Сьюзен Шварц

Susan Shwartz

  • 4 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 146 читателей
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Сьюзен Шварц – лучшие книги

  • Серебряная Снежинка Андрэ Нортон
    ISBN: 5-04-007982-6
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Эксмо-Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Дочь опального вельможи, полководца, проигравшего сражение, удостаивается великой чести — быть принятой в гарем самого императора. Вместе с ней отправляется верная служанка, оборотень-лисица, обладающая магическими способностями... Отважная красавица и дворцовые интриги, дикие кочевники и коварная колдунья, прекрасный, удивительный и временами пугающий мир Древнего Китая на страницах книги блистательной Андрэ Нортон.

  • Exodus Джозефа Шерман
    ISBN: 978-0-7434-6357-7, 0-7434-6357-9
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Pocket
    Язык: Английский
    One year after the end of the Dominion War, the Romulan Star Empire comes under attack by a mysterious and alarmingly powerful enemy calling itself the Watraii, a species with a long-standing vendetta against the Romulans. Yet though they remain tenuously allied, the Federation, the Romulans, and the Klingons are unready to become embroiled in another sustained conflict, forcing Ambassador Spock, Admiral Uhura, Admiral Chekov, Captain Saavik, and some unexpected allies to defy their governments in order to meet the new threat head-on. But the first blood drawn may prove to be among the dearest of all.
    Unknown to the defenders, the secret behind the Watraii's attack is buried in Vulcan's violent ancient past, during the time of Surak himself, when the proto-Romulans-staunch opponents of Surak's reforms-were compelled to take their chances among the cold and distant stars. Now Spock must begin the first leg of a long and dangerous road to learn the truth... before his hopes for the future become ashes.
  • Empire of the Eagle Andre Norton
    ISBN: 0812513932, 9780812513936
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    The young Roman soldier Quintus shares the dream of every man in the Imperial army; to grow old and honorable in its service, to earn his wooden sword and land at life's end. But Quintus is also driven by a stronger need - he longs to reclaim his family's honor that was torn asunder, caught in the bloody arena of Rome's politics. But dreams can turn to dust on the tides of battle, and when his commander Crassus and his legions are defeated at Carrhae (with the might of Rome in disgrace and the golden Eagles - Rome's most honored symbol of power - captured), Quintus is left with little hope, either for his family's salvation...or a lengthy survival. As the struggling remnants of the Roman army are sold as slaves, Quintus (and the Eagles) are destined to go East - forever east as token pawns, tribute to the distant Han Emperor in the far off Land of Gold. Quintus will do as a Roman must - his honor gone, he will follow the Eagle...and strive to somehow recapture the honor that Rome has lost. And so onto the East, out of the logic and honor that is Rome...and into the mists of legend. To see visions of wonder unknown to any Roman. And learn that the Eagle has a power and magic all its own.