Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Robert Charles Wilson 3.7
Scott Warden is a man haunted by the past-and soon to be haunted by the future.

In early twenty-first-century Thailand, Scott is an expatriate slacker. Then, one day, he inadvertently witnesses an impossible event: the violent appearance of a 200-foot stone pillar in the forested interior. Its arrival collapses trees for a quarter mile around its base, freezing ice out of the air and emitting a burst of ionizing radiation. It appears to be composed of an exotic form of matter. And the inscription chiseled into it commemorates a military victory--sixteen years in the future.

Shortly afterwards, another, larger pillar arrives in the center of Bangkok-obliterating the city and killing thousands. Over the next several years, human society is transformed by these mysterious arrivals from, seemingly, our own near future. Who is the warlord "Kuin" whose victories they note?

Scott wants only to rebuild his life. But some strange loop of causality keeps drawing him in, to the central mystery and a final battle with the future.
Джек Уильямсон 3.7
История Земли, тысячу лет назад переживший чудовищную катастрофу и ставшей необитаемой. История жалких остатков человечества, успевших укрыться на Луне - и тысячелетиями ожидавших часа, когда они смогут вернуться на родную планету. История опасности и мужества, выживания - и надежды...
Роман состоит из пяти взаимосвязанных повестей, которые до этого печатались по отдельности.
Nancy Kress 0.0

3-е место

Salvation or Annihilation?

A strange artifact has been discovered on a distant planet, an artifact that may be the key to humanity's salvation. For we at war with the Fallers, an alien race bent on nothing short of genocide, and this is a war we are losing. The artifact is not only a powerful weapon, but possibly the rosetta stone to a lost superscience . . . a superscience that the Fallers may have already decoded. Or it may be a doomsday machine that could destroy the very fabric of space.
Ken MacLeod 0.0


With his sharp, fast-paced, challenging novel Dark Light (sequel to the Prometheus Award-nominated Cosmonaut Keep in the Engines of Light series), Ken MacLeod reaffirms why he is science fiction's hottest new writer at the turn of the millennium.
From the days of the dinosaurs, mysterious aliens have been transporting earthly life forms across the galaxy to the worlds of the Second Sphere. Here, the descendants of humans abducted from the Stone Age and from colonial America coexist with dinosaurs--and with the saurs, their intelligent descendants, who are technologically superior to the humans. This arrangement is disturbed by the arrival of nearly immortal (but far from indestructible) humans from 21st-century Earth--men like Matt Cairns, who have no desire to let the secret of interstellar flight remain in the hands of the inscrutable, almost godlike aliens.
Джек Макдевит 4.1


Умирающая планета, которая вот-вот столкнется с вторгшейся в ее систему планетой-гигантом. Ее давно уже сочли не представляющей научной ценности, но теперь - слишком поздно! - на ней обнаружены следы сразу нескольких цивилизаций.
Для спасения хотя бы части бесценных археологических артефактов на планету отправляются сразу несколько экспедиций.
Но почти все корабли землян гибнут во время землетрясения, и единственная надежда людей на спасение - долгий и смертельно опасный переход к последнему уцелевшему шаттлу...
Питер Гамильтон 3.7


Земля медленно умирает, и жизнь на ней практически невозможна.
Человечество колонизирует все новые и новые планеты – но колонисты немедленно становятся легкой добычей многочисленных пиратских и бандитских кланов.
Наступает эра космических "джентльменов удачи" – эра преступлений, подвигов и легенд.
И самая загадочная из этих легенд – история о "городе благоденствия" Мему-Бей, где, как говорят, хранится таинственное сокровище, обеспечивающее местным обитателям долголетие и процветание.
Легенды лгут?
Но отчего же, тогда Мему-Бей – единственная из колоний Земли, которой не страшны набеги "космических рэкетиров" – "взыскателей недоимок", чье ремесло – повинуясь приказам "крестных отцов" криминальных кланов, дочиста обирать колонистов?
Что же все-таки хранится в "городе благоденствия"?
"Пиратский принц" Лоренс Ньютон, одержимый легендой о сокровище, готов положить жизнь на поиски истины в легенде…
C.J. Cherryh 0.0


One of the most renowned figures in science fiction, C. J. Cherryh has been enthralling audiences for nearly thirty years with rich and complex novels. Now at the peak of her career, this three-time Hugo Award Winner launches her most ambitious work in decades, Hammerfall, part of a far-ranging series, The Gene Wars, set in an entirely new universe scarred by the most vicious of future weaponry, nanotechnology. In this brilliant novel -- possibly Cherryh's masterwork -- the fate of billions has come down to a confrontation between two profoundly alien cultures on a single desert planet.

