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Надежда надеется, но уже не так как раньше

6 марта 2021 г. 11:47


4.5 Закадычный враг

Или как тех, кто под носом, мы знаем меньше всего.

А я наконец-то нашла свой любимой сорт травы, простите - янгэдалта: пара умных детей. Ну чего же боле желать? Он и одна первые по оценкам в классе. надо напомнить, что класс то не 15-20 детей, как в СНГ, а человек 100-200. Так что это очень даже достижение.

Сам сюжет донельзя простой и очень подходящий для экранизации даже бы. Сан-Франциско как место действия тоже прелестный и живой, ведь автор как раз таки родом оттуда и до сих пор влюблена в этот город. В кои-то веки сюжет не происходил в школе (особенно в спортзале и стадионе или точнее за стадионом) и комнатах гг. Они реальные подростки, тусят и тупят.

Начитка мне попалась великолепная. Всем советую. Да и сама книга в принципе не просто так попала в номинации goodreads за 2020 од. Кто мне бы ещё такого янг-эдалта посоветовал.

Оk, now in English.

When I was reading I caught strong Never Have I ever — Netflix show. We alo have two smartest and most annoying kins in class. She is having a bit of issues with her parents and friends. Thety do love her bu also love other people and that is too much for her straight-forward thinking. He is a jew and with troubled parents, in the book he turns out to be poor (in teh movie - crazy rich). But in fact he has troublesome past that ruins his present and makes him extremely lonely.

Everything sound smart in latind - kind of expected it but still love this inside-joke. Hope the author takes even young-adult is almost joke. Yes, young-adulat might seem dumb and stupid but sometimes it unlike the whole genre this book is absoletuly lovely and real. I mean their first interaction - physical ones - were so real and true. It's not like love or passion makes everything go smoothly. No., of course no. They both awfully weird and awkard and shy regardless of main heroine having some experience in relationship.

Still sad that to appreciate someone's culture you need to share it. As if non-jews can't get the jewish people. It's sad but kind of true.

In a nutshell - can't talk about the plot as teh riddles will be solved, but I especially love the coupl of lasts. Would love to so sth like that in teh end of my high-school career. Her friends are lovely. He also has friends whough plays an independet loner-introvent.

And I'm heading on and adveture oflooking for young-adult with both-smart couples. That's my ultimate love in terms of content.

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