
Премия Трумэна
Алан Гратц 5.0
It's September 11, 2001. Brandon, a 9-year-old boy, goes to work for the day with his dad . . . at the World Trade Center in New York City. When two planes hit the towers, Brandon and his father are trapped inside a fiery nightmare as terror and confusion swirl around them. Can they escape -- and what will the world be like when they do?
In present-day Afghanistan, Reshmina is an 11-year-old girl who is used to growing up in the shadow of war, but she has dreams of peace and unity. When she ends up harboring a wounded young American soldier, she and her entire family are put in mortal danger. But Reshmina also learns something surprising about the roots of this endless war.
Премия Трумэна
Дж. Л. Эсплин 0.0
Dad always said if things get desperate, it’s okay to drink the water in the toilet. I never thought it would come to that. I thought I’d sooner die than let one drop of toilet water touch my lips. Yet here I am, kneeling before a porcelain throne, holding a tin mug for scooping in one hand, and my half-gallon canteen in the other.

The Lockwood brothers are supposed to be able to survive anything. Their dad, a hardcore survivalist, has stockpiled enough food and water on their isolated Nevada ranch to last for months. But when they are robbed at gunpoint during a massive blackout while their dad is out of town, John and Stew must walk 96 miles in the stark desert sun to get help--and they have only 3 days before their time runs out....
Премия Трумэна
Гордон Корман 0.0
A hilarious new middle grade novel from beloved and bestselling author Gordon Korman about what happens when the worst class of kids in school is paired with the worst teacher—perfect for fans of Ms. Bixby’s Last Day.

The Unteachables are a notorious class of misfits, delinquents, and academic train wrecks. Like Aldo, with anger management issues; Parker, who can’t read; Kiana, who doesn’t even belong in the class—or any class; and Elaine (rhymes with pain). The Unteachables have been removed from the student body and isolated in room 117.

Their teacher is Mr. Zachary Kermit, the most burned-out teacher in all of Greenwich. He was once a rising star, but his career was shattered by a cheating scandal that still haunts him. After years of phoning it in, he is finally one year away from early retirement. But the superintendent has his own plans to torpedo that idea—and it involves assigning Mr. Kermit to the Unteachables.

The Unteachables never thought they’d find a teacher who had a worse attitude than they did. And Mr. Kermit never thought he would actually care about teaching again. Over the course of a school year, though, room 117 will experience mayhem, destruction—and maybe even a shot at redemption.
Премия Трумэна
Элли Картер 3.0

Собрано 320 голосов.

Maddie thought she and Logan would be friends forever. But when your dad is a Secret Service agent and your best friend is the president's son, sometimes life has other plans. Before she knows it, Maddie's dad is dragging her to a cabin in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness.

No phone.
No Internet.
And not a single word from Logan.

Maddie tells herself it's okay. After all, she's the most popular girl for twenty miles in any direction. (She’s also the only girl for twenty miles in any direction.) She has wood to cut and weapons to bedazzle. Her life is full.
Until Logan shows up six years later . . .
And Maddie wants to kill him.

But before that can happen, an assailant appears out of nowhere, knocking Maddie off a cliff and dragging Logan to some unknown fate. Maddie knows she could turn back- and get help. But the weather is turning and the terrain will only get more treacherous, the animals more deadly.

Maddie still really wants to kill Logan.
But she has to save him first.
Премия Трумэна
Шерил Скарборо 0.0
Erin Blake has one of those names. A name that, like Natalee Holloway or Elizabeth Smart, is inextricably linked to a grisly crime. As a toddler, Erin survived for three days alongside the corpse of her murdered mother, and the case—which remains unsolved—fascinated a nation. Her father's identity unknown, Erin was taken in by her mother's best friend and has become a relatively normal teen in spite of the looming questions about her past.

Fourteen years later, Erin is once again at the center of a brutal homicide when she finds the body of her biology teacher. When questioned by the police, Erin tells almost the whole truth, but never voices her suspicions that her mother's killer has struck again in order to protect the casework she's secretly doing on her own.

