Вручение 5 сентября 2021 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Атланта, штат Джорджия Дата проведения: 5 сентября 2021 г.

Лучший фантастический роман

Энди Вейер 4.5
Райланд Грейс приходит в себя на борту космического корабля. Он не помнит своего имени и понятия не имеет, как здесь оказался. Единственное, что он знает наверняка, это то, что он спал, а сейчас проснулся и компанию ему составляет парочка мертвецов. Воспоминания приходят обрывочными картинками... Похоже, когда-то он работал школьным учителем, а потом... черт, да что же случилось потом?

Наконец восстановив череду произошедших событий, Райланд приходит в ужас от грандиозности вверенной ему задачи – предотвратить вымирание человеческого рода. Эта сверхсложная миссия – билет в один конец, и на Землю ему уже не вернуться. И помощи, похоже, ждать неоткуда…
Ernest Cline 3.4
An unexpected quest. Two worlds at stake. Are you ready?

Days after Oasis founder James Halliday's contest, Wade Watts makes a discovery that changes everything. Hidden within Halliday's vault, waiting for his heir to find, lies a technological advancement that will once again change the world and make the Oasis a thousand times more wondrous, and addictive, than even Wade dreamed possible. With it comes a new riddle and a new quest. A last Easter egg from Halliday, hinting at a mysterious prize. And an unexpected, impossibly powerful, and dangerous new rival awaits, one who will kill millions to get what he wants. Wade's life and the future of the Oasis are again at stake, but this time the fate of humanity also hangs in the balance.
Ким Стэнли Робинсон 3.3
Двадцатые годы нашего века. Климат продолжает меняться и жертвы исчисляются миллионами. В 2025 году создается международная организация «Министерство будущего» со штаб-квартирой в Цюрихе. Министерство должно пытаться предотвратить глобальную катастрофу и дать надежду будущим поколениям. Наравне с принятием официальных мер, организация быстро приходит к использованию тайных операций… Операций, которые включают в себя массовые диверсии, убийства, финансовые манипуляции, насилие, поддержку радикальных политических движений и идеологий. Ради спасения Земли от полного вымирания дозволено все.

Ким Стэнли Робинсон, основываясь на существующих тенденциях, показывает свое видение возможных событий ближайшего будущего. Панорама, которую он рисует, охватывает все сферы: экономику, политику, технологии, экологию. И что особенно ценно — автор остается оптимистом и видит путь для спасения человечества.
Кори Доктороу 0.0
Cory Doctorow's Attack Surface is a standalone novel set in the world of New York Times bestsellers Little Brother and Homeland.

Most days, Masha Maximow was sure she'd chosen the winning side.

In her day job as a counterterrorism wizard for an transnational cybersecurity firm, she made the hacks that allowed repressive regimes to spy on dissidents, and manipulate their every move. The perks were fantastic, and the pay was obscene.

Just for fun, and to piss off her masters, Masha sometimes used her mad skills to help those same troublemakers evade detection, if their cause was just. It was a dangerous game and a hell of a rush. But seriously self-destructive. And unsustainable.

When her targets were strangers in faraway police states, it was easy to compartmentalize, to ignore the collateral damage of murder, rape, and torture. But when it hits close to home, and the hacks and exploits she’s devised are directed at her friends and family--including boy wonder Marcus Yallow, her old crush and archrival, and his entourage of naïve idealists--Masha realizes she has to choose.

And whatever choice she makes, someone is going to get hurt.
Элизабет Бир 0.0
In this compelling and addictive novel set in the same universe as the critically acclaimed White Space series and perfect for fans of Karen Traviss and Ada Hoffman, a space station begins to unravel when a routine search and rescue mission returns after going dangerously awry.

Meet Doctor Jens.

She hasn’t had a decent cup of coffee in fifteen years. Her workday begins when she jumps out of perfectly good space ships and continues with developing treatments for sick alien species she’s never seen before. She loves her life. Even without the coffee.

