Вручение 2015 г.

Премия вручена за 2014 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Лучший детективный или криминальный роман

Greg Iles 3.5
‘Extraordinarily entertaining and fiendishly suspenseful’ (Stephen King). The stunning new Penn Cage thriller in which a shocking murder from the 1960s finds new life - and victims - in the present.
Penn Cage is facing a son's worst nightmare - having his father stand accused of murder. Worse, each effort to defend the legendary Dr Tom Cage unearths new, shocking secrets, leaving Penn to question whether he ever really knew his father at all.
At issue is the murder of Viola Turner, once Tom Cage's nurse, before being transferred to Chicago, now back in Natchez and a corpse in her sister's house.
What was the relationship between Tom, Viola, and the ‘Double Eagle Club’, an ultra-violent group of hardened men who considered themselves smarter, tougher, and more elite than their peers in the FBI-infiltrated Ku Klux Klan?
In Natchez, where the past is never truly ‘past’, long-buried secrets turn lethal when exposed to the light of day. For Penn Cage, the cost of solving this case will be no exception.
Юсси Адлер-Ольсен 4.1
Его зовут Марко, и он – часть преступного клана, орудующего в Дании. Золя, главарь этого клана, заставляет подростков, таких как Марко, лазать по карманам и залезать в квартиры; парни же постарше берутся за дела посерьезнее, не гнушаясь и заказными убийствами. В клане царит железная дисциплина. Но Марко мечтает лишь об одном – сбежать куда-нибудь подальше и зажить нормальной жизнью обычного человека. И однажды он решается на побег. Но при этом случайно узнает тщательно скрываемую тайну о страшном убийстве, совершенном когда-то членами клана. Теперь его ждет неминуемая смерть. Спасти Марко может лишь Карл Мёрк, начальник отдела ""Q"" столичной полиции, ведущий расследование того давнего убийства… О книге Служащий датского МИДа пропал три года назад, после того как обнаружил в финансовых документах ведомства значительные нарушения. Дело о пропаже чиновника до сих пор висит на отделе «Q» копенгагенской полиции, и разгадать его и дать ответы родственникам пропавшего должен детектив Карл Мёрк. В ходе расследования полицейские выходят на пятнадцатилетнего Марко Джеймсона - подростка, сбежавшего из мигрантского клана. Марко хотел быть как другие дети: ходить в школу и жить нормальной жизнью, но был вынужден подчиняться правилам, установленным его дядей по имени Золя - он держал всех детей большой «семьи» в ежовых рукавицах, заставляя попрошайничать и воровать ради личного обогащения. Однажды, не выдержав «наставлений» Золя, Марко сбежал, и теперь для него нет пути назад - глава клана намерен убить паренька, потому что тот слишком много знает о беспределе, в который были замешаны взрослые родственники. Мёрк намерен спасти мальчика, но для этого ему придется связать воедино высокопоставленных казнокрадов, африканскую «прачечную» и нравы копенгагенского криминального дна. Для кого Для поклонников остросюжетного криминального триллера. «Эффект Марко» - пятая книга серии о детективе Карле Мёрке из отдела «Q» копенгагенской полиции, романы из которой становились бестселлерами «Нью-Йорк Таймс» и во многих европейских странах. Книгу можно читать и в рамках серии, и вне ее. Об авторе Карл Вальдемар Генри Юсси Адлер-Ольсен - датский писатель. Получил высшее образование в области медицины, социальных наук и кино. В юности играл в нескольких поп-группах в качестве соло-гитариста. Редактировал журналы и комиксы, писал сценарии, работал на телевидении и в мультипликации. Литературным творчеством занимается с 1995 года, криминальные романы писателя были переведены более чем на 40 языков, их совокупный тираж составил более 10 млн экземпляров. Живет в пригороде Копенгагена.
Джеймс Р. Бенн 0.0
When an unidentified corpse washes ashore at Slapton Sands on England's southern coast, US Army Captain Billy Boyle and his partner, Lieutenant Piotr "Kaz" Kazimierz, are assigned to investigate. The Devonshire beach is the home to Operation Tiger, the top-secret rehearsal for the approaching D-Day invasion of Normandy, and the area is restricted; no one seems to know where the corpse could have come from. Luckily, Billy and Kaz have a comfortable place to lay their heads at the end of the day: Kaz's old school chum David lives close by and has agreed to host the two men during their investigation. Glad for a distraction from his duties, Billy settles into life at David's family's fancy manor, Ashcroft, and makes it his mission to get to know its intriguing cast of characters.

