Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow

Джессика Таунсенд - Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow

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Wunder is gathering in Nevermoor ... Morrigan Crow may have defeated her deadly curse, passed the dangerous trials and joined the mystical Wundrous Society, but her journey into Nevermoor and all its secrets has only just begun. And she is fast learning that not all magic is used for good. Morrigan Crow has been invited to join the prestigious Wundrous…
Цикл: Невермур, книга №2

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow

Дата написания: 2018

Первая публикация: 2018

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2019 г.Выбор читателей Лайвлиба (Детские книги)


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