Стиви Дж. Коул

Stevie J. Cole

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Лучшие книги Стиви Дж. Коул

  • Exrated Stevie J. Cole
    ISBN: 1944975047, 9781944975043
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    Tyler Westbrook, better known as Johnny Depth, is taking the adult film industry by storm. With his playboy looks, it’s no surprise a few coworkers have attempted to take things off set and into the bedroom, but Tyler refuses to blur the lines between work and play…until the new assistant to the director walks in.

    Jemma Morgan was recently fired from a lead role on a kid’s TV show that was supposed to be her big break. Unable to get another acting gig, she's accepted a job in an industry she never expected to be a part of. Although she anticipates being shocked her first few days on set, nothing could prepare her for the moment she's asked to hold the reflector as her ex-boyfriend plows through a woman like a Kansas cornfield.

    In a world of butt-plugs, lube, and fake moans, is there a place for a second chance? Exes and some serious ohs…the term ex-rated just took on a whole new meaning.
  • Wrong Л. П. Ловелл
    ISBN: 0993287859, 9780993287855
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Tor My life was mapped out and planned to perfection. I knew exactly what I wanted and where I was going, until I was thrust into his world and ripped from mine. In the blink of an eye everything shattered, proving to be nothing more than a cheap illusion. Now I'm living in this twisted form of hell, where enemies and friends are one and the same. I thought I wanted perfection. Now I don't know what I want - perhaps not even my own freedom. Jude I'm the definition of wrong. I'm violent, I'm greedy, and I stop at nothing to win. I'm a notorious bookie and in my game paying with your life is not just a figure of speech. You lose, I collect. I take whatever you have. She's collateral for a debt, and if that debt's not paid someone will die. This should be just business, so why can't I kill her? Everything is not always as it seems. Lust. Blood. Lies. Nothing this wrong should feel so right.
  • Wrath Л. П. Ловелл
    ISBN: 0993287875, 9780993287879
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: LP Lovell
    Язык: Английский
    Jude Pearson could just as well kill me as kiss me most days. He was my captor, my living hell, and yet, he became my saviour, my heart. Stupid. He's heartless, conditioned to feel nothing, and so I ran... straight into the clutches of his enemy. Joe Campbell wants Jude to suffer, and I just became a pawn in a very dangerous game.
    Joe has broken me in every way, everything that I once was stripped away, and in its place is festering hatred and a rage so cold I feel nothing else. I have one purpose. Revenge.

    Love makes you weak; it makes you irrational. She was collateral, completely innocent when she was unwillingly dragged into my corrupt world. With the damage I'd already caused her, I couldn't let her love me, so I let her go, and now...he has her.
    No matter where she is, she will always be mine. This man has taken every-fucking-thing from me, and he has the last thing that matters to me. I will kill him. Slowly. Joe Campbell better run because the devil is fucking coming for him.
    Sometimes two wrongs can make a right.
    Our Wrath binds us, but it may also break us.
  • Колыбельная виски Стиви Дж. Коул
    У всех нас есть маленькие слабости.
    Моей слабостью был парень, которого мой отец взял на работу. Парень, для
    которого, как говорили все вокруг, я слишком хороша. Тот, который, я знала, погубит меня.
    Но я ничего не могла с собой поделать. То, как звучал голос Ной Грейсона, когда он пел мне колыбельные виски в темноте; как прекрасно чувствовались его
    руки, обнимающие меня, как он носом утыкался в мои волосы — вот что
    заставило меня влюбиться в него. Его близость сделала меня слабой. Но теперь
    миллионы женщин засыпают, пока Ной поет историю любви, которую мы
    написали, хотя она никогда не предназначалась для этого мира.
    Самой большой ошибкой, которую я совершила, было не любить его, а
    думать, что он тоже любит меня.
    По крайней мере, так я думала до сих пор… *«Whiskey Lullaby» (Колыбельная виски) ― Фраза используется для описания
    бесконечной тоски и одиночества. О человеке, который проводит одинокие вечера в баре, говорят: «Этой ночью только виски споёт ему колыбельную».
  • Игра Стиви Дж. Коул
    Год издания: 2023
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Что бы вы сделали ради миллиона долларов? Или, точнее, что бы вы не сделали? Сыграли бы в игру? Один контракт. Два парня. Три игрока. Четыре хода. Пять правил. Шесть нолей. Семь дней. Никаких стоп-слов. Никаких вопросов. Полное подчинение. Сыграем?
  • Wire Л. П. Ловелл
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    Jude and I managed to salvage something beautiful from the war torn rubble of our lives, a blissful happiness that we paid for in blood. We fought our way here, leaving pieces of ourselves along the way. I thought this was the happily ever after in our twisted fairy tale, but I was wrong.
    I may be free by definition. That freedom came at a heavy cost and my family is about to pay the price. At any moment, this façade will come crashing down. Hard. The life I've lived—that kind of world—it stains you, and no matter how hard you try, you can never escape its wrath. Not even in death.
    Love. Fear. Loss.
    We're walking a wire and all that's beneath us is destruction.
  • Белая пешка Стиви Дж. Коул
    Год издания: 2017
    Языки: Русский, Английский
    This should be a love story. Everything’s in place for it to be. The perfect lines, the perfect souls, but you see, Justin thinks it’s a game. He thinks I’m his pawn, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Every move he makes, I’ll block him. Every time he thinks he’s about to seize me, I’ll run. Some men underestimate the power of the queen because they’re too busy playing king. They forget she’s the most powerful piece on the board. And love is not a game I’m apt at losing.
    What will it take for him to realize I’ll never be his pawn, but I’ll happily play his queen?
    She wants a love story. And while I’ve set it up just like I do my own stories, it’s not love I’m after, it’s the chase. Marisa thinks she can outplay me. Even though I’m always one step ahead of her, she keeps me on my toes, which is why don’t underestimate her. Not one bit, but it seems she forgets the game’s not over until the king is dead.
    And she’ll never kill me, because I’ll make her love me. And then, checkmate, I win.
    Love is not a game, but the chase certainly is.
  • Wicked Little Words B.T. Urruela
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    Edwin Allen Mercer
    I want them all to read my words. And they do. Every last blood-stained sentence, they've read and praised me for. They love the gore and violence, the realness. And I get a sense of power with it all because I know a secret: the victims in my books—they’re real and have all died on my table. And maybe that’s why the last book had such awful reviews. Murder is, after all, a dirty little thing. Some can stomach it. Others can’t. My answer to those reviews: find a woman to co-author with. To be the next pathetic character in my book. Pity she’s so pretty.

    Miranda Cross
    All I’ve ever wanted was to be successful as a writer so when I was offered the opportunity to co-author a book with my idol, EA Mercer, I jumped at the chance. He’s beautiful and a literary genius, but something about him makes my stomach knot. And maybe it’s my overactive imagination making my hairs stand on end when he walks up behind me.
    After all, these wicked little words we’re typing are only fiction. They’re only fiction…
  • War Л. П. Ловелл
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    The kind of life I’ve lived, it haunts you. Stains you. Destroys you. It took everything from me. My love. My family… my transgressions were paid with Tor and Cayla’s blood and I want revenge. Blood. Death. His head in my hands.
    I’ve lost everything, and all that’s left to do is end the men who took them from me.