But Dr. Jens is about to discover an astonishing mystery: two ships, one ancient and one new, locked in a deadly embrace. The crew is suffering from an unknown ailment and the shipmind is trapped in an inadequate body, much of her memory pared away.

Unfortunately, Dr. Jens can’t resist a mystery and she begins doing some digging. She has no idea that she’s about to discover horrifying and life-changing truths.

Written in Elizabeth Bear’s signature “rollicking, suspenseful, and sentimental” (Publishers Weekly) style, Machine is a fresh and electrifying space opera that you won’t be able to put down.
Ребекка Роанхорс 3.9
В священном городе Това зимнее солнцестояние обычно время празднования и обновления. В этом году оно совпадает с солнечным затмением, редким небесным явлением, и по мнению жрецов Солнца, нарушающим равновесие в мире. В день солнцестояния в Тову прибывает из далекой провинции корабль Под командованием Ксиалы, чья песня может успокоить бурные воды так же легко, как и взять под контроль разум человека. На борту находится таинственный, но с виду безобидный пассажир: молодой, слепой, покрытый шрамами и отмеченный печатью рока. Как хорошо знает Ксиала, тот, кто выглядит безобидно, обычно оказывается душегубом.
Аркади Мартин 3.9
Инопланетная армада вторгается в космическое пространство империи Тейкскалаан. Чужие не выходят на связь и их не получается уничтожить. В отчаянной попытке наладить отношения с таинственными агрессорами, командующий имперским флотом вызывает дипломатов. Теперь Махит Дзмаре и Три Саргасс, все еще не оправившиеся от недавних потрясений в империи, сталкиваются с невыполнимой задачей ― попытаться общаться с враждебным существом. Их провал гарантирует миллионы смертей в бесконечной войне. Продолжение романа-лауреата премии Хьюго "Память, что зовется империя".

Лучший фэнтезийный роман

Jim Butcher 4.4
Harry has faced terrible odds before. He has a long history of fighting enemies above his weight class. The Red Court of vampires. The fallen angels of the Order of the Blackened Denarius. The Outsiders.

But this time it’s different. A being more powerful and dangerous on an order of magnitude beyond what the world has seen in a millennium is coming. And she’s bringing an army. The Last Titan has declared war on the city of Chicago, and has come to subjugate humanity, obliterating any who stand in her way.

Harry’s mission is simple but impossible: Save the city by killing a Titan. And the attempt will change Harry’s life, Chicago, and the mortal world forever.
Charles Stross 0.0
In a world where magic has gone mainstream, a policewoman and a group of petty criminals are pulled into a heist to find a forbidden book of spells that should never be opened.

The secret agents of the Laundry Files novels were unable to stop magic becoming public knowledge - in book one of this new series by Charles Stross, the repercussions of that failure are felt by ordinary people everywhere, as the world slides unknowingly towards occult cataclysm...
Alix E. Harrow 4.0
In the late 1800s, three sisters use witchcraft to change the course of history in Alix E. Harrow's powerful novel of magic and the suffragette movement.

In 1893, there's no such thing as witches. There used to be, in the wild, dark days before the burnings began, but now witching is nothing but tidy charms and nursery rhymes. If the modern woman wants any measure of power, she must find it at the ballot box.

But when the Eastwood sisters -- James Juniper, Agnes Amaranth, and Beatrice Belladonna -- join the suffragists of New Salem, they begin to pursue the forgotten words and ways that might turn the women's movement into the witch's movement. Stalked by shadows and sickness, hunted by forces who will not suffer a witch to vote -- and perhaps not even to live -- the sisters will need to delve into the oldest magics, draw new alliances, and heal the bond between them if they want to survive.

There's no such thing as witches. But there will be.

