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Дэниел Уайлс 0.0
'A brilliant debut' Guardian

1870s, the Black Country.

Michael is a miner. But it's no life for a man.

Michael exhausts himself working two jobs, to send his son Luke to school, so he won't have to be a miner too.

Down the pit one day, he finds a seam of gold. If he gets it out, he can save his own life, and Luke's.

But his workmate has other ideas...

Mercia's Take summons an England in the heat of the industrial revolution, and the lives it took to make it. Gripping, powerful and intense, it is the debut of an astonishing new talent.
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Уилл МакФейл 3.5
Nick, a young illustrator, can't connect with people. Whether it's the barista down the street, his own family or Wren, an oncologist whose life becomes painfully tangled with his, Nick can't shake the feeling that there is some hidden realm of human interaction beyond his reach. He staggers through meaningless conversations and haunts lookalike, vacuous coffee shops in the hope that he will find it there. But it isn't until Nick learns to stop performing an
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Наташа Браун 4.0
Come of age in the credit crunch. Be civil in a hostile environment. Go to college, get an education, start a career. Do all the right things. Buy an apartment. Buy art. Buy a sort of happiness. But above all, keep your head down. Keep quiet. And keep going.

The narrator of Assembly is a black British woman. She is preparing to attend a lavish garden party at her boyfriend’s family estate, set deep in the English countryside. At the same time, she is considering the carefully assembled pieces of herself. As the minutes tick down and the future beckons, she can’t escape the question: is it time to take it all apart?

Assembly is a story about the stories we live within – those of race and class, safety and freedom, winners and losers.And it is about one woman daring to take control of her own story, even at the cost of her life. With a steely, unfaltering gaze, Natasha Brown dismantles the mythology of whiteness, lining up the debris in a neat row and walking away.
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Томас МакМаллан 0.0
Duncan Peck has travelled alone to Dartmoor in search of his cousin. He has come from the city, where the fires are always burning.

In his cousin’s village, Peck finds a place with tea rooms and barley fields, a church and a schoolhouse. Out here, the people live an honest life – and if there’s any trouble, they have a way to settle it. They sit in the shadow of a vast wall, inscribed with strange messages. Anyone can write on the wall, anonymously, about their neighbours, about any wrongdoing that might hurt the community. Then comes the reckoning.

The stranger from the city causes a stir. He has not been there long before the village wakes up to the most unspeakable accusation; sentences daubed on the wall that will detonate the darkest of secrets.

A troubling, uncanny book about fear and atonement, responsibility and justice, and the violence of writing in public spaces, The Last Good Man dares to ask: what hope can we place in words once extinction is in the air?
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Мааме Блу 0.0
Against a backdrop of enigmatic nights scattered with spoken word poetry in London, Venice, Accra and Paris, Ekuah tries to reconcile her personal journey with the love she struggles with for Dee Emeka, a gifted musician who is both passionate and aloof in his treatment of Ekuah. After 18 months together, he disappears from her life, confirming her worst fears about the unstable foundation of their relationship. She attempts to graduate university whilst retreating into herself, searching for new validations and preoccupations from heartbreak.

Life marches on and Ekuah finds personal fulfilment in her poetry and community work. But when she must choose between her first love, and the promise of a new, unexpected love, in the form of Jay Stanley, can she handle the vulnerability and forgiveness required? Grappling with her examples of love, Ekuah must forge her own path. With an increasingly successful career, she finds herself traveling around the world. When her rise intersects with Dee’s own fame, the two are pushed to reach a final resolution.
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Эли Уильямз 3.4
Словарь — ненадежный рассказчик.

Особенно словарь, зараженный маунтвизелями.

*маунтвизель (сущ.), фиктивная словарная статья, намеренно вставленная в словарь или энциклопедию для защиты авторских прав.

Гораздо безопаснее читать новеллы.

*новелла (сущ.), небольшая повесть, обыкновенно о любви. Но и они зачастую оказываются романами...

*роман1(сущ.), повествовательное произведение со сложным сюжетом и многими героями, большая форма эпической прозы.

*роман2(сущ.), любовные отношения.

Чем бы ни прикидывалась эта книга, не верьте ей на слово. Может оказаться, что этого слова не существует, и вы останетесь ни с чем!
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Грэм Армстронг 0.0
The Times top ten bestseller.

‘An instant Scottish classic’ – The Skinny

‘A swaggering, incendiary debut’ – Guardian

‘Trainspotting for a new generation’ – Independent

‘Raw and lyrical’ – Observer

‘One of the most admired young voices in British fiction’ – The Times

2005. Glasgow is named Europe’s Murder Capital, driven by a violent territorial gang and knife culture. In the housing schemes of adjacent Lanarkshire, Scotland’s former industrial heartland, wee boys become postcode warriors.

2004. Azzy Williams joins the Young Team [YTP]. A brutal gang conflict with their deadly rivals, the Young Toi [YTB] begins.

