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Flor has a gift: she can predict, to the day, when someone will die. So when she decides she wants a living wake--a party to bring her family and community together to celebrate the long life she's…
Издательство: Ecco

ISBN: 9780063207264, 0063207265

Год издания: 2023

Язык: Английский

384 pages


"Vibrant ... Acevedo wields her own sort of magic in her first novel for adults, deftly blending comedy and sorrow. Family Lore is an absorbing, entertaining portrait of a Dominican American woman whose exceptional relationship with death keeps her family — and readers — guessing ... Acevedo's attention to her character's mannerisms and habits makes them relatable ... Acevedo is a writer with the tools to go the distance."


"Acevedo's much anticipated first novel for adults presents a vibrant but dizzying mosaic of two generations of women whose love for and loyalty to each other has proven to be a salve during tough times ... Not every character is given her due ... Some of the other characters' backstories and their supernatural gifts are at best slightly underdeveloped and, at worst, inexplicably glossed over ... The structure of Family Lore can be a head-scratcher at times, even with the Tolstoy-esque character map at the beginning."

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