An homage to the indomitable power and persistence of women, The Once and Future Witches reimagines stories of revolution, sapphic love, motherhood, and women's suffrage--the lost ways are calling.
Брендон Сандерсон 4.6
Ценой немалых усилий Далинар Холин создает коалицию монархов, способную противостоять в войне за Рошар жестокости и коварству Приносящих пустоту. Но победа остается лишь зыбкой мечтой, ведь врагам помогает могущественное божество, а среди друзей скрываются предатели. Адолин и Шаллан отправляются в мир спренов, чтобы заручиться помощью союзников, рискуя в случае неуспеха обречь все человечество на гибель. Они еще не знают, что главное сражение вскоре развернется в городе-башне Уритиру и его исход будет зависеть не от военной мощи противоборствующих сторон, а от их стойкости, решимости и проницательности.
Виктория Шваб 4.1
Франция, 1714 год. Чтобы избежать брака без любви, юная Аделин заключает сделку с тёмным богом. Тот дарует ей свободу и бессмертие, но подарок его с подвохом: отныне девушка проклята быть всеми забытой. Собственные родители не узнают её. Любой, с кем она познакомится, не вспомнит о ней, стоит Адди пропасть из вида на пару минут.

Триста лет спустя, в наши дни, Адди всё ещё жива. Она видела, как сменяются эпохи. Её образ вдохновлял музыкантов и художников, пускай позже те и не могли ответить, что за таинственная незнакомка послужила им музой. Аделин смирилась: таков единственный способ оставить в мире хоть какую-то память о ней. Но однажды в книжном магазине она встречает юношу, который произносит три заветных слова: «Я тебя помню»...
Сюзанна Кларк 4.2
Для человека, которого мы знаем как Пиранези, Дом с большой буквы — это целый Мир. «С начала Мира в нем точно существовали пятнадцать человек», и Пиранези — пятнадцатый. Он исследует бесконечные Залы, украшенные величественными Статуями, и составляет расписание Приливов, захлестывающих нижние этажи. На верхние этажи заплывают Облака и залетают птицы, а по вторникам и четвергам Пиранези встречает Другого. «Красота Дома несказанна, — пишет Пиранези в своем дневнике. — Доброта его беспредельна». Но однажды он обнаруживает следы человека номер шестнадцать…

Лучший молодёжный роман

T. Kingfisher 4.0
Fourteen-year-old Mona isn’t like the wizards charged with defending the city. She can’t control lightning or speak to water. Her familiar is a sourdough starter and her magic only works on bread. She has a comfortable life in her aunt’s bakery making gingerbread men dance.

But Mona’s life is turned upside down when she finds a dead body on the bakery floor. An assassin is stalking the streets of Mona’s city, preying on magic folk, and it appears that Mona is his next target. And in an embattled city suddenly bereft of wizards, the assassin may be the least of Mona’s worries…
Lou Diamond Phillips 0.0
Two worlds at war will bring them together... or tear them apart...

Everson didn't want to be a soldier. His parents forced him to serve, as all good Indiran men should. The only problem? His first battle against their mortal enemies goes horribly wrong and he winds up stranded on the enemy planet.

Now, Everson has to survive in this strange new land where everyone is out to get him. Not to mention, the planet Mano is covered in unforgiving desert. And he's the target of traitors who want to use him in a dastardly plot to overthrow their mad king, Xander the Firm, by having him retrieve a piece of mysterious and powerful ancient technology known as the Tinderbox.

But everything changes during a chance encounter with the king's daughter, Allegra. Despite her station, she's in as grave of danger from her own people as Everson is. And though their peoples have been at odds for centuries, an unlikely spark forms between them.

As their worlds come crashing down around them, their forbidden love might be the only chance to end this war forever. Or, it might just be the doom of everyone...
Дарси Литтл Бэджер 3.7
Imagine an America very similar to our own. It’s got homework, best friends, and pistachio ice cream.

