Рози Уолш

Rosie Walsh

  • 7 книг
  • 39 читателей
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Новинки Рози Уолш

  • The Love of My Life Рози Уолш
    ISBN: 9781509828340
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Pan Books
    I have held you every night for ten years and I didn’t even know your name. We have a child together. A dog, a house.
    Who are you?
    Emma loves her husband Leo and their young daughter Ruby: she’d do anything for them. But almost everything she's told them about herself is a lie.
    And she might just have got away with it, if it weren’t for her husband’s job. Leo is an obituary writer and Emma is a well-known marine biologist. So, when she suffers a serious illness, Leo copes by doing what he knows best – reading and writing about her life. But as he starts to unravel her past, he discovers the woman he loves doesn’t really exist. Even her name is a fiction.
    When the very darkest moments of Emma’s past life finally emerge, she must somehow prove to Leo that she really is the woman he always thought she was . . . But first, she must tell him about the love of her other life.
  • The Love of My Life Рози Уолш
    ISBN: 9781509828364
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Mantle
    I have held you every night for ten years and I didn't even know your name. We have a child together. A dog, a house.
    Who are you?
    Emma loves her husband Leo and their young daughter Ruby: she'd do anything for them. But almost everything she's told them about herself is a lie.
    And she might just have got away with it, if it weren't for her husband's job. Leo is an obituary writer and Emma is a well-known marine biologist, so, when she suffers a serious illness, Leo copes by doing what he knows best - reading and writing about her life. But as he starts to unravel her past, he discovers the woman he loves doesn't really exist. Even her name is fictitious.
    When the very darkest moments of Emma's past life finally emerge, she must somehow prove to Leo that she really is the woman he always thought she was…
    But first, she must tell him about the love of her other life.
    The Love of My Life is the astounding new novel from Rosie Walsh, bestselling author of The Man Who Didn't Call.
  • The Love of My Life Рози Уолш
    ISBN: 0593296990, 978-0593296998
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Pamela Dorman Books
    From the New York Times bestselling author of Ghosted comes a love story wrapped in a mystery: an up-all-night page-turner with a dark secret at its core

    I have held you at night for ten years and I didn't even know your name. We have a child together. A dog, a house.

    Who are you?

    Emma loves her husband Leo and their young daughter Ruby: she’d do anything for them. But almost everything she's told them about herself is a lie.

    And she might just have got away with it, if it weren’t for her husband’s job. Leo is an obituary writer; Emma a well-known marine biologist. When she suffers a serious illness, Leo copes by doing what he knows best – researching and writing about his wife’s life. But as he starts to unravel the truth, he discovers the woman he loves doesn’t really exist. Even her name isn’t real.

    When the very darkest moments of Emma’s past finally emerge, she must somehow prove to Leo that she really is the woman he always thought she was . . .

    But first, she must tell him about the other love of her life.
  • Сім щасливих днів Рози Уолш
    ISBN: 978-966-982-089-1
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Vivat
    Язык: Украинский
    Сара тільки-но розлучилася, і доля одразу звела її з Едді. Спонтанне знайомство переросло у щире та сильне почуття, яке стало взаємним. Здається, таке трапляється лише у мелодрамах. Дивовижний тиждень разом, обіцянки та плани на спільне майбутнє. Хепіенд? Прощання перед відпусткою і, як гадала Сара, коротка розлука. Едді обіцяв потелефонувати з аеропорту. День, другий, тиждень — дзвінка немає. Кинув, захворів, загинув — Сара перебрала всі можливі варіанти. Друзі радили забути. Але кохання неможливо видалити із серця, як номер з телефона. Жінка береться шукати правду. Але є речі, про які ліпше не знати. Особливо про тих, кого ми любимо…
  • Ghosted Рози Уолш
    ISBN: 0525522778, 978-0525522775
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Pamela Dorman Books
    Язык: Английский
    When Sarah meets Eddie, they connect instantly and fall in love. To Sarah, it seems as though her life has finally begun. And it's mutual: It's as though Eddie has been waiting for her, too. Sarah has never been so certain of anything. So when Eddie leaves for a long-booked vacation and promises to call from the airport, she has no cause to doubt him. But he doesn't call.

    Sarah's friends tell her to forget about him, but she can't. She knows something's happened--there must be an explanation.

    Minutes, days, weeks go by as Sarah becomes increasingly worried. But then she discovers she's right. There is a reason for Eddie's disappearance, and it's the one thing they didn't share with each other: the truth.
  • Мужчина, который не позвонил Рози Уолш
    ISBN: 978-617-12-5136-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Клуб семейного досуга
    Язык: Русский

    Когда Сара повстречала Эдди, ей казалось, что он — человек, которого она искала всю жизнь. Они провели вместе прекрасную неделю, полную романтики, страсти и нежности. Их души начали петь в унисон. Перед тем как уехать в отпуск, Эдди пообещал девушке, что обязательно перезвонит по дороге в аэропорт. Прошло несколько дней, но телефон молчит… Да и на свою страницу в соцсети мужчина тоже не заходит. Друзья советуют Саре выбросить Эдди из головы. Неужели это всего лишь мимолетная интрижка? Но что, если их связывает нечто большее, чем всплеск страсти, — тайна из их общего прошлого?..

  • Ilma ainsagi s?nata Рози Уолш
    ISBN: 9789949610501
    Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
    “M?ni raamat on ajaviiteks, m?ni kaasahaarv ja m?ni, nagu see siin, p??seb sulle naha alla, r?ndab m??da veene ?lespoole – otse s?damesse” Goodreads Imeline armatuslugu. Seitse t?iuslikku p?eva… ja siis mees kaob, ilma ainsagi s?nata. Kujutle hetkeks, et kohtad meest, kellega veedad ?hiselt seitse imelist p?eva ja ??d ning armud meeletult. Ja need tunded on vastastikused – sa ei ole kunagi varem milleski nii kindel olnud. Seet?ttu tundub mehe ammu planeeritud puhkusereis ja t?otus lennujaamast helistada lubadusena, milles pole p?hjust kahelda. Kuid mees ei helista… S?brad soovitavad sul mees unustada ja eluga edasi minna, aga sina tead, et sellele k?igele peab olema mingi seletus. Mehe vaikimisel peab olema m?juv p?hjus. Mida sina teeksid, kui saad l?puks teada, et sul oligi ?igus? P?hjus ongi olemas ja see on see ?ks asi, mida te teineteisega ei jaganud. T?de. *** Rosie Walsh on inglannast autor, kes varasemalt ilmutanud kirjaniku nime Lucy Robinson alt neli raamatut. Ta on produtseerinud dokumentaalfilme, tegelenud orkestrimuusika ja joogaga ning kirjanduse edendamisega vabatatlikkuse korras. Armastuses on tal vedanud – ?nneks kohtas ta meest, kes helistas tagasi ja koos on neil ?hine poeg ning kodu Bristolis. Teose “Ilma ainsagi s?nata” (The Man Who Didn’t Call) ?igused on m??dud rohkem kui 30 riiki ja see ei ole kindlasti ?lemine piir. *** “Ma t?esti jumaldasin seda raamatut ega soovinud, et see lugu l?peks” Liane Moriarty, “Suured v?ikesed valed” autor “Kui plaanid sel aastal lugeda vaid ?he raamatu, siis vali kindlasti Rosie Walshi romaan” ajakiri Heat