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One of M. John Harrison's most acclaimed novels in a career of near universal acclaim, CLIMBERS is, perhaps, the least fantastical of his novels. Yet it carries life-changing moments, descriptions…
Издательство: Gollancz

ISBN: 978-0575092174

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Английский

M. John Harrison has abjured the high-pitched melodramatics of TOUCHING THE VOID for a microscopically observed novel about a group of climbers... descriptions of the various climbs are painstaking and suspenseful, and Harrison has a sharp ear for dialogue. But most impressive is his acute sense of place... the raw beauty of the Pennines. (Sinclair McKay The Daily Telegraph)

'Stunning.... Harrison makes an intensely poetic and evocative brew of the interstices between sport, passion and obsession. Moments of exquisite surreality rub against others in which you can smell the soil and stone'. (The Times) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Book Description:
The first novel to win the BOARDMAN TASKER PRIZE, now with a brand new introduction by Robert Macfarlane, author of THE OLD WAYS.

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