Вручение 2015 г.

Премия вручалась за 2014 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Alex Marwood 4.0
Alex Marwood's debut novel, THE WICKED GIRLS, earned her lavish praise from the likes of Stephen King, Laura Lippman, and Erin Kelly, and won the Edgar Award for Best Paperback Original. Now Marwood's back with a brilliant, tightly paced thriller that will keep you up at night and make you ask yourself: just how well do you know your neighbors?
Everyone who lives at 23 Beulah Grove has a secret. If they didn't, they wouldn't be renting rooms in a dodgy old building for cash - no credit check, no lease. It's the kind of place you end up when you you've run out of other options. The six residents mostly keep to themselves, but one unbearably hot summer night, a terrible accident pushes them into an uneasy alliance. What they don't know is that one of them is a killer. He's already chosen his next victim, and he'll do anything to protect his secret.
Питер Мэй 4.1
Детектив Дин Маклауд возвращается на родину — остров Льюис. Он уволился из полиции и его единственная цель — забыть прошлое: гибель маленького сына и развод с женой. Но, едва начав готовиться к восстановлению дома своих давно умерших родителей, бывший детектив вынужден отложить планы. В трясине торфяного болота найден неопознанный труп с перерезанным горлом и следами пыток. Опознать личность “болотного человека”, как называют такие “находки” местные полицейские обычно почти невозможно — он мог пролежать в торфяной трясине и тысячу лет. На предплечье мертвеца детективы обнаруживают портрет Элвиса Пресли, а экперты сообщают о его генетической идентичности с ДНК местного фермера Тормода, страдающего маразмом и плохо соотносящего прошлое и настоящее. Вместе с расследованием убийства на поверхность всплывают трагическое прошлое, семейные тайны и Дину приходится расследовать дело, ведь дочь старого фермера, Маршели — первая и единственная любовь бывшего детектива и хочет знать правду о своем отце.
Луиза Пенни 4.1
После тяжелого ранения старший инспектор Арман Гамаш выходит в отставку и переезжает жить в деревню Три Сосны. Тихая размеренная жизнь, в которой нет места преступлениям и убийствам, вполне его устраивает. Однако и здесь ему не дают покоя. Соседка обращается к нему с просьбой разыскать ее мужа, художника Питера Морроу. Он уехал, чтобы разобраться в себе и своем творчестве, но обещал вернуться ровно через год. Прошли все сроки, а от Питера нет никаких известий. Призвав на помощь своего верного помощника Бовуара, Гамаш начинает новое расследование. Ему удается выяснить, что Питер успел объездить всю Европу, побывать в самых невероятных местах, но цель этих перемещений остается непонятной. Известно лишь, что за это время им написано несколько очень странных картин. Затем беглец вернулся в Канаду, и его следы затерялись в квебекской глуши. Жив ли он? А если нет, то не стал ли жертвой преступления?

Впервые на русском языке!
Терри Шеймс 0.0
Right before the outbreak of the Gulf War, two eighteen-year-old football stars and best friends from Jarrett Creek, Texas, signed up for the army. But Woody Patterson was rejected and stayed home to marry the girl they both loved, while Jack Harbin came back from the war badly damaged. The men haven't spoken since.

Just as they are about to reconcile, Jack is brutally murdered. With the chief of police out of commission, it's up to trusted ex-chief Samuel Craddock to investigate. Against the backdrop of small-town loyalties and betrayals, Craddock discovers dark secrets of the past and present to solve the mystery of Jack's death.
Catriona McPherson 0.0
That was the day I met Gus, the day I grew a family as if from magic beans, the day she died. That's the point, see? It was the very same day...

Jessie Constable has learned the hard way to always keep herself safe. But meeting Gus King changes everything. Before she knows it, Jessie is sleeping at Gus's house, babysitting his kids, becoming a part of his family. And yet, she can't ignore the unsettling questions. Who does she keep seeing from the corner of her eye? Why are strange men threatening her? Most importantly, what really happened to Gus's wife?

Creating a brilliant, foreboding mystery where nothing is as it seems, master storyteller Catriona McPherson weaves an ominous tale that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Sophie Littlefield 0.0
Twenty-year-old Taylor Capparelli and Paul Mitchell go missing in Lawton, North Dakota, where they have been working on rigs owned by Hunter-Cole Energy. The boys stayed in Black Creek Lodge, a "man camp" providing room and board. The mothers of the two boys come to Lawton to find out what happened to their sons and form an uneasy alliance. Shay Capparelli, a 41-year-old single grandmother, has more grit than resources; for wealthy suburban housewife Colleen Mitchell, the opposite is true. Overtaxed by worry, exhaustion, and fear, they question each others' methods and motivations - but there is no one else to help, and they must learn to work together if they are to have any chance of breaking through the barriers put up by their sons employer, the indifference of an overtaxed police department, and a town of strangers with their own secrets against a backdrop of a modern day gold rush

Лучший дебютный детектив

Julia Dahl 0.0
A finalist for the Edgar and Mary Higgins Clark Awards, in her riveting debut Invisible City, journalist Julia Dahl introduces a compelling new character in search of the truth about a murder and an understanding of her own heritage.

