Джош Лэйси

Josh Lacey

  • 12 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 14 читателей
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Новинки Джоша Лэйси

  • Хоуп Джонс спасает планету Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 978-5-907362-75-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Пять четвертей
    Язык: Русский
    Хоуп Джонс - самая обычная девочка, которую беспокоит состояние окружающей среды. И знаете, что отличает её от большинства сверстников? Она не сидит на месте, думая, что от неё ничего не зависит. Она действует! Хоуп знает, что начинать нужно с себя, поэтому принимает решение отказаться от пластика. Легко сказать, но что делать, если он буквально везде: в доме и школе, на полках магазинов и даже в еде! Хоуп уверена, что нет ничего невозможного, если верить в идею и заручиться поддержкой близких.

    Джош Лейси - британский писатель, победитель книжной премии Колдердейла и обладатель приза Роальда Даля. Его героиня, Хоуп Джонс, способна вдохновить на действия не только своих сверстников, но и их родителей.

    Для среднего школьного возраста.
  • Hope Jones Saves the World Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781783449279
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Andersen Press
    Язык: Английский
    My name is Hope Jones. I am ten years old. I am going to save the world.

    Hope Jones’ New Year’s resolution is to give up plastic, and she’s inspiring others to do the same with her website hopejonessavestheworld.com. When she realises her local supermarket seems to stock more unnecessary plastic than food, she makes it her mission to do something about it. She may be just one ten-year-old with a homemade banner, but with enough determination, maybe Hope Jones really can save the world.
  • Драконья нянька Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 978-5-17-105872-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Эдди Смит-Пикл – обычный английский школьник, который живет с мамой и пятилетней сестренкой Эмили. Но вся их жизнь переворачивается с ног на голову, когда дядя Мортон уезжает в отпуск и просит присмотреть за своим домашним питомцем. Всего недельку. За драконом. Что тут началось: холодильник опустел, шторы обгорели, почтальон в ужасе убежал… В издание вошли три повести, оформленные в необычном для текста формате – электронной переписке Эдди и дяди Мортона – и проиллюстрированные Гарри Парсонсом.

  • The Dragonsitter Takes Off Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781849395717
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Andersen
    Язык: Английский
    Dear Uncle Morton, Ziggy won’t move from the linen cupboard. He still hasn’t eaten a thing. Not even a Malteser. I’m really quite worried about him. Eddie had thought that this time dragonsitting would be easy – until Ziggy disappears, only to be found in the linen cupboard, refusing to budge. But moving Ziggy is the last thing on Eddie’s mind when he learns that his uncle’s dragon has been keeping a big secret . . .
  • Grk and the Phoney Macaroni Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781842709320
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Dognapped! Grk is walking happily through the park, sniffing trees and chasing squirrels, when he's suddenly snatched by two men in black suits. Where are they taking him? And how can Tim get him back? Tim and Grk's eighth amazing adventure takes them to the home of pizza, pasta and the leaning tower of Pisa. There they meet the Duke of Macaroni, a man with a terrible secret which he will do anything to hide.
  • The Dragonsitter's Island Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781783440450
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Eddie is dragonsitting again, but this time he's looking after Uncle Morton's Scottish island too. And there are some strange goings on: the local sheep are disappearing, and Eddie swears he sees a mysterious creature in the loch. Could there be more than just dragons living there? It seems Eddie is in for a beastly surprise! Written as a series of emails between Eddie and Uncle Morton, this quirky, original series has a growing legion of fans and offers something different to young readers.
  • The Dragonsitter's Castle Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781849397698
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Dear Uncle Morton
    Your dragons are still here. They have eaten the entire contents of the fridge and most of the tins in the cupboard too.
    Arthur also swallowed three spoons and the remote control. Mum says they will probably come out the other end, but I’m not really looking forward to that.

    When Eddie has to take Uncle Morton’s dragons away with him in the Christmas holidays – it’s not long before they’re causing all sorts of mischief again! Dragonsitting isn't getting any easier for Eddie. A castle, a sneezing dragon and a big box of fireworks. Looks like the new year is going to start with a bang!
  • The Sultan's Tigers Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781849394543
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    The tiger is yours and you must come to take him. His jaw and chest are covered with fine jewels, rubies and emeralds . . . You must bring yourself to India and find this tiger.

    Tom Trelawney discovers an incredible family secret. While serving as a soldier in India one of his ancestors stole and then hid a precious, jewel-encrusted tiger. The tiger is one of eight - all identical - that once surrounded the throne of a legendary sultan. Now a ruthless Indian billionaire is attempting to collect the full set - and only one is still missing . . .

    With his roguish Uncle Harvey in tow, Tom sets off to find this family treasure. But they're not the only people looking for it . . .
  • The Dragonsitter Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781849394192
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Dear Uncle Morton. You'd better get on a plane right now and come back here. Your dragon has eaten Jemima.'

    It had sounded so easy: Edward was going to look after Uncle Morton's unusual pet for a week while he went on holiday. But soon the fridge is empty, the curtains are blazing, and the postman is fleeing down the garden path.

    'Short, sharp and funny' - Telegraph
  • Grk and the Hot Dog Trail Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781842705537
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    New York might be the Big Apple, but for Tim it's sausage city! A priceless golden statue has been stolen and Tim has a vital clue. He follows the trail of hot dogs in a sizzling chase from sleepy Central Park to boisterous Brooklyn - helped by the hottest dog of all, Grk!
  • Grk and the Pelotti Gang Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781842705278
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    A trip to Brazil should be fun, right? Well, it's certainly exciting, as Tim and his dog Grk zip through the streets of Rio at high speed after the notorious Pelotti gang. Then their plane crashes in the jungle, and they find themselves having to fight to the death on the world's biggest waterfall. Will it be enough to stop the most dangerous criminals in South America? You'll just have to read to find out!
  • The Dragonsitter Disasters Джош Лэйси
    ISBN: 9781783441228
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Three books in one means triple the fun!

    The Dragonsitter

    Eddie is looking after his uncle Morton's dragon Ziggy whilst he is on holiday – but it's not long before disaster strikes! Soon the fridge is empty, the curtains are blazing, and the postman is fleeing down the garden path.

    The Dragonsitter Takes Off

    Eddie thought he'd got the hang of dragonsitting – until Ziggy disappears, only to be found guarding a big secret in the linen cupboard. It's not long before a very unexpected guest flies in!

    The Dragonsitter's Castle

    Dragonsitting isn't getting any easier for Eddie. A castle, a sneezing dragon and a big box of fireworks: looks like the new year is going to start with a bang!