Ryan Ferrier
  • 9 книг
  • 65 читателей
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Ryan Ferrier – лучшие книги

  • Рик и Морти представляют. Том второй (сборник) Джеймс Асмус
    ISBN: 978-5-04-119578-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Комильфо
    Язык: Русский

    Вы держите в руках невероятный второй том серии! Вас ждут любимые герои и их приключения, придуманные и нарисованные самыми талантливыми молодыми авторами. Сценарист Райан Ферье ("Подростки Мутанты Ниндзя Черепашки", D4VE) расскажет, как ДЖЕРРИ стал жертвой внутренних демонов, самых настоящих! Невероятный выпуск! Джеймс Асмус (Quantum and Woody, Gambit) и Джим Фестанте (Fied Tripping, The End Times of Bram and Ben) спросят у МИСТЕРА МИСИКСА в чём смысл жизни, но ответ выяснить непросто! Смогут ли они это сделать и найти избавление в сладкой смерти? Лайла Стёрджес ("Дровосечки", The Magicians) покопается в прошлом старой группы Рика под…

  • Sons of Anarchy Vol. 5 Kurt Sutter
    ISBN: 1608868249
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Boom! Studios
    Язык: Английский
    When Bobby's estranged nephew Dillon shows up in Charming, eager to join the club, the Sons are happy to fortify their numbers with a member of the family. But Dillon is cocky, impulsive, and violent, and a crucial mistake leads to a lost business opportunity and trouble with the Mayans. The Sons send Dillon home in shame, but he has other plans...and he doesn't care who gets caught in the crossfire. Based on the hit F/X TV show. Collects issues #19-22 and features a cover gallery by Toni Infante (Sons of the Devil).
  • Kennel Block Blues Ryan Ferrier
    ISBN: 9781608869336
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Boom! Studios
    Язык: Английский
    When Oliver is sent to Jackson State Kennel, he faces threats from the guards, the other dogs, the cats...and from his own mind.

    Oliver is a good dog. A family dog. But without warning, he’s sentenced to Jackson State Kennel, where he’s instantly placed on Death Row with the rest of his fellow inmates, awaiting a lethal appointment if salvation doesn’t come. He’ll need help escaping the Kennel, but when the stress of prison life builds, he starts escaping reality instead, imagining a fantasy world of cartoon friends. It’s time to break out . . . into a musical number?

    From the imaginations of writer Ryan Ferrier (Sons of Anarchy, Curb Stomp) and artist Daniel Bayliss (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Dragons), Kennel Block Blues is an inventive, heartfelt journey that explores themes of loss, mental illness, and the horrors both humans and animals endure when incarcerated
  • Rick and Morty: Go to Hell Ryan Ferrier
    ISBN: 1620108224 (ISBN13: 9781620108222)
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Oni Press
    Well, it finally happened. Rick and Morty are in Hell, and we don't mean the DMV. It's fire, brimstone, and torture for all eternity. Typical Rick, he sees a way out of this mess and drags Morty with him on a horrific adventure to speak to...the manager. It's Dante's Inferno meets Office Space, and all hell's about to break loose!

    Collects the full 5-issue miniseries from writer Ryan Ferrier, artist Constanza Orozo, colorist Sarah Stern, and letterer CRANK!
  • Sons of Anarchy Vol. 6 Kurt Sutter
    ISBN: 1608868494
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Boom! Studios
    Язык: Английский
    In the wake of his wife's brutal murder, Opie returns to Oswald Lumber in the hope of leaving the club -- and criminal activity -- behind. Unfortunately, nothing in Charming stays clean for long, and corruption at the mill threatens to push him over the edge entirely. Meanwhile, as Jax and Clay wrestle for control of the club, one of Chibs's old IRA foes returns for revenge...and the Sons will have to decide how deep loyalty really runs.

    Written by fan-favorite Ryan Ferrier (Curb Stomp, Secret Wars: Battleworld) and illustrated by the incredible Matías Bergara (American Vampire, Sleepy Hollow: Origins), Sons of Anarchy Volume 6 links seasons 1 and 2 of Kurt Sutter's critically acclaimed television series. Also featuring a cover gallery by Toni Infante (Sons of the Devil).
  • Rat Queens Volume 7: The Once and Future King Ryan Ferrier
    ISBN: 9781534314665
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Image Comics
    Язык: Английский
    A vengeful presence from the past forces the Rat Queens to face their own demons in order to save everything they've ever loved! Can the Queens hold their own legacy together when faced with their greatest challenge yet? A whole new era for the Rat Queens begins here, chronicled by a brand new creative team!
  • Rat Queens Volume 8: The God Dilemma Moritat
    ISBN: 9781534316720
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Image Comics
    Язык: Английский

    While Hannah ventures down a dangerous path of black magic, peace in Palisade is interrupted when a monstrous titan pulls the Rat Queens back into action one last time!

  • Hot Damn #1 Ryan Ferrier
    Год издания: 2016
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Язык: Английский
    The masterminds of D4VE reunite with HOT DAMN, and they're taking you straight to Hell. Hard living catches up to Teddy, and eternal damnation awaits—but it's nothing like the good book tells you. Hell is a therapy session you can never leave...