Вручение 2017 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2017 г.

Книжная премия «Парящий орёл»

Никола Юн 4.2
Мэделайн живет с мамой. И не выходит из дома. Совсем. Никогда. У девочки странное заболевание, вроде как аллергия на жизнь. При любом столкновении с миром людей ей грозит гибель. Но никакие двери и шторы не спрячут от любви.
В соседнем доме поселился симпатичный парень - Олли. Мэделайн старалась слушать маму и не общаться с соседом, но... чувства оказались сильнее. Теперь ей просто необходимо узнать, что такое держать любимого за руку, обнимать, целовать. Ей просто необходимо увидеть и узнать ВЕСЬ ЭТОТ МИР.
Неужели болезнь все-таки помешает девушке жить обычной жизнью рядом с Олли? А, может быть, все дело не в болезни? Что скрывает мама? Развязка у книги совершенно неожиданная, удивительная и очень счастливая!
Гид для родителей
Совет только один: прочитайте эту книгу. Вы многое поймете - о себе, о детях, о том, какой опасной может быть безграничная родительская любовь, и в то же время, какой сильной бывает любовь подростковая. Вы решите для себя, чего хотите от своих детей-подростков - чтобы были дома и в безопасности, или чтобы жили, рисковали, ошибались, влюблялись. Отпустить своих взрослых детей, позволить им "улететь из гнезда" - такая сложная задача для многих родителей. Но отпустить - не значит не любить. Наоборот.

Про автора
Никола Юн росла на острове Ямайка и в Бруклине (Лонг-Айленд). В настоящее время она живет в Лос-Анджелесе с мужем, который и рисовал иллюстрации для этого романа. У Николы есть дочь. "Весь этот мир" - первый роман писательницы, очень удачный дебют, который моментально завоевал сердца читателей. Роман перевели на 34 языка, у Николы Юн уже есть фан-клуб, который с нетерпением ждет, когда же выйдет следующая книга.
Ли Бардуго 4.6

Второе место.

Кеттердам — шумный центр международной торговли, где по сходной цене можно купить все, и лучше других это знает юный гений преступного мира Каз Бреккер. Ему выпадает шанс на похищение века, которое может сделать его невообразимо богатым. Но один он не справится…
Узник, обуреваемый жаждой мести. Стрелок, который любит испытывать судьбу. Беглец из высших слоев общества. Шпионка, известная под кличкой Призрак. Девушка из магического ордена гришей с необычным даром. Вор с талантом выходить сухим из воды.
Шесть опасных изгоев. Одно невозможное похищение.
Alan Gratz 0.0

Третье место.

Live by the code. Die by the code?

Kamran Smith has it all. He’s the star of the football team, dates the most popular girl, and can’t wait to enlist in the army like his big brother, Darius. Although Kamran’s mother is from Iran, Kamran has always felt 100% American. Accepted.

And then everything implodes.

Darius is accused of being a terrorist. Kamran refuses to believe it. But Darius has been filmed making threats against his country, hinting at an upcoming deadly attack. Suddenly, everyone in Kamran’s life turns against him and his family.

Kamran knows it’s up to him to clear his brother’s name. In a race against time, Kamran must piece together a series of clues and codes that will lead him to Darius—and the truth.

But is it a truth Kamran is ready to face? And is he putting his own life at risk?

Acclaimed author Alan Gratz (Prisoner B-3087) takes readers on a heart-pounding, nonstop adventure through underground intelligence bunkers and dangerous terrorist cells, weaving a gripping tale about the War on Terror—and the bond between brothers.
Кертис Джоблинг 4.2
Они носят гордое звание Верлордов и обладают необычайной силой. Они оборотни и правят в Семиземелье уже много веков. Однако благодатные времена давно миновали. Некогда могущественные кланы Медведей, Лисиц, Кабанов, Оленей теперь молча склоняются под гнетом власти жестокого короля-льва Леопольда. Но однажды на дороге, ведущей к королевскому замку, появляется тот, о ком постарались забыть, тот, чей клан был стерт с лица земли... Наследник Волка.
М. Г. Бюрлен 0.0
"Beautiful prose, an intelligent plot, and a heroine as fabulous as she is unique—I couldn't put it down!" —C. J. Redwine, The Defiance Trilogy

For as long as she can remember, 17-year-old Alex Wayfare has had visions of the past. Visions that seem so real they leave her breathless, feeling as if she really was onboard a ship bound for colonial America, or rising to the top of the first Ferris wheel at the Chicago World’s Fair.