Inspired by her uncle, an FBI agent, Erin has ramped up her forensic hobby into a full-blown cold-case investigation. This new murder makes her certain she's close to the truth, but when all the evidence starts to point the authorities straight to Erin, she turns to her longtime crush (and fellow suspect) Journey Michaels to help her crack the case before it's too late.
Премия Трумэна
Alan Gratz 4.0
Infiltrate. Befriend. Sabotage.

World War II is raging. Michael O'Shaunessey, originally from Ireland, now lives in Nazi Germany with his parents. Like the other boys in his school, Michael is a member of the Hitler Youth.

But Michael has a secret. He and his parents are spies.

Michael despises everything the Nazis stand for. But he joins in the Hitler Youth's horrific games and book burnings, playing the part so he can gain insider knowledge.

When Michael learns about Projekt 1065, a secret Nazi war mission, things get even more complicated. He must prove his loyalty to the Hitler Youth at all costs -- even if it means risking everything he cares about.

Including... his own life.

From acclaimed author Alan Gratz (Prisoner B-3087) comes a pulse-pounding novel about facing fears and fighting for what matters most.
Премия Трумэна
Виктория Авеярд 4.1
Мара с детства знала, что таким, как она - красным, - от судьбы не стоит ждать подарков. Кусок хлеба для своей семьи она добывала воровством. А все богатства и блага жизни в ее стране по праву рождения принадлежат серебряным, людям с серебристой кровью. Однажды девушка случайно обчистила карманы наследного принца! Но вместо наказания вдруг попала во дворец, где ее объявили наследницей знатного рода… и невестой принца! Зачем это нужно королевской семье? Вскоре Мара понимает, что отличается от своих родных. Неужели она и правда серебряная?
Премия Трумэна
Katie Alender 3.0
Hollywood history, mystery, murder, mayhem, and delicious romance collide in this unputdownable thriller from master storyteller Katie Alender.

Willa is freaking out. It seems like she's seeing things. Like a dead body in her swimming pool. Frantic messages on her walls. A reflection that is not her own. It's almost as if someone -- or something -- is trying to send her a message.

Meanwhile, a killer is stalking Los Angeles -- a killer who reenacts famous movie murder scenes. Could Willa's strange visions have to do with these unsolved murders? Or is she going crazy? And who can she confide in? There's Marnie, her new friend who may not be totally trustworthy. And there's Reed, who's ridiculously handsome and seems to get Willa. There's also Wyatt, who's super smart but unhealthily obsessed with the Hollywood Killer.

All Willa knows is, she has to confront the possible-ghost in her house, or she just might lose her mind . . . or her life.
Премия Трумэна
Alan Gratz 0.0
Survive. At any cost.

10 concentration camps.

10 different places where you are starved, tortured, and worked mercilessly.

It's something no one could imagine surviving.

But it is what Yanek Gruener has to face.

As a Jewish boy in 1930s Poland, Yanek is at the mercy of the Nazis who have taken over. Everything he has, and everyone he loves, have been snatched brutally from him. And then Yanek himself is taken prisoner -- his arm tattooed with the words PRISONER B-3087.

He is forced from one nightmarish concentration camp to another, as World War II rages all around him. He encounters evil he could have never imagined, but also sees surprising glimpses of hope amid the horror. He just barely escapes death, only to confront it again seconds later.

Can Yanek make it through the terror without losing his hope, his will -- and, most of all, his sense of who he really is inside?

Based on an astonishing true story.
Премия Трумэна
Стефани Став-Бодин 0.0
Robie is an experienced traveler. She's taken the flight from Honolulu to the Midway Atoll, a group of Pacific islands where her parents live, many times. When she has to get to Midway in a hurry after a visit with her aunt in Hawaii, she gets on the next cargo flight at the last minute. She knows the pilot, but on this flight, there's a new co-pilot named Max. All systems are go until a storm hits during the flight. The only passenger, Robie doesn't panic until the engine suddenly cuts out and Max shouts at her to put on a life jacket. They are over miles of Pacific Ocean. She sees Max struggle with a raft.

And then . . . she's in the water. Fighting for her life. Max pulls her onto the raft, and that's when the real terror begins. They have no water. Their only food is a bag of Skittles. There are sharks. There is an island. But there's no sign of help on the way.
Премия Трумэна
Мэри Лю 4.1
Бестселлер New-York Times и многообещающий дебют в жанре young-adult антиутопии!

