Моя оценка

With echoes of Toni Morrison's Beloved , Yejid?'s novel explores a forgotten quadrant of Washington, DC, and the ghosts that haunt it. "Yejid?’s writing captures both real news and spiritual truths…
Издательство: Ingram

ISBN: 9781617758881

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Зарубежные детективы



"Every once in a while, a novel is so compelling that it changes your sense of a place. Morowa Yejidé's Creatures of Passage is that book ... Yejidé's characters are so finely drawn, her language so lush, the city's landmarks so cleverly repurposed within this magical setting, that the fictional place feels as real as the place itself ... Yejidé's writing captures both real news and spiritual truths with the deftness and capacious imagination of her writing foremothers: Zora Neale Hurston, Toni Morrison and N.K. Jemisin ... threaded with hope and love and connection ... that rare novel that dispenses ancestral wisdom and literary virtuosity in equal measure."

Номинант: 2022 г.Жен­ская пре­мия за ху­до­же­ствен­ную книгу (Художественный роман)

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