Just when Billy and Kaz begin to wrap up their case, they find themselves with not one soggy corpse on their hands but hundreds following a terrible tragedy during the D-Day rehearsal. To complicate things, life at Ashcroft has been getting tense: secret agendas, buried histories, and family grudges abound. Then one of the men meets a sudden demise. Was it a heart attack? Or something more sinister?
Reed Farrel Coleman 0.0
The final novel in one of the most critically acclaimed PI series in the annals of crime fiction!

"Few writers working in any genre offer tales with such moral complexity, dark humor, and, most of all, heart." --Megan Abbott, author of Dare Me

Drunk, alone, and racked with guilt over the tragic death of his girlfriend Pam, Moe Prager is destined for oblivion. But destiny takes a detour when a shadowy figure from Moe's past reappears to beg for Moe's help in locating her missing daughter. As a reluctant, distracted Moe delves into the case, he discovers that nothing is as it seems and no one involved is quite who or what they appear to be. This is especially true of the missing daughter, an early internet sensation known ironically as the Lost Girl or the Hollow Girl. The case itself is hollow, as Moe finds little proof that anyone is actually missing.

Things take a bizarre twist as Moe stumbles across a body in a trendy Manhattan apartment and the Hollow Girl suddenly re-emerges on video screens everywhere. It's a wild ride through the funhouse as Moe tries to piece together a case from the half-truths and lies told to him by a fool's parade of family members, washed-up showbiz types, uncaring cops, a doorman, and a lovesick PI. Even as the ticking clock gets louder, Moe is unsure if it's all a big hoax or if someone's life is really at stake. The question isn't whether or not Moe can find the Hollow Girl, but whether the Hollow Girl was ever there at all.
Bruce DeSilva 0.0
Edgar Award-winner Bruce DeSilva returns with Liam Mulligan, an old-school investigative reporter for a dying newspaper in Providence, Rhode Island. Mulligan knows every street and alley, every priest and prostitute, every cop and street thug. He knows the mobsters and politicians—who are pretty much one and the same.

Inspired by a true story, Providence Rag finds Mulligan, his pal Mason, and the newspaper they both work for at an ethical crossroad. The youngest serial killer in history butchered five of his neighbors before he was old enough to drive. When he was caught eighteen years ago, Rhode Island's antiquated criminal statutes—never intended for someone like him—required that all juveniles, no matter their crimes, be released at age twenty-one. The killer is still behind bars, serving time for crimes supposedly committed on the inside. That these charges were fabricated is an open secret; but nearly everyone is fine with it—if the monster ever gets out more people will surely die. But Mason is not fine with it. If officials can get away with framing this killer they could do it to anybody. As Mason sets out to prove officials are perverting the justice system, Mulligan searches frantically for some legal way to keep the monster behind bars. The dueling investigations pit the friends against each other in a high-stakes race against time—and snares them in an ethical dilemma that has no right answer.
Arnaldur Indridason 0.0
A missing woman. A missing boy. Detective Erlendur returns - for the last time A young woman walks into the frozen fjords of Iceland, never to be seen again. But Matthildur leaves in her wake rumours of lies, betrayal and revenge. Decades later, somewhere in the same wilderness, Detective Erlendur is on the hunt. He is looking for Matthildur but also for a long-lost brother, whose disappearance in a snow-storm when they were children has coloured his entire life. He is looking for answers. Slowly, the past begins to surrender its secrets. But as Erlendur uncovers a story about the limits of human endurance, he realises that many people would prefer their crimes to stay buried.

