The Origins of the First World War: Controversies and Consensus

Annika Mombauer

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he origins of the First World War have occupied us for decades. Nearly ninety years after its outbreak, the cause of the war continues to pose challenging questions. In this innovative book, Annika Mombauer explains why the search for an explanation of the outbreak of the war has been both obsessive and challenging, and why it remains difficult to establish the precise reason for war breaking out in 1914. The origins of the First World War are a particularly telling example of the connection between history-writing and contemporary political concerns, in which the past is viewed through the lens of the present, and vice versa.

Germany necessarily occupies a central part in this account. Having been blamed for causing the war, it was here that most effort was expended to counter such allegations. However, the actions of other belligerents are also under scrutiny, and interpretations of the role of Britain, France, Russia and Serbia in the events that led to war are examined.

Opening with an overview of the events that led to the outbreak of war in 1914, followed by an analysis highlighting the debate during and immediately after the war, the author also covers the reactions to the Treaty of Versailles, both in Europe and in the USA; the new consensus following the Second World War; and the challenges posed to that new orthodoxy by Fritz Fischer and his theses. She brings the story up to the present with current views of the significance and meaning of the origins of the First World War.

Annika Mombauer is Lecturer in European History, The Open University. She is the author of Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War (2001).

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  • Дополнительная информация об издании

    ISBN: 978-1138836631

    Год издания: 2015

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Подзаголовок книги крайне важен для ее понимания: автора интересуют не столько истоки (origins) войны, сколько противоречия (controversies) вокруг них. Аника Момбауэр посвятила целое исследование не Первой мировой войне как таковой, а скорее, дискуссиям вокруг причин войны - как реальных, так и воображаемых, коими противоборствующие стороны стали обмениваться сразу после первого выстрела. Автор, одна из ведущих немецких специалистов по Первой мировой, тщательно анализирует, как именно изменялись со временем споры на извечные темы - кто виноват? и что делать?

Полагаю, есть смысл более подробно описать, о чем все-таки книга. Момбауэр делит ее на четыре части. В первой рассматривается издание "цветных" книг, которые все стороны конфликта кинулись публиковать сразу после начала войны, чтоб…

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