Год 2130-й. Лик Земли изуродован катастрофами. Там, где раньше были западные штаты США, теперь Республика, ведущая непрерывные войны с соседями.
Пятнадцатилетняя Джун принадлежит к элите нации. Ее отец занимает высокий пост, ее дом находится в процветающем районе, а сама девушка, обладающая способностями сродни гениальным, готовится к успешной карьере в высоких военных кругах. Совсем иначе складывается судьба у Дэя — мало того что он родился и вырос в трущобах, так теперь еще объявлен самым опасным преступником в стране.
Эти двое живут в совершенно разных мирах, и нет причин, чтобы их пути пересеклись. Но однажды погибает брат Джун, молодой офицер, и главным подозреваемым становится Дэй. Девушка хочет найти убийцу и отомстить, и кто-то заботливо предоставляет ей такую возможность…
Премия Трумэна
Эйприл Хенри 3.5
Шестнадцатилетняя Шайен Уайлдер спала на заднем сиденье, когда ее мать ненадолго забежала в аптеку. Никто не мог предположить, что за эти несколько минут жизнь девушки перевернется: прежде чем она осознала, что происходит, машину угнали… с ней внутри.

Гриффину нужна была только тачка – он не собирался никого похищать. Но оказалось, что за девчонку можно получить выкуп, так что пришлось слегка изменить планы.

Теперь жертва должна перехитрить преступника и выбраться на свободу.
Дело усложняет только одно: Шайен – слепая.
Премия Трумэна
Джеймс Дэшнер 4.2
Вчера они были обычными парнями - слушали рэп и рок, бегали за девчонками, ходили в кино... Сегодня они - пешки в чужой игре, похищенные неизвестно кем для участия в чудовищном эксперименте. Их память стерта. Их новый дом - гигантский комплекс, отгороженный от еще более огромного Лабиринта стенами, которые раздвигаются утром и замыкаются вечером. И никто еще из тех, кто остался в Лабиринте после наступления ночи, не вернулся... Ребята не сомневаются: если они сумеют разгадать тайну Лабиринта, то вырвутся из заточения и вернутся домой. Но кто рискнет жизнью ради общей цели? Кто пойдет практически на верную смерть? Только двое - паренек по имени Томас и его подруга - Тереза...
Премия Трумэна
Сьюзен Коллинз 4.4
В наказание за восстание против своей столицы Капитолия, двенадцать Дистриктов государства Панем должны каждый год предоставлять по одному юноше и одной девушке для участия в Голодных Играх: смертельной схватки до последнего живого участника.
Текст произведения снабжен грамматическим комментарием и словарем, в который вошли все слова, содержащиеся в тексте.
Благодаря этому книга подойдет для любого уровня владения английским языком.
Премия Трумэна
Heather Brewer 3.0
Junior high really sucks for thirteen-year-old Vladimir Tod. Bullies harass him, the principal is dogging him, and the girl he likes prefers his best friend. Oh, and Vlad has a secret: his mother was human, but his father was a vampire. With no idea of the extent of his powers, Vlad struggles daily with his blood cravings and his enlarged fangs. When a substitute teacher begins to question him a little too closely, Vlad worries that his cover is about to be blown. But then he faces a much bigger problem: he's being hunted by a vampire killer.
Премия Трумэна
Сьюзан Бет Пфеффер 4.2
В тот миг, когда астероид врезался в Луну и сбил ее с орбиты, жизнь шестнадцатилетней Миранды полностью изменилась.

Теперь Луна пугающе близка, такая огромная, серая и холодная...

Как выжить, когда огромные цунами сносят с лица земли целые города и страны, землетрясения сотрясают континенты, вулканический пепел блокирует солнце, а укус комара может быть смертелен?

Когда лето превращается в арктическую зиму, Миранда, ее братья и мама прячутся в относительно безопасном доме, где единственный источник тепла - дровяная печь, воды ограниченное количество, а запасов еды может не хватить на всех...

Каждый день этой новой и пугающе неизвестной жизни Миранда описывает в своем дневнике.