Вручение 1998 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1998 г.


Ken MacLeod 0.0
Life on New Mars is tough for humans, but death is only a minor inconvenience. The machines know their place, the free market rules all, and only the Abolitionists object.
Then a stranger arrives on New Mars, a clone who remembers life on Earth as Jonathan Wilde, the anarchist with a nuclear capability who was accused of losing World War III. That stranger remembers David Reid, New Mars's leader...and the women they fought over and ideals they once shared.

Moving from twentieth-century Scotland through a tumultuous twenty-first century and outward to humanity's settlement on a planet circling another star, The Stone Canal is idea-driven science fiction at its best, making real and believable a future where long lives, strange deaths, and unexpected knowledge await those who survive the wars and revolutions to come.
L. Neil Smith 0.0
Bretta, Henry Martyn's daughter, is ejected from a spaceship by her father's old nemesis, left for dead, adrift in space. But resourceful Bretta finds haven on a strange world of escaped slaves. Determined to seek justice and have her revenge, Bretta blazes a new chapter in the interstellar piracy of her father, the dread Henry Martyn.
C. J. Cherryh 0.0
Finity's End is the oldest Merchanter ship in the universe. In an era of spies, pirate traders, and uneasy alliances, the Company Wars are now over, the hunt for the fleet is winding down, and the ship is coming home to reclaim her trade routes. Having lost an entire generation, the youngest crew members, bred and trained for war, must face their most critical battle of all--survival in a time of lasting peace.
Poul Anderson 0.0
In "The Fleet of Stars," Poul Anderson brings back the wildly colorful Anson Guthrie, his iconoclastic hero from Harvest of Stars. The staid, somber people of Earth are not only dependent on technology, they are all but ruled by machine intelligence. Suspecting a conspiracy to suppress the last vestiges of freedom known to humankind, Guthrie sets out on a dangerous and hair-raising journey encompassing the realm of the comets, the asteroids, and the stars themselves. Among the many exciting characters he meets along the way are the brave, beautiful Kinna Ronay and her courageous friend Fenn, who, against the advice of the wise and cautious Chuan, will join Guthrie in his attempt to stop the Terrans. Guthrie and his friends are determined that humankind will travel to the stars and roam the galaxies, even the universe itself, or die trying.
Bart Kosko 0.0
The countdown to World War III begins when a chiphead terrorist bombs a Saudi oil field...The year is 2030. The world has doubled in population, no one can escape the prying eyes of the State, and entrepreneurs race to find alternative fuels to replace scarce and expensive oil. Supercomputers are smaller and cheaper than sugar cubes but they, too, still need energy to run.

John Grant wants to save the Earth from its addiction to oil and get rich in the process. He has patented a revolutionary new molecule that can split water and produce an almost limitless supply of cheap fuel hydrogen. But he cannot do it alone -- and many groups don't want him to do it at all. He cannot trust his Israeli backers. The Americans think Grant is a traitor. And his greatest enemy wants his patent and his mind. For Hamid Tabriz -- Sufi mystic, master terrorist and genius mathematician -- has learned how to encode his mind in a chip and replace a person's brain with it.

The terrorist bombing compels the Saudis to launch a smart missile strike against Israel -- razing the desalination plant that tests Grant's molecule. As Israel prepares its response and its enemies and allies rush into a war already simmering today, Grant finds that he must defend the increasingly chaotic world and do so from a disembodied place for beyond the confines of space and time...in nanotime.

Compelling, suspenseful and meticulously researched, "Nanotime" is a shocking vision of our cyberfuture by one of the visionaries presently shaping it.

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Роберт Хайнлайн 3.9
«Мы перевалили через вершину. Теперь наша раса могла бы оставить пятьдесят планет, плотнее сомкнуть ряды и двинуться дальше. Наши галантные дамы возместят потерю за одно поколение. Но едва ли подобное случится; до сих пор нам не удалось повстречаться ни с одной расой, такой же бессовестной, настырной и коварной, как наша...» Человечество покорило космос, но перед ним встал новый, совершенно неожиданный выбор. И решение нужно принимать не откладывая...
James P. Hogan 0.0
Bestselling author James P. Hogan presents a riveting, near-future, high-tech thriller about the rise to power of a third American political party and the potentially lethal consequences of this rise when a nuclear warhead disappears.
Пол Андерсон 3.8
Над Землёй огненной бурей пронеслась война Судного Дня, в одночасье уничтожив цивилизацию. Минули века, прежде чем начали возрождаться народы и страны, среди которых ведущее положение заняла Маурайская Федерация, раскинувшаяся по бесчисленным островам Тихого океана и правящая, опираясь на биотехнологию. Но, кажется, человечество не научилось ничему... Удастся ли наследному Капитану Скайгольма Иерну, нозеланнскому разведчику Тераи и красавице Ронике из Северо-западного Союза предотвратить новую разрушительную войну?
Бим Пайпер, John J. McGuire 0.0
When the whole ornery state of Texas took off for a new planet more to their liking, New Texas was the result: a rough-and-tumble world where everyone packs a gun and it's legal to shoot politicians (if they deserve it)! But now these rugged and independent space pioneers are the targets of an expansive race of aliens. Is the Solar League's new ambassador tough enough to steer them back to Earth's embrace?
Эрик Фрэнк Рассел 4.1
Маленькая оса может уничтожить несколько людей, если её укус произойдет в нужное время и в нужное место. Роль такой осы должны сыграть земляне, посланные, чтобы ускорить конец войны между Землей и Сирианской Империей.
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