Oliver Jones
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Oliver Jones — библиография

  • The Hands-on Guide to Practical Prescribing Oliver Jones

    The hands-on guide to practical prescribing is a concise, easy-to-use guide to the practical aspects of pharmacology for junior doctors who are making the transition from studying pharmacology to prescribing drugs for the first time. This new addition to 'The hands-on guide' series brings together the core pharmacological knowledge required by house officers, structured in a way to address the very hands-on, practical aspects of prescribing. This book is not designed to replace the factual drug information in the BNF, but to complement and build upon it, so that The hands-on guide to practical prescribing provides junior doctors with a…

  • Colorectal Surgery. Clinical Care and Management Oliver Jones

    Using a case-based approach, Colorectal Surgery: Clinical Care and Management provides practical, clinical and expert guidance to illustrate the best care and clinical management of patients requiring colorectal surgery for colorectal disease. Real-life cases illustrate the entire syllabus of GI/colorectal surgery, being specially selected to highlight topical or controversial aspects of colorectal care. Cases have a consistent approach throughout and as well as outlining the actual management of each individual case, also offer an honest appraisal of the chosen management route, its successes and areas that could have been managed…