Just months after Rebekah Roberts was born, her mother, an Hasidic Jew from Brooklyn, abandoned her Christian boyfriend and newborn baby to return to her religion. Neither Rebekah nor her father have heard from her since. Now a recent college graduate, Rebekah has moved to New York City to follow her dream of becoming a big-city reporter. But she's also drawn to the idea of being closer to her mother, who might still be living in the Hasidic community in Brooklyn.

Then Rebekah is called to cover the story of a murdered Hasidic woman. Rebekah's shocked to learn that, because of the NYPD's habit of kowtowing to the powerful ultra-Orthodox community, not only will the woman be buried without an autopsy, her killer may get away with murder. Rebekah can't let the story end there. But getting to the truth won't be easy--even as she immerses herself in the cloistered world where her mother grew up, it's clear that she's not welcome, and everyone she meets has a secret to keep from an outsider.
Lori Rader-Day 0.0
For Chicago sociology professor Amelia Emmet, violence was a research topic--until a student she'd never met shot her.

He also shot himself. Now he's dead and she's back on campus, trying to keep up with her class schedule, a growing problem with painkillers, and a question she can't let go: Why?

All she wants is for life to get back to normal, but normal is looking hard to come by. She's thirty-eight and hobbles with a cane. Her first student interaction ends in tears (hers). Her fellow faculty members seem uncomfortable with her, and her ex--whom she may or may not still love--has moved on.

Enter Nathaniel Barber, a graduate student obsessed with Chicago's violent history. Nath is a serious scholar, but also a serious mess about his first heartbreak, his mother's death, and his father's disapproval. Assigned as Amelia's teaching assistant, Nath also takes on the investigative legwork that Amelia can't do. And meanwhile, he's hoping she'll approve his dissertation topic, the reason he came to grad school in the first place: the student attack on Amelia Emmet.

Together and at cross-purposes, Amelia and Nathaniel stumble toward a truth that will explain the attack and take them both through the darkest hours of their lives.
Сара Хилари 0.0
DI Marnie Rome knows this better than most. Five years ago, her family home was the scene of a shocking and bloody crime that left her parents dead and her foster brother in prison. Marnie doesn’t talk much about her personal life, preferring to focus on work. Not even her partner, DS Noah Jake, knows much about Marnie’s past. Though as one of the few gay officers on the force and half Jamaican to boot, Noah’s not one to overshare about his private life either. Now Marnie and Noah are tackling a case of domestic violence, and a different brand of victim.

Hope Proctor stabbed her husband in desperate self-defense. A crowd of witnesses in the domestic violence shelter where she’s staying saw it happen, but none of them are telling quite the same story, and the simple question remains: how did Leo Proctor get in to the secure shelter? Marnie and Noah shouldn’t even have been there when it happened but they were interviewing another resident, Ayana Mirza. They’re trying to get Ayana to testify against her brothers for pouring bleach on her face for bringing dishonor to the family, and blinding her in one eye. But Ayana knows that her brothers are looking for her, and she has no doubt that they’ll kill her this time.

As the violence spirals, engulfing the residents of the women's shelter, Marnie finds herself drawn into familiar territory: A place where the past casts long shadows and she must tread carefully to survive.
Элизабет Литл 0.0
"As soon as they processed my release Noah and I hit the ground running. A change of clothes. A wig. An inconspicuous sedan. We doubled back once, twice, then drove south when we were really headed east. In San Francisco we had a girl who looked like me board a plane to Hawaii.
Oh, I thought I was so clever.
But you probably already know that I'm not."
LA IT girl Janie Jenkins has it all. The looks, the brains, the connections. The criminal record.
Ten years ago, in a trial that transfixed America, Janie was convicted of murdering her mother. Now she's been released on a technicality she's determined to unravel the mystery of her mother's last words, words that send her to a tiny town in the very back of beyond. But with the whole of America’s media on her tail, convinced she's literally got away with murder, she has to do everything she can to throw her pursuers off the scent.
She knows she really didn't like her mother. Could she have killed her?
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