"The mad shall be searched out and given to the Ila's
messengers. No man shall conceal madness in his wife,
or his son, or his daughter, or his father.
Every one must be delivered up."

-- The Book of the Ila's Au'itMarak has suffered the madness his entire life. He is a prince and warrior, strong and shrewd and expert in the ways of the desert covering his planet. In the service of his father, he has dedicated his life to overthrowing the Ila, the mysterious eternal dictator of his world. For years he has successfully hidden the visions that plague him -- voices pulling him eastward, calling Marak, Marak, Marak, amid mind-twisting visions of a silver tower. But when his secret is discovered, Marak is betrayed by his own father and forced to march in an endless caravan with the rest of his world's madmen to the Ila's city of Oburan.

Instead of death, Marak finds in Oburan his destiny, and the promise of life -- if he can survive what is surely a suicidal mission. The Ila wants him to discover the source of the voices and visions that afflict the mad. Despite the dangers of the hostile desert, tensions within the caravan, and his own excruciating doubts, Marak miraculously reaches his goal -- only to be given another, even more impossible mission by the strange people in the towers.

According to these beings who look like him yet act differently than anyone he has ever known, Marak has a slim chance to save his world's people from the wrath of the Ilas enemies. But to do so, he must convince them all -- warring tribes, villagers, priests, young and old, as well as the Ila herself -- to follow him on an epic trek across the burning desert before the hammer of the Ila's foes falls from the heavens above.

Written with deceptive simplicity and lyricism, this riveting, fast-paced epic of war, love, and survival in a brave new world marks a major achievement from the masterful C.J. Cherryh.
Paul Johnston 0.0


It’s the 2020s. Welcome to independent Edinburgh: an oppressive, almost crime–free, dystopian oasis—run by the Council of City Guardians and surrounded by anarchic city–states. Quintilian Dalrymple—renegade private investigator—is at the center of this ingenious futuristic crime series from Paul Johnston, winner of Britain’s prestigious John Creasey Memorial Dagger.
Скотт Маккей 0.0


The future of humanity depends on the asteroid Ceres, where children can grow up in Earth-normal gravity. But when an engineering crew lands on Ceres, they realize that they are not alone-and not welcome...
Maureen F. McHugh 0.0


An extraordinary literary artist offers a powerful vision of tomorrow in a world barely touched by the passing centuries.

There is life in the Nekropolis -- but no future. Hariba spent her youth here, among the exquisite paper flower wreaths her mother meticulously constructed, playing contentedly with other children around the rows and rows of old buildings housing the crumbling bones of the dead. But when an older brother's criminal indiscretion robbed Hariba of any possibility of a husband, she agreed to have herself "jessed" -- submitting to the technoblological process designed to render her docile and subservient to whomever has purchased her service. In this way, Hariba could escape the confinement of her surroundings and hopelessness of her fate...though she could never again be truly free.

At the age of twenty-six, she enters the house of a wealthy merchant as an indentured servant. It is a new world for Hariba, filled with many wondrous objects and strange amusements that she has never before seen. But there is one thing in this place that greatly disturbs her: a harni, an intelligent, machine-bred creature of flesh and organs, a perfect replica of a man. A menial, like herself, it calls itself "Akhmim." And it unsettles Hariba with its beauty, its naïve, inappropriate tenderness -- and with prying, unanswerable questions like "Why are you sad?"

But slowly, almost imperceptibly, Hariba's revulsion metamorphoses into acceptance, and then into something much more. For Akhmim, like her, is a nonentity at the very bottom of the social order -- and the harni's gentle concern for her is real. And if she shuts out the accusing voices in her head, Hariba can even forget that Akhmim is less than human.

Dangerous thoughts, however, must inevitably lead to dangerous actions -- and outlaw emotions can breed an unholy love defying the strictly enforced edicts of God and man. Soon feelings Hariba can neither control nor ignore have her contemplating the unthinkable -- escape. But the "jessed" abandon their masters at the risk of sickness, pain, imprisonment, and perhaps even death. And there is no safe haven for a rebel servant and a runaway A.I. -- not even within the shunned, technology-barren bowels of the city of the dead.

Hugo Award winner Maureen F. McHugh has written a provocative, powerfully dazzling novel of repression and reawakening -- and a unique, profoundly moving love storythat stands alongside the acclaimed works of Ursula K. Le Guin and Margaret Atwood.
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