Моя оценка

What happens when you fall for your best friend's dad?

On the surface, I’ve got it all – a great job, good friends, a cute apartment, and a smart mouth.
The only problem?
I’m in love with a man who doesn’t know I exist.

We’ve all had that crush.
The one you dream about even though he’s ridiculously out of reach.
Well, my crush is a lot closer.

Daniel Stryker is sexy, smart, handsome… and in a double-whammy ‘why me?’ twist of fate, he’s also my boss and my best friend’s dad. Can you say zero chances?

But when a night out turns into a drunken admission of some uncomfortable truths, things change.
Or they might, if I have…
Цикл: Правда или Вызов, книга №2

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: The Truth

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