Лучший дебютный роман

Julia Dahl 0.0
A finalist for the Edgar and Mary Higgins Clark Awards, in her riveting debut Invisible City, journalist Julia Dahl introduces a compelling new character in search of the truth about a murder and an understanding of her own heritage.

Just months after Rebekah Roberts was born, her mother, an Hasidic Jew from Brooklyn, abandoned her Christian boyfriend and newborn baby to return to her religion. Neither Rebekah nor her father have heard from her since. Now a recent college graduate, Rebekah has moved to New York City to follow her dream of becoming a big-city reporter. But she's also drawn to the idea of being closer to her mother, who might still be living in the Hasidic community in Brooklyn.

Then Rebekah is called to cover the story of a murdered Hasidic woman. Rebekah's shocked to learn that, because of the NYPD's habit of kowtowing to the powerful ultra-Orthodox community, not only will the woman be buried without an autopsy, her killer may get away with murder. Rebekah can't let the story end there. But getting to the truth won't be easy--even as she immerses herself in the cloistered world where her mother grew up, it's clear that she's not welcome, and everyone she meets has a secret to keep from an outsider.
Адам Брукс 0.0
Set in China, and ripped from today's headlines, comes a pulse-pounding debut that reinvents the spy thriller for the 21st century.
A lone man, Peanut, escapes a labor camp in the dead of night, fleeing across the winter desert of north-west China.
Two decades earlier, he was a spy for the British; now Peanut must disappear on Beijing's surveillance-blanketed streets. Desperate and ruthless, he reaches out to his one-time MI6 paymasters via crusading journalist Philip Mangan, offering military secrets in return for extraction.
But the secrets prove more valuable than Peanut or Mangan could ever have known... and not only to the British.
М. П. Кули 0.0
A small town cop’s murder investigation turns deadly when she uncovers a web of politics and drugs linked to an outlaw motorcycle gang in this gripping debut suspense novel for fans of Winter’s Bone, Frozen River, Breaking Bad, and Sons of Anarchy.

As a cop on the night shift in Hopewell Falls, New York, June Lyons drives drunks home and picks up the donuts. A former FBI agent, she ditched the Bureau when her husband died, and now she and her young daughter are back in upstate New York, living with her father, the town’s retired chief of police.

When June discovers a young woman’s body impaled on an ice shear in the frozen Mohawk River, news of the murder spreads fast; the dead girl was the daughter of a powerful local Congresswoman, and her troubled youth kept the gossips busy.

Though June was born and raised in Hopewell Falls, the local police see her as an interloper—resentment that explodes in anger when the FBI arrive and deputize her to work on the murder investigation. But June may not find allies among the Feds. The agent heading the case is someone from her past—someone she isn’t sure she can trust.

As June digs deeper, an already fraught case turns red-hot when it leads to a notorious biker gang and a meth lab hidden in plain sight—and an unmistakable sign that the river murder won’t be the last.
Элизабет Литл 0.0
"As soon as they processed my release Noah and I hit the ground running. A change of clothes. A wig. An inconspicuous sedan. We doubled back once, twice, then drove south when we were really headed east. In San Francisco we had a girl who looked like me board a plane to Hawaii.
Oh, I thought I was so clever.
But you probably already know that I'm not."
LA IT girl Janie Jenkins has it all. The looks, the brains, the connections. The criminal record.
Ten years ago, in a trial that transfixed America, Janie was convicted of murdering her mother. Now she's been released on a technicality she's determined to unravel the mystery of her mother's last words, words that send her to a tiny town in the very back of beyond. But with the whole of America’s media on her tail, convinced she's literally got away with murder, she has to do everything she can to throw her pursuers off the scent.
She knows she really didn't like her mother. Could she have killed her?
Laura McHugh 0.0
For fans of Gillian Flynn and Daniel Woodrell, a dark, gripping debut novel of literary suspense about two mysterious disappearances, a generation apart, and the meaning of family-the sacrifices we make, the secrets we keep, and the lengths we will go to protect the ones we love.

