Вручение 1 октября 1993 г.

Лучшим кинофильмом назван фильм "Возмутительная игра" (The Crying Game).

Страна: США Место проведения: Омаха, Небраска, Bouchercon XXIV Дата проведения: 1 октября 1993 г.

Лучший роман

Маргарет Марон 3.2
Судья и следователь Дебора Нотт, герой бестселлеров Маргарет Марон, стала одним из самых любимых персонажей современной детективной прозы.
Адвокат Дебора Нотт совершает немыслимое, включаясь в гонку за место окружного судьи в округе Коллтон, где царят пережитки патриархата. Неожиданно дочь Дженни Уайтхед просит Дебору расследовать убийство матери, совершенное восемнадцать лет назад и оставшееся нераскрытым. Дебора принимается за дело, раскапывает опасные старые тайны... и кто-то пытается поставить точку в ее будущем - политическом и не только. Однако напугать и сбить со следа эту упорную женщину не так то просто...
Роберт Крейс 4.3
Элвис Коул - удачливый частный детектив, именно поэтому один из самых модных режиссеров Голливуда Питер Алан Нельсон, прозванный Королем Приключений, обращается к нему с просьбой найти бывшую жену и ребенка, которыми знаменитый кинодеятель обзавелся еще в начале своей карьеры. Легкое на первый взгляд дело оборачивается для Коула настоящим кошмаром. Ведь когда детектив находит бывшую жену режиссера в маленьком сонном городишке в Коннектикуте, то оказывается, что та запуталась в своих связях с мафией, и перед Элвисом Коулом открываются мрачные перспективы закончить свое расследование на дне Гудзона...
Джон Даннинг 3.5
Denver homicide detective Cliff Janeway may not always play by the book, but he is an avid collector of rare and first editions. After a local bookscout is killed on his turf, Janeway would like nothing better than to rearrange the suspect's spine. But the suspect, local lowlife Jackie Newton, is a master at eluding the law, and Janeway's wrathful brand of off-duty justice costs him his badge.
Turning to his lifelong passion, Janeway opens a small bookshop -- all the while searching for evidence to put Newton away. But when prized volumes in a highly sought-after collection begin to appear, so do dead bodies. Now, Janeway's life is about to start a precarious new chapter as he attempts to find out who's dealing death along with vintage Chandlers and Twains.
Каролин Харт 0.0
Bookstore owner Annie Darling must set aside her shame and do some serious sleuthing when her husband Max becomes the prime suspect in an unspecified crime involving a beautiful blonde.
Шэрин Маккрамб 0.0
Everyone in Dark Hollow, Tennesee, knew that old Nora Bonesteel had "the Sight." So naturally she was the first to know about the murder-suicide. Four members of the Underhill family lay dead on a run-down farm, and the two children who survived had no one left. Only the minister's wife, Laura Bruce, was willing to be their guardian.

Лучший дебютный роман

Барбара Нили 2.0
Barbara Neely’s Smart, Sassy and Groundbreaking Crime Novel

Blanche White is a plump, feisty, middle-aged African-American housekeeper working for the genteel rich in North Carolina. But when an employer stiffs her, and her checks bounce, she goes on the lam, hiding out as a maid for a wealthy family at their summer home. That plan goes awry when there’s a murder and Blanche becomes the prime suspect. So she’s forced to use her savvy, her sharp wit, and her old-girl network of domestic workers to discover the truth and save her own skin. Along the way, she lays bare the quirks of southern society with humor, irony, and a biting commentary that makes her one of the most memorable and original characters ever to appear in mystery fiction.
Кэрол Хиггинс Кларк 3.5
23 апреля 1982 года студентка одного из колледжей Оксфорда спешила на вокзал, в предвкушении лондонских каникул... С того дня Атену Пополус никто уже больше не видел. И лишь спустя десять лет ее останки будут обнаружены на территории поместья, обитатели которого хранили зловещую тайну исчезновения Атены...
Майкл Коннелли 4.1
Смерть от передозировки на темном пустыре в Лос-Анджелесе... Рутинное дело для опытного полицейского. Вот только погибший – старый армейский друг Гарри Босха, а обстоятельствами его смерти почему-то очень интересуется ФБР. Убийство? Вероятнее всего – да. Но каковы его мотивы? И кто его совершил? Босх и его коллега из ФБР, агент Элинор Уиш, начинают расследование и вскоре понимают – из охотников они превратились в мишени неизвестного убийцы.
Charlene Weir 0.0
Until Daniel Wren blew in like a tornado, sweeping Susan off her feet, and back home to Hampstead, Kansas--new bride of the small town's police chief. Ten days later Daniel was killed by a sniper.

