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Тифани Яник 0.0
“ Reveals on every page how love can persevere and take shape over time and space.”— Boston Globe

"Transporting and deeply emotional.” — Glamour

“ One of the most inventive and talented stylists of her generation.” — Vulture

From the award-winning author of Land of Love and Drowning , an electric new novel that maps the emotional inheritance of one couple newly in love.

When Fly and Stela meet in 21st Century New York City, it seems like fate. He's a Black American musician from a mixed-religious background who knows all about heartbreak. She’s a Catholic science teacher from the Caribbean, looking for lasting love. But are they meant to be? The answer goes back decades—all the way to their parents' earliest loves.

Vibrant and emotionally riveting, Monster in the Middle moves across decades, from the U.S. to the Virgin Islands to Ghana and back again, to show how one couple's romance is intrinsically influenced by the family lore and love stories that preceded their own pairing. What challenges and traumas must this new couple inherit, what hopes and ambitions will keep them moving forward? Exploring desire and identity, religion and class, passion and obligation, the novel posits that in order to answer the question “who are we meant to be with?” we must first understand who we are and how we came to be.
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Дженет Алиу 0.0
A waitress at the Betsy Ross Diner, Elsie hopes her nickel-and-dime tips will add up to a new life. Then she meets Bashkim, who is at once both worldly and naïve, a married man who left Albania to chase his dreams—and wound up working as a line cook in Waterbury, Connecticut. Back when the brass mills were still open, this bustling factory town drew one wave of immigrants after another. Now it’s the place they can’t seem to leave. Elsie, herself the granddaughter of Lithuanian immigrants, falls in love quickly, but when she learns that she’s pregnant, Elsie can’t help wondering where Bashkim’s heart really lies, and what he’ll do about the wife he left behind.

Seventeen years later, headstrong and independent Luljeta receives a rejection letter from NYU and her first-ever suspension from school on the same day. Instead of striking out on her own in Manhattan, she’s stuck in Connecticut with her mother, Elsie—a fate she refuses to accept. Wondering if the key to her future is unlocking the secrets of the past, Lulu decides to find out what exactly her mother has been hiding about the father she never knew. As she soon discovers, the truth is closer than she ever imagined.

Told in equally gripping parallel narratives with biting wit and grace, Brass announces a fearless new voice with a timely, tender, and quintessentially American story.
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Джулия Франкс 0.0
It’s 1939, and the federal government has sent USDA agent Virginia Furman into the North Carolina mountains to instruct families on modernizing their homes and farms. There she meets farm wife Irenie Lambey, who is immediately drawn to the lady agent’s self-possession. Already, cracks are emerging in Irenie’s fragile marriage to Brodis, an ex-logger turned fundamentalist preacher: She has taken to night ramblings through the woods to escape her husband’s bed, storing strange keepsakes in a mountain cavern. To Brodis, these are all the signs that Irenie—tiptoeing through the dark in her billowing white nightshirt—is practicing black magic. &t;br/&t; When Irenie slips back into bed with a kind of supernatural stealth, Brodis senses that a certain evil has entered his life, linked to the lady agent, or perhaps to other, more sinister forces. &t;br/&t; Working in the stylistic terrain of Amy Greene and Bonnie Jo Campbell, this mesmerizing debut by Julia Franks is the story of a woman intrigued by the possibility of change, escape, and reproductive choice—stalked by a Bible-haunted man who fears his government and stakes his integrity upon an older way of life. As Brodis chases his demons, he brings about a final act of violence that shakes the entire valley. In this spellbinding Southern story, Franks bares the myths and mysteries that modernity can’t quite dispel.
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Томас Маллен 0.0
Late one night in August 1934, following a yearlong spree of bank robberies across the Midwest, the Firefly Brothers are forced into a police shootout and die . . . for the first time.

In award-winning author Thomas Mullen’s evocative new novel, the highly anticipated follow-up to his acclaimed debut, The Last Town on Earth, we follow the Depression-era adventures of Jason and Whit Fireson—bank robbers known as the Firefly Brothers by the press, the authorities, and an adoring public that worships their acts as heroic counterpunches thrown at a broken system.

Now it appears they have at last met their end in a hail of bullets. Jason and Whit’s lovers—Darcy, a wealthy socialite, and Veronica, a hardened survivor—struggle between grief and an unyielding belief that the Firesons have survived. While they and the Firesons’ stunned mother and straight-arrow third son wade through conflicting police reports and press accounts, wild rumors spread that the bandits are still at large. Through it all, the Firefly Brothers remain as charismatic, unflappable, and as mythical as the American Dream itself, racing to find the women they love and make sense of a world in which all has come unmoored.

