a bond between him and young Franz.
    It is 1937. In a matter of months Germany will annex Austria and the storm that has been threatening to engulf the little tobacconist will descend, leaving the lives of Franz, Otto and Professor Freud irredeemably changed.
  • The Tobacconist Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 150980658X
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Picador
    When seventeen-year-old Franz exchanges his home in the idyllic beauty of the Austrian lake district for the bustle of Vienna, his homesickness quickly dissolves amidst the thrum of the city. In his role as apprentice to the elderly tobacconist Otto Trsnyek, he will soon be supplying the great and good of Vienna with their newspapers and cigarettes. Among the regulars is a Professor Freud, whose predilection for cigars and occasional willingness to dispense romantic advice will forge a bond between him and young Franz.

    It is 1937. In a matter of months Germany will annex Austria and the storm that has been threatening to engulf the little tobacconist will descend, leaving the lives of Franz, Otto and Professor Freud irredeemably changed. In the tradition of novels such as Fred Uhlman's classic Reunion, Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Rachel Seiffert's The Dark Room, The Tobacconist tells a deeply moving story of ordinary lives profoundly affected by the Third Reich.
  • The Tobacconist Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 9781509806584
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    When seventeen-year-old Franz exchanges his home in the idyllic beauty of the Austrian lake district for the bustle of Vienna, his homesickness quickly dissolves amidst the thrum of the city. In his role as apprentice to the elderly tobacconist Otto Trsnyek, he will soon be supplying the great and good of Vienna with their newspapers and cigarettes. Among the regulars is a Professor Freud, whose predilection for cigars and occasional willingness to dispense romantic advice will forge a bond between him and young Franz.

    It is 1937. In a matter of months Germany will annex Austria and the storm that has been threatening to engulf the little tobacconist will descend, leaving the lives of Franz, Otto and Professor Freud irredeemably changed. In the tradition of novels such as Fred Uhlman's classic Reunion, Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Rachel Seiffert's The Dark Room, The Tobacconist tells a deeply moving story of ordinary lives profoundly affected by the Third Reich.
  • The Tobacconist Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 978-1-5098-0658-4
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: House of Anansi Press Inc.
    Язык: Английский
    When seventeen-year-old Franz exchanges his home in the idyllic beauty of the Austrian lake district for the bustle of Vienna, his homesickness quickly dissolves amidst the thrum of the city. In his role as apprentice to the elderly tobacconist Otto Trsnyek, he will soon be supplying the great and good of Vienna with their newspapers and cigarettes. Among the regulars is a Professor Freud, whose predilection for cigars and occasional willingness to dispense romantic advice will forge a bond between him and young Franz.

    It is 1937. In a matter of months Germany will annex Austria and the storm that has been threatening to engulf the little tobacconist will descend, leaving the lives of Franz, Otto and Professor Freud irredeemably changed. In the tradition of novels such as Fred Uhlman's classic Reunion, Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Rachel Seiffert's The Dark Room, The Tobacconist tells a deeply moving story of ordinary lives profoundly affected by the Third Reich.
  • Ціле життя Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 978-617-690-733-6
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Віват
    Язык: Украинский
    Ця книжка – про життя. Вірніше, про волю до життя. Герой від самого дитинства переборює труднощі, на його долю випадає Друга світова війна, його світ зруйнований, проте він не втрачає людяності та здатності бачити навколишню красу. Живе просто та природно. І ціле життя – кохає. А крім Андреаса Еґґера, у романі є ще один головний герой – це велика природа, могутня, велична, прекрасна.
  • Ein ganzes Leben Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 978-3442482917
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Goldmann
    Язык: Немецкий
    Als Andreas Egger in das Tal kommt, in dem er sein Leben verbringen wird, ist er vier Jahre alt, ungefähr – so genau weiß das keiner. Er wächst zu einem gestandenen Hilfsknecht heran und schließt sich als junger Mann einem Arbeitstrupp an, der eine der ersten Bergbahnen baut und mit der Elektrizität auch das Licht und den Lärm in das Tal bringt. Dann kommt der Tag, an dem Egger zum ersten Mal vor Marie steht, der Liebe seines Lebens, die er jedoch wieder verlieren wird. Erst viele Jahre später, als Egger seinen letzten Weg antritt, ist sie noch einmal bei ihm. Und er, über den die Zeit längst hinweggegangen ist, blickt mit Staunen auf die Jahre, die hinter ihm liegen.
  • A Whole Life Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 978-0374289867
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar
    Язык: Английский
    An international bestseller that recalls the quiet power of John Williams's Stoner and Marilynne Robinson's Lila