Лучшая критическая или научно-популярная работа

David Coomes 0.0
This biography of the novelist Dorothy Leigh Sayers - the creator of Lord Peter Wimsey and the bestselling author of a dozen detective novels - brings out the spiritual pilgrimage and struggle at the heart of Sayers' life story. The author, who draws on thousands of letters Sayers wrote, reveals her to be a complex woman. Sayers was a very private person who even hid the existence of an illegitimate child from her closest friends. She was also someone to whom faith was central and wrote many theological books as well as the famous detective novels. Her radio play on the life of Christ, "The Man Born to be King", caused a furore when it was first broadcast and went on to win acclaim. She was linked with the Inklings - the group of writers which included C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, J.R.R. Tolkien and others.
Джон Логери 0.0
During the first four tumultuous decades of this century, Willard Huntington Wright lived two lives: before World War I, he was a pioneering art critic and editor of the avant-garde magazine The Smart Set, who numbered among his friends Alfred Stieglitz, H. L. Mencken, and Theodore Dreiser. In the 1920s, he transformed himself into S. S. Van Dine, one of America's best-selling authors. Mysteries featuring his detective Philo Vance--The Benson Murder Case, The "Canary" Murder Case, The Bishop Murder Case, among others--sold more than a million copies by the end of the decade, and dominated book sales during the first rough months of the Great Depression. Even by the standards of the Jazz Age, Wright lived an outsized life--in his palatial Manhattan penthouse he maintained an aquarium of two thousand exotic fish. But by the late 1930s, he was a broken, desperate man consumed by the fear of failure that had shadowed him all his life. The fashions of detective fiction had changed--Wright deplored the "all booze and erections style" of his competitor Dashiell Hammett--and he was reduced to writing novelizations of his failed screenplays in order to get by. John Loughery depicts in bewitching detail the rise and fall of a writer who helped create the modern detective novel, and tells with heartbreaking eloquence the story of a man whose fame ultimately destroyed him. Re-creating the artistic spirit of a lost world, Alias S. S. Van Dine is a brilliant work of literary archaeology that resurrects a man, his books, and the era whose glamour and flaws he came to represent so completely.

Лучшая документальная книга

Барбара Д'амато 0.0
In 1968, Dr. John Branion was found guilty of murdering his wife in their posh Chicago home. After exhausting his appeals, he evaded authorites by fleeing to Africa. He was finally captured in 1983--but his case was far from over. It would take another seven years for Dr. Branion to prove that he was innoent--and that those who prosecuted him had known it all along.
Jana Bommersbach 0.0
If history is right, a 26 year-old beauty named Winnie Ruth Judd murdered her two best girlfriends one hot Phoenix night in 1931. Then she hacked up their bodies, stuffed the pieces into a trunk, and took them by train to Los Angeles as her baggage.
If history is right, she was sentenced to die but "cheated the gallows" by acting insane. She spent nearly 40 years in Arizona's insane asylum-flummoxing officials by escaping six times.

If history is right, she only got her freedom at age 66-after serving more time than any other convicted murderer in the history of the nation--because Arizona was finally tired of punishing her.

But if history is wrong, Winnie Ruth Judd's life was squandered in a horrible miscarriage of justice.
Award-winning journalist Jana Bommersbach reinvestigates the twisted, bizarre murder case that has captivated the nation for decades. She not only uncovers evidence long hidden, but gets Winnie Ruth Judd to break her life-long silence and finally speak.

In telling the story of this American crime legend, Bommersbach also tells the story of Phoenix, Arizona-a backwater town that would become a major American city-and the story of a unique moment in American history filled with social taboos.

But most of all, she tells the story of a woman with the courage to survive.
Philip E. Ginsburg 0.0
The Shadow of Death is the unforgettable true story of the search for the man who, since 1984, has killed at least six women and young girls in the Connecticut River Valley area of New Hampshire and Vermont. It is the definitive account of how police and forensic psychologists work to track a killer, and it is the harrowing story of bucolic innocence lost when murder becomes a fact of small-town life. In this brilliant work of true-crime reportage, Philip E. Ginsburg, acclaimed author of the bestselling Poisoned Blood, re-creates for us the terror of the small communities unnerved by inexplicable murders that begin to occur with horrifying regularity. Ginsburg takes us deep into the lives of the women who died, so that we share the pain of their families and friends as the connections among the several deaths become chillingly clear. He introduces us to the most up-to-date methods today's police use to bring a serial killer to justice, making real the close-knit world of the small-town policemen for whom there is no distinction between the personal and professional when their own families are in danger. And, most harrowing of all, Ginsburg paints an indelible portrait of the psychologist who must burrow inside the mind of the unknown serial killer, and who must identify with the murderer even as he works with the police to capture him. Philip E. Ginsburg's new book is imbued with the same unerring sense of dramatic pacing and "bang-up investigative reporting" that made Poisoned Blood "one of the most riveting true-crime stories in memory," according to Publisher's Weekly. The Shadow of Death is superb and mesmerizing true-crime writing
Ann Rule 5.0
For their wedding portrait, petite Pat Taylor and handsome Tom Allanson posed as Rhett and Scarlett. Both came from fine Southern families, and dreamed of the Tara-like plantation where they would grow roses, raise horses, and move in the genteel circles of Atlanta society. Less than two months later, their dream exploded in terror and murder: their beautiful home mysteriously burned to the ground and Tom was convicted of the brutal slaying of his mother and father.
Pat's only brother had died in a puzzling suicide, her grandparents-in-law were poisoned with arsenic, and no one -- from her wealthy employers to her own children -- was safe when Pat Allanson didn't get her way. It took Georgia lawmen more than two decades to stop her for good -- if indeed they have.
In this fascinating account, Ann Rule delivers a tour de force: a whirlwind of misguided love, denial, guilt, and passions out of control; a series of brilliantly manipulated crimes; the bizarre and horrifying tale of two families brought to ruin; and, at the center of it all, the heartless, supremely selfish sociopath whose evil hid behind soft words and gentle manners, but who destroyed -- without mercy -- those who loved her.