
Клэр Вайе Уоткинс
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Клэр Вайе Уоткинс / Claire Vaye Watkins
5 книг
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Джон Эдгар Вайдман
За достижения в течение жизни
Джон Эдгар Вайдман / John Edgar Wideman
5 книг
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Шейн Маккрей
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Шейн Маккрей / Shane McCrae
1 книга
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Рой Скрантон
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Рой Скрантон / Roy Scranton
1 книга
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Тихимба Джесс
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Тихимба Джесс / Tyehimba Jess
2 книги
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Джон Кин
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Джон Кин / John Keene
2 книги
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Киэнга-Ямахтта Тейлор 0.0
The eruption of mass protests in the wake of the police murders of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in New York City have challenged the impunity with which officers of the law carry out violence against Black people and punctured the illusion of a postracial America. The Black Lives Matter movement has awakened a new generation of activists.

In this stirring and insightful analysis, activist and scholar Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor surveys the historical and contemporary ravages of racism and persistence of structural inequality such as mass incarceration and Black unemployment. In this context, she argues that this new struggle against police violence holds the potential to reignite a broader push for Black liberation.
А. Ван Джордан
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А. Ван Джордан / A. Van Jordan
2 книги
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Сара Бом
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Сара Бом / Sara Baume
5 книг
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Кейт Мозес
За художественную литературу
Кейт Мозес / Kate Moses
1 книга
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К. Э. Морган
За художественную литературу
К. Э. Морган / C.E. Morgan
3 книги
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Гленн Паттерсон
За художественную литературу
Гленн Паттерсон / Glenn Patterson
2 книги
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Чарльз Д'амброзио
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Чарльз Д'амброзио / Charles D'Ambrosio
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Шелдон Сэнфорд Волин 0.0
Democracy is struggling in America--by now this statement is almost cliche. But what if the country is no longer a democracy at all? In "Democracy Incorporated," Sheldon Wolin considers the unthinkable: has America unwittingly morphed into a new and strange kind of political hybrid, one where economic and state powers are conjoined and virtually unbridled? Can the nation check its descent into what the author terms "inverted totalitarianism"?

Wolin portrays a country where citizens are politically uninterested and submissive--and where elites are eager to keep them that way. At best the nation has become a "managed democracy" where the public is shepherded, not sovereign. At worst it is a place where corporate power no longer answers to state controls. Wolin makes clear that today's America is in no way morally or politically comparable to totalitarian states like Nazi Germany, yet he warns that unchecked economic power risks verging on total power and has its own unnerving pathologies. Wolin examines the myths and mythmaking that justify today's politics, the quest for an ever-expanding economy, and the perverse attractions of an endless war on terror. He argues passionately that democracy's best hope lies in citizens themselves learning anew to exercise power at the local level.

"Democracy Incorporated" is one of the most worrying diagnoses of America's political ills to emerge in decades. It is sure to be a lightning rod for political debate for years to come."
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Филип Китчер 0.0
Charles Darwin has been at the center of white-hot public debate for more than a century. In Living With Darwin, Philip Kitcher stokes the flames swirling around Darwin's theory, sifting through the scientific evidence for evolution, Creation Science, and Intelligent Design, and revealing why evolution has been the object of such vehement attack. Kitcher first provides valuable perspective on the present controversy, describing the many puzzles that blocked evolution's acceptance in the early years, and explaining how scientific research eventually found the answers to these conundrums. Interestingly, Kitcher shows that many of these early questions have been resurrected in recent years by proponents of Intelligent Design. In fact, Darwin himself considered the issue of intelligent design, and amassed a mountain of evidence that effectively refuted the idea. Kitcher argues that the problem with Intelligent Design isn't that it's "not science," as many critics say, but that it's "dead science," raising questions long resolved by scientists. But Kitcher points out that it is also important to recognize the cost of Darwin's success--the price of "life with Darwin." Darwinism has a profound effect on our understanding of our place in the universe, on our religious beliefs and aspirations. It is in truth the focal point of a larger clash between religious faith and modern science. Unless we can resolve this larger issue, the war over evolution will go on.
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Джон Николас Грей 0.0
For the decade that followed the end of the cold war, the world was lulled into a sense that a consumerist, globalized, peaceful future beckoned. The beginning of the twenty-first century has rudely disposed of such ideas--most obviously through 9/11and its aftermath. But just as damaging has been the rise in the West of a belief that a single model of political behaviour will become a worldwide norm and that, if necessary, it will be enforced at gunpoint.

In "Black Mass," celebrated philosopher and critic John Gray explains how utopian ideals have taken on a dangerous significance in the hands of right-wing conservatives and religious zealots. He charts the history of utopianism, from the Reformation through the French Revolution and into the present. And most urgently, he describes how utopian politics have moved from the extremes of the political spectrum into mainstream politics, dominating the administrations of both George W. Bush and Tony Blair, and indeed coming to define the political centre. Far from having shaken off discredited ideology, Gray suggests, we are more than ever in its clutches.