There are some differences. This America been shaped dramatically by the magic, monsters, knowledge, and legends of its peoples, those Indigenous and those not. Some of these forces are charmingly everyday, like the ability to make an orb of light appear or travel across the world through rings of fungi. But other forces are less charming and should never see the light of day.

Elatsoe lives in this slightly stranger America. She can raise the ghosts of dead animals, a skill passed down through generations of her Lipan Apache family. Her beloved cousin has just been murdered, in a town that wants no prying eyes. But she is going to do more than pry. The picture-perfect facade of Willowbee masks gruesome secrets, and she will rely on her wits, skills, and friends to tear off the mask and protect her family.
Наоми Новик 3.9
Не все волшебные школы одинаковы. Эта захочет тебя убить.

Галадриэль знает закон: только сильнейшие маги смогут выбраться из стен Шоломанчи. Здесь нет ни учителей, ни каникул, ни друзей. Зато в тёмных коридорах всегда полно злыдней – опасных существ, готовых наброситься на тебя в любой момент. Пережить выпускной – вот главная цель каждого, кто однажды попал сюда. Но, кажется, на этот раз школа приготовила испытание, которое невозможно пройти. С чем это связано? Кто в этом виноват? И как спасти себя и всех остальных?
Jeffrey VanderMeer 4.5
The first book in a new YA fantasy duology from a bestselling genre-expanding master, about a teenager who embarks on a quest to protect the world from an alternate universe where magic abounds and history has been rewritten.

After Jonathan Lambshead’s elusive grandfather dies, the recently orphaned teenager inherits the family mansion—and its contents. Jonathan soon discovers that the mansion’s basement holds more than just oddities: three doors serve as portals, with one leading to an alt-Earth called Aurora, where magic abounds, history has been re-written, and an occult dictator called Aleister Crowley leads an army pillaging alt-Europe. Jonathan learns of his destiny as a member of The Order, a secret society devoted to keeping our world separate from Aurora, and embarks on an epic quest to protect Earth from Crowley’s dark magic.

Over the course of the duology, Jonathan uncovers more of the worlds outside of our own, the magic that permeates them, his own destiny, and the secrets buried in his family history.
Hannah Abigail Clarke 0.0
An outcast teenage lesbian witch finds her coven hidden amongst the popular girls in her school, and performs some seriously badass magic in the process.

Skulking near the bottom of West High’s social pyramid, Sideways Pike lurks under the bleachers doing magic tricks for Coke bottles. As a witch, lesbian, and lifelong outsider, she’s had a hard time making friends. But when the three most popular girls pay her $40 to cast a spell at their Halloween party, Sideways gets swept into a new clique. The unholy trinity are dangerous angels, sugar-coated rattlesnakes, and now–unbelievably–Sideways’ best friends.

Together, the four bond to form a ferocious and powerful coven. They plan parties, cast curses on dudebros, try to find Sideways a girlfriend, and elude the fundamentalist witch hunters hellbent on stealing their magic. But for Sideways, the hardest part is the whole ‘having friends’ thing. Who knew that balancing human interaction with supernatural peril could be so complicated?

Rich with the urgency of feral youth, The Scapegracers explores growing up and complex female friendship with all the rage of a teenage girl. It subverts the trope of competitive mean girls and instead portrays a mercilessly supportive clique of diverse and vivid characters. It is an atmospheric, voice-driven novel of the occult, and the first of a three-book series.

Лучший боевой фантастический или фэнтезийный роман

Ларри Корреия, John D. Brown 0.0
The Heart of a Warrior

Once, Jackson Rook was a war hero. Raised from boyhood to pilot an exosuit mech, he’d fought gallantly for the rebellion against the Collectivists. But that was a long time ago, on a world very far away.

