Роберт Сойер

Robert James Sawyer

  • 51 книга
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Роберт Сойер - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Far-Seer: Book One of the Quintaglio Ascension Robert J. Sawyer
    ISBN: 0765309742, 978-0765309747
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    The Face of God is what every young saurian learns to call the immense, glowing object which fills the night sky on the far side of the world. Young Afsan is privileged, called to the distant Capital City to apprentice with Saleed the court astrologer. But when the time comes for Afsan to make his coming-of-age pilgrimage, to gaze upon the Face of God, his world is changed forever- for what he sees will test his faith... and may save his world from disaster!
  • Fossil Hunter: Book Two of The Quintaglio Ascension Robert J. Sawyer
    ISBN: 0765309734
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Fossil Hunter is hard SF in the tradition of Larry Niven about a world inhabited by the Quintaglios, a dinosaurian species that has evolved a human level of intelligence and culture.

    Toroca, a Quintaglio geologist, is under attack for his controversial new theory of evolution. But the origins of his people turn out to be more complex than even he imagined, for he soon discovers the wreckage of an ancient starship -- a relic of the aliens who transplanted Earth's dinosaurs to this solar system. Now, Toroca must convince Emperor Dybo that evolution is true; otherwise, the territorial violence the Quintaglios inherited from their tyrannosaur ancestors will destroy the last survivors of Earth's prehistoric past.
  • Foreigner: Book Three of the Quintaglio Ascension Robert J. Sawyer
    ISBN: 0765309726, 978-0765309723
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    In Far-Seer and Fossil Hunter, we met the Quintaglios, a race of intelligent dinosaurs from Earth and learned of the threat to their very existence. Now they must quickly advance from a culture equivalent to our Renaissance to the point where they can leave their planet.
    While the Quintaglios rush to develop space travel, the discovery of a second species of intelligent dinosaur rocks their most fundamental beliefs. Meanwhile, blind Afsan -- the dinosaurian Galileo -- undergoes the newfangled treatment of psychoanalysis, throwing everything he thought he knew about his violent people into a startling new light.
  • WWW: Wake Robert J. Sawyer
    ISBN: 044101853X, 9780441018536
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Ace
    Язык: Английский
    Caitlin was born blind, and when, newly arrived in tenth grade, she is offered a chance at an experimental procedure to give her sight, she leaps at it, despite previous disappointments. When she returns from the Tokyo hospital in which she underwent the procedure, it seems a failure. Soon enough, though, she discovers that, instead of reality, she is perceiving the Web. What’s particularly interesting is the background noise. Something strange is floating around behind the nodes of normal Webspace; a closer look reveals that, whatever it is, it’s not just meaningless noise. Caitlin’s story alternates with those of Hobo, a chimp whose claim to fame is being one of the first two apes to video-chat online; an entity of mysterious provenance; and a Chinese dissident blogger who is quite curious about why everything from outside China is blocked. Sawyer’s take on theories about the origin of consciousness, generated within the framework of an engaging story, is fascinating, and his approach to machine consciousness and the Internet is surprisingly fresh.

    Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2010.
  • Watch Robert J. Sawyer
    Язык: Английский
    Also called WWW: Wonder Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended Caitlin Decter and grown eager to learn about her world. But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH -
    the secret government agency that monitors the Internet for any threat to the United States-and they're fully aware of Caitlin's involvement in its awakening. WATCH is convinced that Webmind represents a risk to national security and wants it purged from cyberspace. But Caitlin believes in Webmind's capacity for compassion-and she will do anything and everything necessary to protect her friend.
  • Wonder Robert J. Sawyer
    Язык: Английский
    Also called WWW: Wonder Webmind - the vast consciousness that spontaneously emerged from the infrastructure of the World Wide Web - has proven its worth to humanity by aiding in everything from curing cancer to easing international tensions. But the brass at the Pentagon see Webmind as a threat that needs to be eliminated. Caitlin Decter - the once-blind sixteen-year-old math genius who discovered, and bonded with, Webmind - wants desperately to protect her friend. And if she doesn't act, everything - Webmind included - may come crashing down.
  • Неандартальский параллакс. Гоминиды Роберт Сойер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-198777-0
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    На параллельной Земле неандертальцы создали совершенно иную цивилизацию. Физик Понтер Боддет случайно попадает из своей вселенной в канадский исследовательский центр. К его удаче, команда ученых-людей, включая эксперта-палеоантрополога Мэри Воган, быстро опознают и принимают Понтера. Решить языковую проблему и многие другие мелкие неудобства помогает имплант-компаньон, который вживлен в каждого неандертальца. Однако, он не может устранить межкультурные различия, ведь многое чуждо Понтеру. Не может он и помочь своему коллеге Адекору Халду, оставшемуся в мире неандертальцев и обвиненного в убийстве Понтера.

