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25 февраля 2023 г., 01:53

•everyone thought being popular in school was being liked by lots of people. But when researchers asked, ‘Who is popular?’ and ‘Who do you like?’, they were in shock. Not only did many students not like the popular kids, they resented them. They wanted to be around them only to increase their own status.

•At the top of the list of the qualities people like in others are an optimistic personality and confidence

•look at things from another person’s perspective: “it’s pity that you’ll have to clean it again”, “it’s not your job but could you tell me”

•when you thank people, tell them what they did great

•a swift touch shows people that you accept them

•to smile sincere, try to find something beautiful in another person’s face 

•we need to respond first to the body language, secondly to the tone of the voice and thirdly to the words. Most people get it backwards 

•correct listening is seeing what people feel about what they are saying 

•when men listen, they stay still. When women listen, they node and interrupt 

•an A-frame hug is when two people hug with arms but their legs are far from each other. It means they are happy to see each other but they aren’t so close. An A-frame hug with patting on one’s back means that two people are happy to see each other but one of them doesn’t want to touch the friend. A heart to heart hug is the real, sincere hug

•popular people don’t take refused personally, they laugh them off and express more interest in another person

•popular people also have less silence gaps when they speak to others, and their own responses are longer

•if you’re shy, you should try talking to strangers more

•”optimistic” people who a priori think that strangers like them, sell 30% more than “pessimists”

•The biggest ‘winners’ in life and in love are just people who have made each mistake once – and only once

•there is no dungeon darker than the mind, and even your own spirit can betray you. You can become your own worst enemy. When that happens, you need friends and loved ones to intervene and shield you 

•Every time you do a tiny favour for someone, no matter how small, a ‘You made my day!’ card is going into your personal file. The more ‘You made my day!’ cards you have in your personal file, the more people will like you

•the more attractive people are (5% of the world), the higher is the chance that others will feel shy or intimidated by their beauty 

•obsession with a partner after falling in love is caused by hormones and it lasts 1.5-3 years 

•people have more chances to fall in love with a person who look like them 

•It has been proven that a woman’s

interests are a hot relationship igniter for a man.55 Men want women they can have fun with

•when a man is upset, he needs space. When a woman is upset, she needs support 

•men like to help, save women, but only if women cannot figure it out on their own or do not have physical strength to solve the problem 

•if a man is silent, it doesn’t necessary mean that he’s upset. It can mean that he’s peaceful and non-competitive

•networking is sharing your talents with someone who may need your help

•when you deliver the speech, keep in mind that the audience bought you for an hour/two, so they want you to be fun, motivating and friendly

•if you want to calculate how long your relationship will last, measure the following categories from 1 to 10: beauty, wealth, status, knowledge, inner nature. If the scores difference is 5>, relationship won’t last. The higher scoring partner would get bored