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Montana Rockies, 1923: In this homage to "The Great Gatsby," Paul Orsatti's British Moth bi-plane is shot down in a blaze of anti-aircraft fire while investigating rumors of "something goofy" in the mountains. He awakens imprisoned in a luxurious prison beneath a mountain of diamond, surrounded by a group of fellow unfortunate aviators who have suffered the same fate. Their xenophobic warden, the multi-billionaire Randolph Estes Jefferson, will do anything to conceal the existence of his secret mountain of diamond, and apologizes to his prisoners while bestowing lavish comfort upon them in their prison of luxury. When Paul meets Jefferson's…

Форма: повесть

Дата написания: 2001

Первая публикация: 2001

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2002 г.Небьюла (Повесть)

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