29 августа 2019 г., 11:51


Майкл Уэлан, художник-иллюстратор "Темной Башни"

Автор: meihua
Источники: https://stephenking.d3.ru/maikl-uelan-michael-whelan-illiustratsii-k-temnoi-bashne-723510/?sorting=rating

Майкл Уэлан (Michael Whelan) — известный американский художник в жанре фантастики, специализирующийся на иллюстрации фантастических книг. Многократный лауреат премии «Хьюго».

Майкл родился в 1950 году в Калифорния. Окончил художественный колледж в Денвере и университет Сан–Хосе в 1973. В следующем году Уэлан выставил свои работы на фестивале WorldCon 1974 и вскоре получил контракт с DAW Books.

Художник переехал в Коннектикут, занявшись иллюстрацией профессионально. Его работы для книг Энн Маккефри из серии «Драконы Перна» завоевали премию «Хьюго» в 1980, его первую профессиональную премию. В последующие годы Майкл получал «Хьюго» шестнадцать раз, установив рекорд для этой премии. В 1992 году ему был вручен Супер–Хьюго с формулировкой «Лучшему художнику за последние 50 лет».

Среди произведений, над оформлением которых работал Уэлан — «Память, Скорбь и Тёрн» и «Иноземье» Тэда Уильямса, «Вечный Воитель» Майкла Муркока, «Тёмная Башня» Стивена Кинга, «Драконы Перна» Энн Маккефри, «Боги Марса» Эдгара Р. Берроуза, «Хроники холодного пламени» Селии Фридман,
«Ученик Убийцы» Робин Хобб, а так же обложки альбомов групп Sepultura, Meat Loaf и Obituary.

Список наград впечатляет — 16 Премий «Хьюго», в том числе 12 как лучшему художнику (1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 2000, 2002). Спецприз «Лучшему художнику за последние 50 лет». Премия «Балрог» как лучшему художнику (1980). Три Всемирных Премии Фэнтези (1981, 1982, 1983). Одиннадцать премий «Чесли» (профессиональная премия художников–фантастов).
Золотая медаль Общества Иллюстраторов (1997).
Включен в Зал Славы Научной Фантастики.

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THE DARK TOWER: THE LONG ROAD (2009) by Michael Whelan, an illustration from Knowing Darkness: Artists Inspired by Stephen King by George Beahm.

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THE GUNSLINGER: THE DEAD TOWN (1982) by Michael Whelan, cover for the 3rd edition of The Gunslinger by Stephen King (Donald M. Grant)

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CALLAHAN (2010) by Michael Whelan, an illustration for Discordia, the online game based on The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

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GUNSLINGER: ON THE BEACH (1981) by Michael Whelan, illustration for The Gunslinger by Stephen King

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THE GUNSLINGER: THE SLOW MUTANTS (1981) by Michael Whelan, cover for The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger by Stephen King (Donald M. Grant).

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THE CLEARING (2004) by Michael Whelan, an interior illustration for The Dark Tower by Stephen King.

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THE DARK TOWER: CORNERED (2003) by Michael Whelan
The water and the drain in the floor, Jake’s left hand, the rope, the curl of Oy’s tail, and other elements in this interior illustration from THE DARK TOWER VII intentionally form the number 9 backwards and forwards.

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THE DARK TOWER: KA-TET (2003) by Michael Whelan Oil on Panel - 28” x 18” Throughout the Dark Tower series, Stephen King portrayed Roland’s group of fighters known as the Ka-Tet as a circle. Taking this as a cue, Michael built many circles into his composition and this became one of the author’s most favorite illustrations.

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TOWER CARD (2011) by Michael Whelan

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THE DARK TOWER: THE ARTIST’S DOOR (2004) by Michael Whelan Interior illustration for THE DARK TOWER VII by Stephen King. Patrick the magical artist draws the door into existence. Note the 2 brushes on the doorknob.

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THE DARK TOWER: ALGUL SIENTO (2003) by Michael Whelan
From his first reading of the manuscript, Michael was drawn to this scene in THE DARK TOWER VII and he knew he had to paint it. Stephen King’s description of the quiet bond between Roland and Jake was particularly compelling, as it stood in stark contrast to the violence and mayhem that occur in other parts of the story.

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THE WHITE COMMANDS YOU by Michael Whelan, an interior illustration for The Dark Tower by Stephen King.
After Michael Whelan read the DARK TOWER VII manuscript and decided to illustrate this scene, he emailed Stephen King to tell him that he was taking artistic license and having Callahan stand on the table. The author not only gave his OK, but also changed the scene to fit the illustration.

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When asked about this painting for the endpapers of the first Dark Tower book, Michael said, “I just love painting textures.” Collectors will notice that he added the ropes after the book was published.

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THE GUNSLINGER FOLLOWED (2005) by Michael Whelan
The Man in Black fled across the desert and the Gunslinger followed. The second half of the first line in the first book. The 2 characters couldn’t be in the same painting because it’s not until they are out of the desert that they come within sight of each other, so he split the sentence into 2 paintings. Michael has said that this is the closest to what he thinks Roland looks like - dogged, grim, with an indomitable sense of mission.

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OUTSIDE ELURIA (2005) by Michael Whelan, an interior illustration from The Little Sisters of Eluria by Stephen King.

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THE DARK TOWER: THE END OF THE ROAD (2003) by Michael Whelan, the endpaper illustration from book 7 The Dark Tower by Stephen King.

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The Man in Black fled across the desert and the Gunslinger followed. Ever since Michael Whelan read that first line of the first book, he was waiting for the opportunity to paint it. The overcolored sky has a hallucinatory quality which is evocative of the dreamlike feeling of the story. (Michael also confessed that he wore a similar robe for much of the time he was painting this scene.)

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