    Andreas Egger knows every path and peak of his mountain valley, the source of his sustenance, his livelihood--his home.

    Set in the mid-twentieth century and told with beauty and tenderness, Robert Seethaler's A Whole Life is a story of man's relationship with an ancient landscape, of the value of solitude, of the arrival of the modern world, and above all, of the moments, great and small, that make us who we are.
  • A Whole Life Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 9781447283904
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    Like John Williams' Stoner or Denis Johnson's Train Dreams, A Whole Life by Robert Seethaler is a tender book about finding dignity and beauty in solitude. An exquisite novel about a simple life, it has already demonstrated its power to move thousands of readers with a message of solace and truth. It looks at the moments, big and small, that make us what we are.
    Andreas lives his whole life in the Austrian Alps, where he arrives as a young boy taken in by a farming family. He is a man of very few words and so, when he falls in love with Marie, he doesn't ask for her hand in marriage, but instead has some of his friends light her name at dusk across the mountain. When Marie dies in an avalanche, pregnant with their first child, Andreas' heart is broken. He leaves his valley just once more, to fight in WWII - where he is taken prisoner in the Caucasus - and returns to find that modernity has reached his remote haven…
  • Ein ganzes Leben Роберт Зеталер
    ISBN: 978-3446246454
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Hanser Berlin
    Язык: Немецкий

    Als Andreas Egger in das Tal kommt, in dem er sein Leben verbringen wird, ist er vier Jahre alt, ungefähr – so genau weiß das keiner. Er wächst zu einem gestandenen Hilfsknecht heran und schließt sich als junger Mann einem Arbeitstrupp an, der eine der ersten Bergbahnen baut und mit der Elektrizität auch das Licht und den Lärm in das Tal bringt. Dann kommt der Tag, an dem Egger zum ersten Mal vor Marie steht, der Liebe seines Lebens, die er jedoch wieder verlieren wird. Erst viele Jahre später, als Egger seinen letzten Weg antritt, ist sie noch einmal bei ihm. Und er, über den die Zeit längst hinweggegangen ist, blickt mit Staunen auf die…

  • Der Trafikant Robert Seethaler
    ISBN: 9783036956459
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Kein & Aber
    Österreich 1937: Der 17-jährige Franz Huchel verlässt sein Heimatdorf, um in Wien als Lehrling in einer Trafik einem Tabak-und Zeitungsgeschäft sein Glück zu suchen. Dort begegnet er eines Tages dem Stammkunden Sigmund Freud und ist sofort fasziniert von dessen Ausstrahlung. Im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt sich eine un- gewöhnliche Freundschaft zwischen den beiden unterschiedlichen Männern.

    Als sich Franz kurz darauf Hals über Kopf in die Varietétänzerin Anezka verliebt und in eine tiefe Verunsicherung stürzt, sucht er bei Professor Freud Rat. Dabei stellt sich jedoch schnell heraus, dass dem weltbekannten Psychoanalytiker das weibliche Geschlecht ein mindestens ebenso großes Rätsel ist wie Franz. Ohnmächtig fühlen sich beide auch angesichts der sich dramatisch zuspitzenden politisch-gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse. Und schon bald werden sie und Anezka jäh vom Strudel der Ereignisse auseinandergerissen.