Моя оценка

"The tricky thing about architectural fashion is that it’s never as demarcated as the textbooks make out. The terrace mid-way up Prince of Wales Road was doing its best to pretend it was Regency, but the sash windows, slapdash stucco and half basement all said mid-Victorian at the earliest. I gave it the once over. The paint was grubby rather than dirty and the iron railings had been maintained free of rust. First wave right-to-buy property owner, I thought, from back in the days when Camden Council still had terrace flat conversions on its books."
Цикл: Питер Грант, книга №3.1

Рассказ опубликован в ограниченном тираже первого издания романа «Whispers Under Ground», предназначенном для реализации исключительно через торговую сеть Waterstones.

Форма: рассказ

Оригинальное название: The Domestic

Первая публикация: 2012

Язык: Английский

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