Complete with kidnappings and gangsters, heiresses and speakeasies, The Many Deaths of the Firefly Brothers is an imaginative and spirited saga about what happens when you are hopelessly outgunned—and a masterly tale of hardship, redemption, and love that transcends death.
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Кэтрин Стокетт 4.7
Американский Юг, на дворе 1960-е годы. Скитер только-только закончила университет и возвращается домой, в сонный городок Джексон, где никогда ничего не происходит. Она мечтает стать писательницей, вырваться в большой мир. Но приличной девушке с Юга не пристало тешиться столь глупыми иллюзиями, приличной девушке следует выйти замуж и хлопотать по дому. Мудрая Эйбилин на тридцать лет старше Скитер, она прислуживает в домах белых всю свою жизнь, вынянчила семнадцать детей и давно уже ничего не ждет от жизни, ибо сердце ее разбито после смерти единственного сына.
Минни — самая лучшая стряпуха во всем Джексоне, а еще она самая дерзкая служанка в городе. И острый язык не раз уже сослужил ей плохую службу. На одном месте Минни никогда подолгу не задерживается. Но с Минни лучше не связываться даже самым высокомерным белым дамочкам. Двух черных служанок и белую неопытную девушку объединяет одно — обостренное чувство справедливости и желание хоть как-то изменить порядок вещей. Смогут ли эти трое противостоять целому миру? Сумеют ли они выжить в этой борьбе?
Экранизация романа "Прислуга" выйдет в российский прокат зимой 2012 года. Авторами сценария стали Кэтрин Стокетт и известный режиссер и сценарист Тэйт Тэйлор (одна из самых ярких его работ — сериал "Зачарованные"). Одним из продюсеров выступил культовый режиссер Крис Коламбус ("Один дома", фильмы о Гарри Поттере, "Перси Джексон и похититель молний").
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Рене Додд 0.0
Set in 1927, this novel confronts the spectacle of the freak show, steps through the curtains and out the other side, taking the reader to a candid, complex and human space where they can know outsiders as intimates.
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Джадсон Митчем 0.0
Sabbath Creek is the story of Lewis Pope, a fourteen-year-old boy thrust into an adult world when his beautiful mother takes him on an aimless journey through south Georgia. Cerebral and sensitive, Lewis is forced to confront the latent fears-scars left from the emotional abuse of an alcoholic father and the lack of comfort from a preoccupied mother- that crowd his interior existence.

At the heart of the journey, and of the novel itself, is Truman Stroud, the quick-witted, cantankerous, ninety-three-year-old black owner of the crumbling Sabbath Creek Motor Court, where Lewis and his mother are stranded by car trouble. Despite his prickly personality and the considerable burden of his own tragedies, Stroud becomes the boy's best hope for a father figure, as he teaches Lewis the secrets of baseball and the secrets of life.

This compassionate, powerful work of fiction travels from the ruined landscape of south Georgia and takes us all the way through the ruined landscape of a broken heart.
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Терри Кей 0.0
1948 sunny summer, Noah Locke spends a week in Bowerstown, North Carolina, bordered by lakes, in the Valley of Light. A quiet, simple war veteran, Noah has a mystical gift for fishing, yet remains haunted by Dachau terrors. Eleanor Cunningham is a widow whose husband supposedly killed himself at home after WW2. After a miracle, Noah comes home at last.
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Ха Цзинь 0.0
From the remarkable Ha Jin, winner of the National Book Award for his celebrated novel Waiting, a collection of comical and deeply moving tales of contemporary China that are as warm and human as they are surprising, disturbing, and delightful.

In the title story, the head of security at a factory is shocked, first when the handsomest worker on the floor proposes marriage to his homely adopted daughter, and again when his new son-in-law is arrested for the "crime" of homosexuality. In "After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town," the workers at an American-style fast food franchise receive a hilarious crash course in marketing, deep frying, and that frustrating capitalist dictum, "the customer is always right."Ha Jin has triumphed again with his unforgettable storytelling in The Bridegroom.
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Джеймс Килго 0.0
In this extraordinary, long-awaited debut novel, the acclaimed essayist James Kilgo has woven a richly textured and complex tale from the threads of actual events. Set in rural South Carolina in the early twentieth century, Daughter of My People is the story of the ties of land, blood, and honor that bind and threaten to destroy two families.At the center of the story are two brothers, Hart and Tison Bonner, and their cousin Jennie Grant, the mixed-race woman one brother loves and the other dishonors. Theirs is a world in which dark passions lead to tragic consequences. The burden of understanding that promises redemption and victory over the destructive forces of ignorance and prejudice rests on the shoulders of Jennie. A shadowy but prominent figure in the stories passed down to Kilgo, Jennie here is given her due. Her strength and dignity, the driving forces of this novel, shine through the generations with the glow of heirloom sterling.

Kilgo is a sensory writer, bringing the landscape alive with an abundance of sights, sounds, and smells. He writes with a resonance that draws the reader in and does not let go until long after the last page has been turned. "This is a love story," he says. "And I hope it breaks the reader's heart as mine was broken in the telling of it."
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Джадсон Митчем 0.0
In The Sweet Everlasting, Judson Mitcham cuts through the moral ambiguities of life in the midcentury, rural South to show us the heart and soul of a good but flawed man.Sharecropper's son, mill worker, and ex-convict--Ellis Burt surely knows adversity. For a brief and cherished time there was a woman, and then a child, too, who had been a kind of salvation to him. Then they were gone, leaving Ellis to carry on with the burden of what he had done to them, of the ruin he brought down upon them all.

