Вручение 2013 г.

Премия вручена за 2012 год.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Лос-Анджелес Дата проведения: 2013 г.

Лучший детектив.

Peter Robinson 0.0
Through years of success in Hollywood composing music for Oscar-winning films, Chris Lowndes always imagined he would come full circle, home to Yorkshire with his beloved wife Laura.

Now he's back in the Yorkshire Dales, but Laura is dead, and Chris needs to make a new life for himself. The isolated house he buys sight unseen should give him the space to come to terms with his grief and the quiet to allow him to work.

Kilnsgate House turns out to be rather more than he expected, however. A man died there, sixty years ago. His wife was convicted of murder. And something is pulling Chris deeper and deeper into the story of Grace Elizabeth Fox, who was hanged by the neck until she was dead...
Тана Френч 4.2
В маленьком городке у моря разыгралась страшная трагедия.
Дом, где проживала симпатичная молодая семья Спейнов - Дженни, Патрик и двое их малышей - превратился в сцену чудовищного преступления.
Дети задушены. Патрик заколот. Дженни тяжело ранена.
Опытный столичный детектив Майкл Кеннеди по прозвищу Снайпер - живая легенда "убойного" отдела - приезжает в городок.
Найти убийцу Спейнов для Снайпера - не только вопрос полицейского престижа, но и дело чести. Зверь в человеческом обличье, способный поднять руку на детей, не должен уйти от возмездия.
Снайпер вместе с молодым напарником Ричи начинает расследование...
Крис Павон 3.2
Когда-то Кейт была одним из лучших оперативников ЦРУ, "звездой" среди бойцов невидимого фронта.
Теперь она - жена крупного специалиста в области компьютерной безопасности Декстера Мура, работающего в люксембургском банке.
Пора отдохнуть и насладиться семейной жизнью?
Однако знакомство с другой парой эмигрантов, Джулией и Биллом, заставляет Кейт вспомнить о своем истинном призвании. Она чувствует: эти двое не те, за кого себя выдают. Кейт начинает следить за ними - и внезапно оказывается в самом центре международной криминальной интриги, которая может уничтожить ее семью, ее брак и ее саму...
Colin Cotterill 0.0
Who do you tell when you wake up to find a severed head on your resort-front beach in the morning? For frustrated ex-crime reporter Jimm Juree it means action. With her former cop grandfather as back up, she sets out to discover how the poor fellow ended up where he did - and why.
Сьюзен Элия Макнил 0.0
For fans of Jacqueline Winspear, Laurie R. King, and Anne Perry, Mr. Churchill’s Secretary captures the drama of an era of unprecedented challenge—and the greatness that rose to meet it.

London, 1940. Winston Churchill has just been sworn in, war rages across the Channel, and the threat of a Blitz looms larger by the day. But none of this deters Maggie Hope. She graduated at the top of her college class and possesses all the skills of the finest minds in British intelligence, but her gender qualifies her only to be the newest typist at No. 10 Downing Street. Her indefatigable spirit and remarkable gifts for codebreaking, though, rival those of even the highest men in government, and Maggie finds that working for the prime minister affords her a level of clearance she could never have imagined—and opportunities she will not let pass. In troubled, deadly times, with air-raid sirens sending multitudes underground, access to the War Rooms also exposes Maggie to the machinations of a menacing faction determined to do whatever it takes to change the course of history.

Ensnared in a web of spies, murder, and intrigue, Maggie must work quickly to balance her duty to King and Country with her chances for survival. And when she unravels a mystery that points toward her own family’s hidden secrets, she’ll discover that her quick wits are all that stand between an assassin’s murderous plan and Churchill himself.

In this daring debut, Susan Elia MacNeal blends meticulous research on the era, psychological insight into Winston Churchill, and the creation of a riveting main character,
Maggie Hope, into a spectacularly crafted novel.