Now, Jackson Rook is a criminal, a smuggler on board the Multipurpose Supply Vehicle Tar Heel. His latest mission: steal a top-of-the-line mech called the Citadel and deliver it to the far-flung planet Swindle, a world so hostile even the air will kill you. The client: a man known only as the Warlord. Rook has been in the smuggling business long enough to know that it’s best to take the money and not ask questions. But Rook cannot stand by and watch as the Warlord runs roughshod over the citizens of Swindle, the way the Collectivists did on his homeworld. For all his mercenary ways, Rook is not a pirate. And deep within the smuggler, the heart of a warrior still beats.
Марко Клоос 0.0
The battle against the Lankies has been won. Earth seems safe. Peacetime military? Not on your life.

It’s been four years since Earth threw its full military prowess against the Lanky incursion. Humanity has been yanked back from the abyss of extinction. The solar system is at peace. For now.

The future for Major Andrew Grayson of the Commonwealth Defense Corps and his wife, Halley? Flying desk duty on the front. No more nightmares of monstrous things. No more traumas to the mind and body. But when an offer comes down from above, Andrew has to make a choice: continue pushing papers into retirement, or jump right back into the fight? What’s a podhead to do?

The remaining Lankies may have retreated in fear, but the threat isn’t over. They need to be wiped out for good before they strike again. That’ll take a new offensive deployment. Aboard an Avenger warship, Andrew and the special tactics team under his command embark on the ultimate search-and-destroy mission. This time, it’ll be on Lanky turf.

No big heroics. No unnecessary risks. Just a swift hit-and-run raid in the hostile Capella system. Blow the alien seed ships into oblivion and get the hell back to Earth. At least, that’s the objective. But when does anything in war go according to plan?
Кристофер Руоккио 4.4
Без малого век Адриан Марло сражался с пришельцами — жестокими и воинственными сьельсинами, стремящимися уничтожить человечество. После громких побед его личность возвели в культ, и теперь министры Империи нашли способ избавиться от неугодного выскочки. Адриан отправляется на далекую планету, чтобы разыскать в секретных имперских архивах сведения о Тихих — полумифических существах, посылающих ему видения. Приходится спешить, ведь сьельсины под началом нового вождя перешли от беспорядочных набегов систематическому уничтожению опорных постов Империи. Враги лучше обучены, лучше вооружены, и ходят слухи, что у них появился новый необычный союзник. Адриан оказывается между молотом и наковальней: впереди ждет решающая битва, за спиной строит козни имперская знать.
J.N. Chaney, Jonathan Brazee 0.0
Sit in prison or join the military. The choice is yours.

Convicted of a minor traffic violation, Rev Pelletier is conscripted into the Perseus Union Marine Corps . . . for up to a thirty-year term of service.

Anxious to get back to his civilian life and job, Rev opts for a shorter term as a Marine Raider taking the fight to the enemy.

But with extremely high mortality rates, can he and his friends survive until their term of service is over?
Rick Partlow 0.0
From street criminal to war hero.

From outcast to Marine officer.

The journey has been a long one, but now it’s reaching the end.

Cam Alvarez leads his platoon of Drop-Troopers into the Tahni Imperium, into the final days of the war and the bloodiest battles yet.

The Tahni will throw everything they have into the defense of their core worlds, and when that includes using their own civilians as shields, Lt. Cam Alvarez will have to decide whether to follow orders and fire on civilians or follow his conscience and risk his career…
Уолтер Йон Уильямс 0.0
The Praxis, the empire of now extinct Shaa, has again fallen into civil war, with desperate and outnumbered humans battling several alien species for survival. Leading the human forces are star-crossed lovers Gareth Martinez and Caroline Sula, who must find a way to overcome their own thorny personal history to defeat the aliens and assure humanity’s survival.

But even if the human fleet is victorious, the divisions fracturing the empire may be too wide to repair, as battles between politicians, the military, and fanatics who want to kill every alien threaten to further tear the empire apart. While Martinez and Sula believe they have the talent and tactics to defeat an overwhelming enemy, what will prevent their fellow humans from destroying themselves?
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