The Dane family's roots tangle deep in the Ozark Mountain town of Henbane, but that doesn't keep sixteen-year-old Lucy Dane from being treated like an outsider. Folks still whisper about her mother, a bewitching young stranger who inspired local myths when she vanished years ago. When one of Lucy's few friends, slow-minded Cheri, is found murdered, Lucy feels haunted by the two lost girls-the mother she never knew and the friend she couldn't protect. Everything changes when Lucy stumbles across Cheri's necklace in an abandoned trailer and finds herself drawn into a search for answers. What Lucy discovers makes it impossible to ignore the suspicion cast on her own kin. More alarming, she suspects Cheri's death could be linked to her mother's disappearance, and the connection between the two puts Lucy at risk of losing everything. In a place where the bonds of blood weigh heavy, Lucy must decide where her allegiances lie.
Уильям Шоу 0.0
London, 1968: The body of a teenage girl is found just steps away from the Beatles' Abbey Road recording studio.

The police are called to a residential street in St John's Wood where an unidentified young woman has been strangled. Detective Sergeant Cathal Breen believes she may be one of the many Beatles fans who regularly camp outside Abbey Road Studios. With his reputation tarnished by an inexplicable act of cowardice, this is Breen's last chance to prove he's up to the job.

Breen is of the generation for whom reaching adulthood meant turning into one's parents and accepting one's place in the world. But the world around him is changing beyond recognition. Nothing illustrates the shift more than Helen Tozer, a brazen and rambunctious young policewoman assisting him with the case. Together they navigate a world on edge, where conservative tradition gives way to frightening new freedoms--and troubling new crimes.

Лучший роман в обложке

Allen Eskens 3.9
College student Joe Talbert has the modest goal of completing a writing assignment for an English class. His task is to interview a stranger and write a brief biography of the person. With deadlines looming, Joe heads to a nearby nursing home to find a willing subject. There he meets Carl Iverson, and soon nothing in Joe's life is ever the same.

Carl is a dying Vietnam veteran--and a convicted murderer. With only a few months to live, he has been medically paroled to a nursing home, after spending thirty years in prison for the crimes of rape and murder.

As Joe writes about Carl's life, especially Carl's valor in Vietnam, he cannot reconcile the heroism of the soldier with the despicable acts of the convict. Joe, along with his skeptical female neighbor, throws himself into uncovering the truth, but he is hamstrung in his efforts by having to deal with his dangerously dysfunctional mother, the guilt of leaving his autistic brother vulnerable, and a haunting childhood memory.

Thread by thread, Joe unravels the tapestry of Carl’s conviction. But as he and Lila dig deeper into the circumstances of the crime, the stakes grow higher. Will Joe discover the truth before it’s too late to escape the fallout?
Жоэль Диккер 4.4
“Правда о деле Гарри Квеберта” вышла в 2012 году и сразу стала бестселлером. Действие этой истории с головокружительным сюжетом и неожиданным концом происходит в США. Молодой успешный романист Маркус Гольдман мается от отсутствия вдохновения и отправляется за помощью к своему учителю, знаменитому писателю Гарри Квеберту. Однако внезапно выясняется, что помощь требуется самому Гарри, обвиненному в убийстве, которое произошло в тихом американском городке 33 года назад. Чтобы спасти Гарри от электрического стула, Маркус берется за собственное расследование и пытается распутать сложнейший клубок лжи, давно похороненных тайн и роковых случайностей. И получает тридцать один совет, как написать бестселлер.
Alex Marwood 4.0
Alex Marwood's debut novel, THE WICKED GIRLS, earned her lavish praise from the likes of Stephen King, Laura Lippman, and Erin Kelly, and won the Edgar Award for Best Paperback Original. Now Marwood's back with a brilliant, tightly paced thriller that will keep you up at night and make you ask yourself: just how well do you know your neighbors?
Everyone who lives at 23 Beulah Grove has a secret. If they didn't, they wouldn't be renting rooms in a dodgy old building for cash - no credit check, no lease. It's the kind of place you end up when you you've run out of other options. The six residents mostly keep to themselves, but one unbearably hot summer night, a terrible accident pushes them into an uneasy alliance. What they don't know is that one of them is a killer. He's already chosen his next victim, and he'll do anything to protect his secret.
Малла Нун 0.0
Set in the corrupt, unforgiving world of apartheid South Africa, this novel in the Detective Emmanuel Cooper series follows Cooper as he faces a test of loyalty and friendship.

