Вручение 1994 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1994 г.

Золотой Кинжал

Майнет Уолтерс 4.1
Перерезанные вены и сверхдоза таблеток...
Похоже, решив расстаться с жизнью, хозяйка усадьбы "Кедровый дом" Матильда Гиллеспи действовала наверняка.
Явное самоубийство - у полиции нет в этом сомнений.
Val McDermid 0.0
'Crime writing of the very highest order ! Kate Brannigan has turned into the most interesting sleuthess around' The Times

There was only one reason Manchester-based private eye Kate Brannigan was prepared to let her boyfriend help out with the investigation into a car sales fraud – nothing bad could happen. But by now Kate should know that with Richard you have to expect the unexpected.

With the unexpected being Richard behind bars, Kate seems to be the obvious choice to look after his eight-year-old son – who proves even more troublesome than his father. Kate finds herself dragged into a world of drug traffickers, child pornographers, fraudsters and violent gangland enforcers… bringing her face to face with death in the most terrifying investigation of her career.
Walter Mosley 0.0
1961: For most black Americans, these were times of hope. For former P.I. Easy Rawlins, Los Angeles's mean streets were never meaner...or more deadly. Ordinarily, Easy would have thrown the two bills in the sleazy shamus' face -- the white man who wanted him to find the notorious Black Betty, an ebony siren whose talent for all things rich and male took her from Houston's Fifth Ward to Beverly Hills. There was too much Easy wasn't being told, but he couldn't resist the prospect of seeing Betty again, even if it killed him....
Sara Paretsky 0.0
Stubbornness has landed private eye V.I. Warshawski in big trouble at her Chicago office. With her grand old Loop building set to be razed, she's become a hold-out tenant amid frayed wiring and scary, empty corridors. Then she finds a homeless woman with three kids in the basement, and before she can rescue them, they disappear. Worst of all, she's been implicated in a murder--after the body of Deirdre Messenger, a prominent lawyer's wife, turns up sprawled across her desk.

V.I., who had volunteered with Deirdre at a women's shelter, suspects her death is linked to a case of upper-class domestic abuse so slickly concealed that the police refuse to believe it. Increasingly at odds with the cops, V.I. is blindly plunging ahead after the truth. And her path may lead to corruption at the highest levels.or deep into the abandoned tunnels beneath Chicago's streets, where secrets are hiding in the dark like a child's--or V.I.'s--worst nightmare.

Серебряный Кинжал

Питер Хёг 3.8
Она читает снег, как раскрытую книгу. Она верит числам, но не верит людям. Особенно - официальным лицам, тем, кто пытается ей доказать, что мальчик-гренландец просто играл на крыше и случайно сорвался вниз. Потому что она знает, как сильно он боялся высоты. Потому что следы на снегу ведут прямо к краю. И это не следы играющего ребенка.
Она - Смилла Кваавигаак Ясперсен, полудатчанка-полуэскимоска, родившаяся в Гренландии, живущая в Копенгагене. Для нее с этой смерти начинается поиск ответов на вопросы, поставленные недомолвками, голосом на старой кассете, полосами на рентгеновском снимке. Поиск, который уводит ее все дальше: город - море - лед.
К Питеру Хёгу после выхода этой книги пришла всемирная слава. Слава тем более заслуженная, что и теперь, спустя пятнадцать лет после первой публикации, этот роман по-прежнему не с чем сравнить - он неповторим, как снежинка или кристаллик льда.

Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь

Doug J. Swanson 0.0
"Big Town" is Dallas, perched precariously between could-be and has-been. Big Town is Doug J. Swanson's relentlessly taut, darkly hilarious debut novel. It shines a brilliant light into the dimmer corners of Dallas and introduces an extremely unlikely, extremely engaging hero, Jack Flippo. Jack Flippo was the hottest ticket in the Dallas DA's office until an affair with a drug dealer's wife ended his legal career and his marriage. Now he lives above a garage in a Dallas neighborhood that went from bust to bust without booming. He pays the rent by snooping for Hal Roper, the sort of attorney who runs ads in the TV listings. Hal assigns Jack to tape one of the many strange sexual interludes of motivational speaker Buddy George Jr., who's a fixture of late-night infomercials and Rotary Club breakfasts throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area. But when Jack hears Buddy threatening his partner for the evening, he rushes to her aid, throwing a scare into Buddy and throwing Sharronda, the tough-talking innocent at Buddy's mercy, into his own reluctant care. He's also unwittingly foiled the plans of Buddy's icy yet steamy assistant, Paula Fontaine. With the aid of wannabe thug/talk-show host Teddy Tunstra II, Paula devises ever-more-byzantine schemes for fleecing Buddy, one of which results in the demise of Sharronda's spectacularly scruffy beau, Delbert, in the motel room just vacated by Buddy. The police run to Buddy for an explanation, Buddy runs to Paula for advice, and Paula sees a way to bleed him after all. Meanwhile, Jack realizes that Paula's at the center of this web only after she's snared him in it with a little liquor and a lot of sex. To save Sharronda from Paula's wrath - and himself from being implicated in Delbert's murder - Jack must find the killer and, harder still, outscheme Paula. Big Town is latter-day noir with a Texas twang, memorable for its pitch-perfect dialogue, its dead-on evocations of Dallas, and its large cast of quirky, convincing persona
Barry Maitland 0.0
Detective Kathy Kolla's first case is one for the books. Meredith Winterbottom, a resident of Jerusalem Lane--a quaint section of London inhabited by Eastern European immigrants--and a great-granddaughter of Karl Marx, is found dead. Was she the victim of greedy real-estate developers, or was she killed for the politics of another age? When a second Marx sister is killed, David Brock, Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard, is brought in to help. As Kathy and Brock delve into the Lane's eccentric melting pot, they find unpublished letters from Marx to Engels; a possible fourth volume of Das Kapital; an endless list of shady suspects; and a plot to end Kathy's investigating days for good. Can they unravel the mystery before Kathy's first case is her last?

The Marx Sisters is a classic British whodunit, one that adds an unforgettable team to the ranks of great fictional detectives.

"Cleverly devious, sagaciously cunning ... Maitland's first mystery is a pleasure to read." --Los Angeles Times

"Intelligently devised and subtly plotted ... A traditional crime novel with memorable and enjoyable detectives, suspects and victims.".--The Dallas Morning News

"A fine morsel ... There is no lack of suspense and no lack of skill in their presentation. More please, Mr. Maitland." --The Washington Times
Кэт Стейнклифф 0.0
She's a single parent. A private eye. And liking it. Until, that is, Mrs Hobbs turns up asking Sal Kilkenny to find her missing son. Sal's search takes her through the Manchester underworld, a world of deprivation, of well-heeled organized crime and, ultimately, murder.

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Последний смех

Simon Shaw 0.0
The Villain of the Earth marks the fourth appearance of Philip Fletcher - dedicated lecher, supreme egoist, professional actor, and occasional amateur murderer. Thwarted in yet another attempt at theatrical glory, Philip is forced to settle for a dubious avant-garde production of Antony and Cleopatra, directed by megalomaniac Russian boor Sergei "Shitski" Shustikov. Philip finds himself sharing the stage with not only a rusting car but also old flame Natasha, and she's shacked up with Shitski. Tempers flare, confrontations multiply, and then the inevitable happens - on opening night Shitski winds up dead. Can Philip sidestep yet another backstage homicide? After all, with his record the police won't have far to look for a prime suspect. It takes some very fancy footwork and all the amoral ingenuity at his disposal to keep his career on the rails - but then Philip, as he would be the first to point out, is a very good actor.
Caroline Graham 4.2
Investigating the brutal murder of a Midsomer Worthy Writers' Circle club member, Chief Inspector Barnaby and his colorful sidekick, Sergeant Troy, delve into the secret passions of the eccentric club to find a killer.
Сюзан Айзекс 3.2
В своем шестом романе американская писательница Сюзан Айзеке ярко и психологически убедительно раскрывает духовную деградацию человека, вкусившего власть и богатство. Осознав трагедию многолетнего союза "не с тем человеком", героиня находит в себе силы откинуть прошлое, возродиться к новой жизни.

Золотой Кинжал за нехудожественное произведение

David Canter 0.0
Every crime casts a unique shadow that may be interpreted to lead the police to the criminal responsible. This book looks at offender profiling that helps the police to identify and track individual criminals by the nature of their crime.