  • Humans Robert J. Sawyer
    ISBN: 0765346753, 978-0765346759
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    Robert J. Sawyer, the award-winning and bestselling writer, hits the peak of his powers in Humans, the second book of The Neanderthal Parallax, his trilogy about our world and parallel one in which it was the Homo sapiens who died out and the Neanderthals who became the dominant intelligent species. This powerful idea allows Sawyer to examine some of the deeply rooted assumptions of contemporary human civilization dramatically, by confronting us with another civilization, just as morally valid, that has made other choices. In Humans, Neanderthal physicist Ponter Boddit, a character you will never forget, returns to our world and to his…

  • Hybrids Robert J. Sawyer
    ISBN: 076534906X, 978-0765349064
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    In the Hugo-Award winning Hominids, Robert J. Sawyer introduced a character readers will never forget: Ponter Boddit, a Neanderthal physicist from a parallel Earth who was whisked from his reality into ours by a quantum-computing experiment gone awry - making him the ultimate stranger in a strange land.

    In that book and in its sequel, Humans, Sawyer showed us the Neanderthal version of Earth in loving detail - a tour de force of world-building; a masterpiece of alternate history.

    Now, in Hybrids, Ponter Boddit and his Homo sapiens lover, geneticist Mary Vaughan, are torn between two worlds, struggling to find a way to make their star-crossed relationship work. Aided by banned Neanderthal technology, they plan to conceive the first hybrid child, a symbol of hope for the joining of their two versions of reality.

    But after an experiment shows that Mary's religious faith - something completely absent in Neanderthals - is a quirk of the neurological wiring of Homo sapiens brains, Ponter and Mary must decide whether their child should be predisposed to atheism or belief. Meanwhile, as Mary's Earth is dealing with a collapse of its planetary magnetic field, her boss, the enigmatic Jock Krieger, has turned envious eyes on the unspoiled Eden that is the Neanderthal world . . .
    Hybrids is filled to bursting with Sawyer's signature speculations about alternative ways of being human, exploding our preconceptions of morality and gender, of faith and love. His Neanderthal Parallax trilogy is a classic in the making, and here he brings it to a stunning, thought-provoking conclusion that's sure to make Hybrids one of the most controversial books of the year.
  • Вопрос вероятности Роберт Сойер
    Язык: Русский
    Рассказ из цикла «Шерлок Холмс. Свободные продолжения».
    Другое название "Вы видите, но вы не наблюдаете".
  • Triggers Robert J. Sawyer
    ISBN: 978-1-937007-16-4
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Ace
    Язык: Английский
    On the eve of a secret military operation, an assassin's bullet strikes President Seth Jerrison. He is rushed to the hospital, where surgeons struggle to save his life.
    At the same hospital, researcher Dr. Ranjip Singh is experimenting with a device that can erase traumatic memories.

    Then a terrorist bomb detonates. In the operating room, the president suffers cardiac arrest. He has a near-death experience-but the memories that flash through Jerrison's mind are not his memories.

    It quickly becomes clear that the electromagnetic pulse generated by the bomb amplified and scrambled Dr. Singh's equipment, allowing a random group of people to access one another's minds.

    And now one of those people has access to the president's memories- including classified information regarding the upcoming military mission, which, if revealed, could cost countless lives. But the task of determining who has switched memories with whom is a daunting one- particularly when some of the people involved have reason to lie...
  • Identity Theft Robert J. Sawyer
    Язык: Английский
  • Immortality Robert J. Sawyer
    Язык: Английский
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