Five days before Christmas, Detective Sergeant Emmanuel Cooper sits at his desk at the Johannesburg major crimes squad, ready for his holiday in Mozambique. A call comes in: a respectable, white couple has been assaulted and left for dead in their bedroom. The couple’s teenage daughter identifies the attacker as Aaron Shabalala—the youngest son of Zulu Detective Constable Samuel Shabalala—Cooper’s best friend and a man to whom he owes his life.

The Detective Branch isn’t interested in evidence that might contradict their star witness’s story, especially so close to the holidays. Determined to ensure justice for Aaron, Cooper, Shabalala, and their trusted friend, Dr. Daniel Zweigman hunt down the truth. Their investigation uncovers a violent world of Sophiatown gangs, thieves, and corrupt government officials who will do anything to keep their dark world intact.
Lori Rader-Day 0.0
For Chicago sociology professor Amelia Emmet, violence was a research topic--until a student she'd never met shot her.

He also shot himself. Now he's dead and she's back on campus, trying to keep up with her class schedule, a growing problem with painkillers, and a question she can't let go: Why?

All she wants is for life to get back to normal, but normal is looking hard to come by. She's thirty-eight and hobbles with a cane. Her first student interaction ends in tears (hers). Her fellow faculty members seem uncomfortable with her, and her ex--whom she may or may not still love--has moved on.

Enter Nathaniel Barber, a graduate student obsessed with Chicago's violent history. Nath is a serious scholar, but also a serious mess about his first heartbreak, his mother's death, and his father's disapproval. Assigned as Amelia's teaching assistant, Nath also takes on the investigative legwork that Amelia can't do. And meanwhile, he's hoping she'll approve his dissertation topic, the reason he came to grad school in the first place: the student attack on Amelia Emmet.

Together and at cross-purposes, Amelia and Nathaniel stumble toward a truth that will explain the attack and take them both through the darkest hours of their lives.
Став Шерес 0.0
A fire rages through a sleepy West London square, engulfing a small convent hidden away among the residential houses. When DI Jack Carrigan and DS Geneva Miller arrive at the scene they discover eleven bodies, yet there were only supposed to be ten nuns in residence.

It's eleven days before Christmas, and despite their superiors wanting the case solved before the holidays, Carrigan and Miller start to suspect that the nuns were not who they were made out to be. Why did they make no move to escape the fire? Who is the eleventh victim, whose body was found separate to the others? And where is the convent's priest, the one man who can answer their questions?

Fighting both internal politics and the church hierarchy, Carrigan and Miller unravel the threads of a case which reaches back to the early 1970s, and the upsurge of radical Liberation Theology in South America - with echoes of the Shining Path, and contemporary battles over oil, land and welfare. Meanwhile, closer to home, there's a new threat in the air, one the police are entirely unprepared for...

Spanning four decades and two continents, Eleven Days finds Carrigan and Miller up against time as they face a new kind of criminal future.

Лучший триллер

Michael Koryta 3.8
When 13-year-old Jace Wilson witnesses a brutal murder, he's plunged into a new life, issued a false identity and hidden in a wilderness skills program for troubled teens. The plan is to get Jace off the grid while police find the two killers. The result is the start of a nightmare.