In The Sweet Everlasting, Ellis is seventy-four. Moving back and forth over his life, he recalls his Depression-era boyhood, the black family who worked the neighboring farm, his time in prison, and the subsequent years adrift, working at jobs no one else would take and longing for another chance to rejoin what is left of his family. Ever in the background are the memories of his wife, Susan, and their boy, W.D.--how Ellis drew on her strength and his innocence to resist everything that threatened to harden him: the shame that others would have him feel, the poverty he had known, and the distorted honor and pride he had seen in others and that he knew was inside him, too.

Like the hero of William Kennedy's masterpiece, Ironweed, Ellis Burt is a man of uncommon personal dignity and strength, always moving toward, but never expecting, redemption.
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Джоаллен Брэдхэм 0.0
Bradham, Georgia Writer of the Year, weaves an eerie tale of a social worker's dark psyche.
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Пэм Дурбан 0.0
John and Louise Vess have conducted their lives seamlessly and honorably in the South Carolina home that has been in their family for generations. Upon John's sudden death, their daughter Annie-also a recent widow-returns to comfort Louise. But Annie finds all has changed: a gigantic artificial lake has flooded the woods she remembers, her sensible mother spouts born-again homilies, and her father's reputation is threatened by a long-hidden scandal.
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Феррол Сэмс 0.0
The year is 1942 and Porter Osborne, Jr., is safely ensconced in medical school. He is physically safe, although taunted by the beckoning finger of Uncle Sam. Haunted by the family motto, "Remember who you are, " Porter wrestles with a flood of conflicting emotions. A year later, the conflicts still unresolved, he is an elisted man in the U.S. Army. In the face of incomprehensible delays and inefficiency, he wonders how America will ever prevail in the world war. Surgical Technician PFC Porter Osborne finally lands at Omaha Beach and joins the Allied fight against Germany. The final novel in the trilogy that began with "Run with the Horsemen" and "The Whisper of the River," "When all the World Was Young" continues the story of young Porter Osborne with the supreme wit and wisdom that readers have come to expect from the intimitable Ferrol Sams.
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Чарли Смит 0.0
With the publication of his first two novels--Canaan and Shine Hawk--Charlie Smith was catapulted onto the front pages of every major newspaper in the country. Now this writer of appalling brilliance (New York Times Book Review) continues to explore the ways in which people behave when they're pushed to the edge.
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Сара Фланиган 0.0
A story of inner strength, of ordinary people helping others overcome hardship with the extraordinary power of love. Young Ellie finds the courage to secretly teach a young deaf girl to speak, play, and count--transforming an entire town shadowed by ignorance and cruelty. Scheduled for a made-for-TV movie on Lifetime Television. Reissue.
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Мэри Гуд 0.0
Inspired with the essence of Mary Hood's native South and spiced with intrigue and the dark side of human nature, this collection of stories offers the drama, humor, and heartache of everyday life and unexpected tragedy--with more than a few twists. The stories cover the terrain of transition between old and new, history and the present, holding on and letting go. In "Finding the Chain," Cliffie struggles to overcome her ties to the past and forge a beginning with her newly formed family. "Moths" shows how one man's fortitude, friends, and love of nature help him see his life of poverty in a new light. In the title novella, Delia struggles to overcome her fears of separation and abandonment in the face of her father's suicide. With characters, situations, and settings that capture the turmoil of lives--and of a region--caught in transition between the past and present, the stories of And Venus Is Blue portray both the uncompromising harshness of life and the power of human tenacity.
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Филип Ли Уильямс 0.0
Retired professor Andrew Lachlan has returned to his family home on a lake in central Georgia to die. And yet he has never felt so alive, so ready to learn about the natural world around him. Having taught all his life, he is ready for solitude. But a young country boy, Willie Sullivan, disrupts Lachlan’s search for order and rekindles memories he thought long dead.
Lachlan also finds Callie McKenzie, a woman he loved years earlier, and they soon begin to see in each other reflections of the lives they once led. Lachlan’s journal of his year by the lake leads him to a deeper understanding of himself and the world.
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Элис Уокер 4.2
Унижения, боль, насилие, бесправие - такова была судьба темнокожей женщины Глубокого Юга в начале прошлого века. Такова судьба главной героини романа Сили. Ей приходилось играть роль покорной служанки жестокого отца, разлучившего ее с детьми и любимой сестрой, а потом забитой жены-рабыни сурового мужа...

Но однажды в жизни Сили появляется наставница и настоящая подруга, которой она небезразлична. Вместе с ней Сили найдет путь к свободе и независимости. Сделав первый шаг и оставив прошлое позади, она поймет свое призвание в этом мире и окружит себя любимыми людьми...