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A century of Vietnam's history and folklore comes to life in this "brilliant, sweeping epic that swaps spirits and sheds time like snakeskin" (Paul Tremblay, author of A Head Full of Ghosts and…
Издательство: Random House

ISBN: 0812993322

Год издания: 2021

Язык: Английский

Hardcover, 400 pages


"Kupersmith combines elements of horror, mystery, and historical and literary fiction to create a strange and wondrous story ... Kupersmith expertly ties these characters together through plot and reccurring talismans—snakes, a dog, a lottery ticket, a policeman's hat—and magically manages to create a story both epic and intensely intimate. Patient and observant readers will be richly rewarded."


"Any description of the book could make it sound like too many spinning plates, but Kupersmith manages the whirl with dexterity and confidence. The novel is epic enough in scope to require a character list and several pages of maps, but the pages fly as the reader is compelled to figure out how all the narratives will eventually collide ... Drawing from genres as diverse as horror, humor, and historical fiction, Kupersmith creates a rich and dazzling spectacle."

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