The killers, known as the Blackwell Brothers, are slaughtering anyone who gets in their way in a methodical quest to reach him. Now all that remains between them and the boy are Ethan and Allison Serbin, who run the wilderness survival program; Hannah Faber, who occupies a lonely fire lookout tower; and endless miles of desolate Montana mountains.

The clock is ticking, the mountains are burning, and those who wish Jace Wilson dead are no longer far behind.
Роберт Харрис 4.3
Франция, 1890-е годы. Сотрудник французской спецслужбы капитан Альфред Дрейфус объявлен особо опасным преступником, подвергнут гражданской казни и сослан на тропический остров в Атлантическом океане. Официальное обвинение — шпионаж в пользу Германии. Жорж Пикар, бывший наставник Дрейфуса, а затем начальник одного из отделов департамента разведки, ведет собственное расследование этого противоречивого дела, к тому же откровенно окрашенного в националистические тона. Главный обвинительный материал против Дрейфуса — таинственная «секретная папка», якобы содержащая все необходимые доказательства. Вот ее-то и надо найти Пикару, чтобы показать миру невиновность своего подопечного.
Терри Хейз 4.1
Пилигрим. Такого человека не существует. Есть Скотт Мердок, возглавлявший когда-то одно из секретных подразделений американской разведки, а затем выбывший из игры и ведущий уединенную жизнь в Париже. Но мир спецслужб никогда не отпускает своих агентов. И когда в нью-йоркском отеле находят мертвую женщину, а след выводит полицию на маньяка, задумавшего совершить массовое убийство, Скотт Мердок снова вступает в дело. Тогда-то он и становится Пилигримом.

Книга, достигшая первых строчек рейтингов престижных изданий, вызвавшая лавину читательских отзывов в Интернете, права на ее издание приобретены более чем в тридцати странах мира, а Голливуд прибрел права на экранизацию! И, что самое удивительное, «Я Пилигрим» — первая книга у Терри Хейза, успешного сценариста, на счету у которого работа в ведущих студиях Голливуда, а за плечами участие в написании сценариев таких культовых фильмов, как «Расплата» с Мелом Гибсоном в главной роли, «Из ада» с Джонни Деппом и многих других.

«Повествование волнующее, напряженное, затягивающее... Отличный триллер. Для первого романа – просто замечательно».
Literary Review
Йен Хэмилтон 0.0
Ava Lee is a young Chinese-Canadian forensic accountant who works for an elderly Hong Kong–based “Uncle,” who may or may not have ties to the Triads. At 115 lbs., she hardly seems a threat. But her razorsharp intellect and resourcefulness allows her to succeed where traditional methods have failed.

In The Water Rat of Wanchai, Ava travels across continents to track $5 million owed by a seafood company. But it’s in Guyana where she meets her match: Captain Robbins, a huge hulk of a man and godfather-like figure who controls the police, politicians, and criminals alike. In exchange for his help, he decides he wants a piece of Ava’s $5 million action and will do whatever it takes to get his fair share . . .
Майк Лоусон 0.0
The ninth installment in Mike Lawson’s Washington, D.C. political thriller series launches readers back into Joe DeMarco’s past—to the murder of his father, which was never investigated, let alone solved.
DeMarco always knew that his father Gino had a shady job for a local mafioso, but he didn’t understand that Gino had been a hitman until he was murdered. Now, nearly twenty years later, one of Gino’s former mob associates is dying of lung cancer, and he wants to get something off his chest before retiring to his grave: the truth about Gino’s killer. The shocking information, and the powerful position the killer now occupies, sends DeMarco on a mission of revenge with terrible consequences. And after the secret being kept for so long, DeMarco has to rush to do something about it: the killer is on the brink of taking a job in Washington, D.C. that will leave him untouchable.
With his job, his morals, and his very life on the line, DeMarco must ask himself: How far will he go for revenge