Ju_lie 23 марта 2020 г., 09:31 Пожаловаться "It's like I'm standing here and I can see what I want waving at me way over there, but I just can't get to it no matter how hard I try. Something is always in the way." "I think that's called life." "Don't get all philosophical on me," she said, giving him the stink eye. Let's Talk About Love Клэр Канн 3,4
Ju_lie 23 марта 2020 г., 03:36 Пожаловаться They try to sell the idea of true love and forever. I think that's a really damaging idea. It doesn't work like that in real life. It's supposed to be fiction, but people rely on it and make it a standard to aspire to. Let's Talk About Love Клэр Канн 3,4