Chris Meyers
  • 1 книга
  • 2 читателя
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Рецензии на книги — Chris Meyers

18 марта 2019 г. 14:13


3.5 Big chance to learn good stuff.

This book will be great for students or people who start to code, because it has a lot of base elements of knowledge of programming. So if you want to know more about Python or programming language as well, you need to take it and start to learn.

In this situation someone might ask me: “Why we need to learn basis or theory of programming language?”. And the correct answer is simple – if you want to do serious things you need to know basis of programming. It’ll be really helpful when you start to learn other languages, because they seem similar, but they have some little different things with each other. So if you want to be more confident in this area, you need to read books like that.

For me, this book has cool features that I actually don’t know and things that I improve what I’m little…

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