"Black Mass "is a truly frightening and challenging work by one of Britain's leading political thinkers. John Gray is the author of many critically acclaimed books, including "Straw Dogs "and "Al Qaeda and What It Means to Be Modern." A regular contributor to "The New York Review of Books," he is a professor of European thought at the London School of Economics.
Сьюзен Стрейт
За художественную литературу
Сьюзен Стрейт / Susan Straight
3 книги
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Майк Дейвис
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Майк Дейвис / Mike Davies
1 книга
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Энн Стивенсон
За достижения в течение жизни
Энн Стивенсон / Anne Stevenson
2 книги
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Надим Аслам
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Надим Аслам / Nadeem Aslam
6 книг
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Джуди Будниц
За художественную литературу
Джуди Будниц / Judy Budnitz
3 книги
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Дэвид Г. Кэмпбелл
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Дэвид Г. Кэмпбелл / David G. Campbell
1 книга
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Эндрю Дж. Басевич 0.0
In this provocative book, Andrew Bacevich warns of a dangerous dual obsession that has taken hold of Americans, both conservatives and liberals alike. It is a marriage of militarism and utopian ideology, of unprecedented military might wed to a blind faith in the universality of American values. This mindset, Bacevich warns, invites endless war and the ever-deepening militarization of U.S. policy. It promises not to perfect but to pervert American ideals and to accelerate the hollowing out of American democracy.
In The New American Militarism, Bacevich examines the origins and implications of this misguided enterprise. He shows how American militarism emerged as a reaction to the Vietnam War, when various groups in American society -soldiers, politicians on the make, intellectuals, strategists, Christian evangelicals, even purveyors of pop culture-came to see the revival of military power and the celebration of military values as the antidote to all the ills besetting the country as a consequence of Vietnam and the 1960s. The upshot, acutely evident in the aftermath of 9/11, has been a revival of vast ambitions, this time coupled with a pronounced affinity for the sword. Bacevich urges Americans to restore a sense of realism and a sense of proportion to U.S. policy. He proposes, in short, to bring American purposes and American methods-especially with regard to the role of the military-back into harmony with the nation's founding ideals.
For this edition, Bacevich has written a new Afterword in which he considers how American militarism has changed in the past five years. He explores in particular how this ideology has functioned under Barack Obama, who ran for president on a campaign based on hope for change and for a new beginning. Despite such rhetoric, Bacevich powerfully suggests, the attitudes and arrangements giving rise to the new American militarism remain intact and inviolable as ever.
Алан Дуган
За поэзию
Алан Дуган / Alan Dugan
1 книга
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Джеймс Алан Макферсон
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Джеймс Алан Макферсон / James Alan McPherson
2 книги
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Энн Камминс
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Энн Камминс / Ann Cummins
1 произведение
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Льюис Гайд
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Льюис Гайд / Lewis Hyde
2 книги
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Питер Маттиссен
За достижения в течение жизни
Питер Маттиссен / Peter Matthiessen
11 книг
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Дэвид Вонг Луи
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Дэвид Вонг Луи / David Wong Louie
2 книги
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Роберт Крили
За достижения в течение жизни
Роберт Крили / Robert Creeley
3 книги
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Джей Райт
За поэзию
Джей Райт / Jay Wright
1 книга
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Лесли Мармон Силько
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Лесли Мармон Силько / Leslie Marmon Silko
2 книги
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Билл МакКиббен
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Билл МакКиббен / Bill McKibben
5 книг
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Эван Шелби Коннелл
За достижения в течение жизни
Эван Шелби Коннелл / Evan S. Connell
7 книг
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S.C.D Wright
За поэзию
S.C.D Wright / S.C.D Wright
1 книга
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Джоанна Скотт
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Джоанна Скотт / Joanna Scott
6 книг
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Гиш Чжень
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Гиш Чжень / Gish Jen
3 книги
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Гэри Пол Набхан
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Гэри Пол Набхан / Gary Paul Nabhan
5 книг
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Адриенна Рич
За достижения в течение жизни
Адриенна Рич / Adrienne Rich
24 книги
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Джон Дэвис
За поэзию
Джон Дэвис / Jon Davis
1 книга
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Фрэнк Бидарт
За поэзию
Фрэнк Бидарт / Frank Bidart
11 книг
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Лоис-Энн Яманака
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Лоис-Энн Яманака / Lois-Ann Yamanaka
2 книги
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Стюарт Дайбек
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Стюарт Дайбек / Stuart Dybek
3 книги
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Чет Раймо
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Чет Раймо / Chet Raymo
1 книга
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Лоуренс Уэшлер
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Лоуренс Уэшлер / Lawrence Weschler
7 книг
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Кен Смит
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Кен Смит / Ken Smith
1 книга
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1 2