But these brushes with history are not simple jaunts back in time, nor do they come without a price. Alex's visions wrench her from her life in the present without warning, returning her with mysterious wounds and inexplicable, lasting effects. Desperate for a normal life, Alex wants to discover the meaning of her visions and get rid of them once and for all.

It isn’t until she meets Porter, a stranger who seems to know more about her than she knows about herself, that Alex learns the truth: she is a Descender, capable of traveling back in time to her fifty-six past lives by accessing Limbo, the space between Life and Afterlife.

With fifty-six lifetimes to explore, historical secrets to unlock, and hidden treasures to unearth, descending back in time becomes irresistible to Alex, especially when the same mysterious boy with blue eyes keeps showing up in each one of them. But the more Alex descends, the more it becomes apparent that someone doesn’t want Alex to travel again. Ever. And will stop at nothing to make sure her current life, her fifty-seventh, is her last.
Брендан Кили, Джейсон Рейнольдс 4.0
That’s the sidewalk graffiti that started it all…

Well, no, actually, a lady tripping over Rashad at the store, making him drop a bag of chips, was what started it all. Because it didn’t matter what Rashad said next—that it was an accident, that he wasn’t stealing—the cop just kept pounding him. Over and over, pummeling him into the pavement. So then Rashad, an ROTC kid with mad art skills, was absent again…and again…stuck in a hospital room. Why? Because it looked like he was stealing. And he was a black kid in baggy clothes. So he must have been stealing.

And that’s how it started.

And that’s what Quinn, a white kid, saw. He saw his best friend’s older brother beating the daylights out of a classmate. At first Quinn doesn’t tell a soul…He’s not even sure he understands it. And does it matter? The whole thing was caught on camera, anyway. But when the school—and nation—start to divide on what happens, blame spreads like wildfire fed by ugly words like “racism” and “police brutality.” Quinn realizes he’s got to understand it, because, bystander or not, he’s a part of history. He just has to figure out what side of history that will be.

Rashad and Quinn—one black, one white, both American—face the unspeakable truth that racism and prejudice didn’t die after the civil rights movement. There’s a future at stake, a future where no one else will have to be absent because of police brutality. They just have to risk everything to change the world.

Cuz that’s how it can end.
Лора Руби 3.8
Bone Gap is the story of Roza, a beautiful girl who is taken from a quiet midwestern town and imprisoned by a mysterious man, and Finn, the only witness, who cannot forgive himself for being unable to identify her kidnapper. As we follow them through their melancholy pasts, their terrifying presents, their uncertain futures, acclaimed author Laura Ruby weaves a heartbreaking tale of love and loss, magic and mystery, regret and forgiveness—a story about how the face the world sees is never the sum of who we are.
Ruta Sepetys 4.5
For readers of Between Shades of Gray and All the Light We Cannot See, international bestselling author Ruta Sepetys returns to WWII in this epic novel that shines a light on one of the war's most devastating—yet unknown—tragedies.

World War II is drawing to a close in East Prussia, and thousands of refugees are on a desperate trek toward freedom, almost all of them with something to hide. Among them are Joana, Emilia, and Florian, whose paths converge en route to the ship that promises salvation, the Wilhelm Gustloff. Forced by circumstance to unite, the three find their strength, courage, and trust in one another tested with each step closer toward safety.

Just when it seems freedom is within their grasp, tragedy strikes. Not country, nor culture, nor status matter as all ten thousand people aboard must fight for the same thing: survival.

Told in alternating points of view, and perfect for fans of Anthony Doerr's Pulitzer Prize-winning All the Light We Cannot See, Erik Larson's #1 NYT bestseller Dead Wake, and Elizabeth Wein's Printz Honor Book Code Name Verity, this masterful work of historical fiction is inspired by the real-life tragedy that was the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff--the greatest maritime disaster in history. As she did in Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepetys unearths a shockingly little-known casualty of a gruesome war, and proves that humanity can prevail, even in the darkest of hours.