2012. Azzy dreams of another life. He faces his toughest fight of all – the fight for a different future.

Expect Buckfast. Expect bravado. Expect street philosophy. Expect rave culture. Expect anxiety. Expect addiction. Expect a serious facial injury every six hours. Expect murder.

Hope for a way out.
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Кэтрин Хинд 0.0
Amelia stands beside a highway in the Australian desert, alone except for her dog and the occasional road train that speeds past her raised thumb.

After her mother’s funeral, Amelia was confronted by Zach and reminded of the relationship they had when she was a teenager. She feels complicit and remains unable to process what happened. So she ran. Her best friend, Sid, is Zach’s cousin and the one person in the world she can depend upon.

But, of course, the road isn’t safe either. Amelia is looking for generosity or human connection in the drivers she finds lifts with, and she does receive that. But she is also let down.

Hitch is a raw exploration of consent and its ambiguities, personal agency and the choices we make. It’s the story of twenty-something Amelia and her dog Lucy hitchhiking from one end of the country to the other, trying to outrun grief and trauma, and moving ever closer to the things she longs to escape.
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Стейси Холлс 3.8
Англия, начало XVII века.

Флитвуд живет в старинном фамильном замке, она замужем уже четыре года, но у нее с супругом до сих пор нет детей. Отчаявшись, она призывает к себе загадочную девушку Алису, с которой однажды познакомилась в лесу. Флитвуд верит, что Алиса знает, какие травы ей пить, чтобы выносить и родить здорового ребенка.

Но вскоре в округе разворачивается судебное дело против ведьм, и Алиса попадает под подозрение. В числе доказательств служит то, что у каждой колдуньи есть волшебные духи-покровители, или фамильяры.

Алису ждет виселица, но Флитвуд пытается спасти ее от страшной участи. Ради этого она отправляется глубоко в лес, где сталкивается с собственными страхами и… удивительными животными.
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Изабелла Хаммад 0.0
"The Parisian" is a sublime reading experience: delicate, restrained, surpassingly intelligent, uncommonly poised and truly beautiful. Isabella Hammad is an enormous talent and her book is a wonder. --Zadie Smith

As the First World War shatters families, destroys friendships and kills lovers, a young Palestinian dreamer sets out to find himself.

Midhat Kamal picks his way across a fractured world, from the shifting politics of the Middle East to the dinner tables of Montpellier and a newly tumultuous Paris. He discovers that everything is fragile: love turns to loss, friends become enemies and everyone is looking for a place to belong.

Isabella Hammad delicately unpicks the tangled politics and personal tragedies of a turbulent era – the Palestinian struggle for independence, the strife of the early twentieth century and the looming shadow of the Second World War. An intensely human story amidst a global conflict, "The Parisian" is historical fiction with a remarkable contemporary voice.
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Окечукву Нзелу 0.0
The Private Joys of Nnenna Maloney is a comic novel about Nnenna, a half-Nigerian teenager living in modern-day Manchester with her mother Joanie. As Nnenna approaches womanhood she starts trying to connect with her Igbo-Nigerian culture. Her once close and tender relationship with her mother becomes strained as she asks probing questions about her father who she's never met and whom her mother who refuses to discuss.

Each chapter begins with a biblical quote which harks back to the beginning of Maurice and Joanie's relationship - meeting in a church group in a café in Cambridge - but is really Nnenna's diary headings which she is trying to hide from her mother's prying eyes. Nnenna is asking big questions of how to 'be' when she doesn't know who she is as Joanie wonders how to truly love when she has never been loved.
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Джеймс Кларк 0.0
The Litten Path is a sweeping debut that provides an intimate view of the miners' strike of 1984 as it unfolds through the eyes of two families on either side of the struggle. The Litten Path is a novel of the strike as much as about the strike, knitting the intense emotional and political terrain of the famous dispute with the stark landscape of a small town in South Yorkshire. Written in a tough yet lyrical northern vernacular, The Litten Path is grimly honest and tender, comic and painful, a story of the clash between the urban and the rural, class frictions and the pressures of family. It is about what happens when a decision is made, when one cannot turn back.
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Сэмюел Фишер 0.0
John is infinite.

He can become any book, any combination of words — every thought, act and expression that has ever been, or ever will be, written. Now 800 years old, John wants to tell his story.

Looking back over his life, from its beginnings with a medieval anchoress to his current lodgings beside the deathbed of a cold war spy, John pieces together his tale: the love that held him together and, in particular, the reasons for a murder that took place in Moscow fifty years earlier, and that set in train a shattering series of events.

Samuel Fisher’s debut, The Chameleon is a love story about books like no other, weaving texts and lives in a family tale that leads the reader into an extraordinary historical journey, a journey of words as much as of places, and a gripping romance
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Рукайя Иззидиен 0.0
It is the winter of 1915 and Iraq has been engulfed by the First World War. Hungry for independence from Ottoman rule, Ahmad leaves his peaceful family life on the banks of the Tigris to join the British-led revolt. Thousands of miles away, Welsh teenager Carwyn reluctantly enlists and is sent, via Gallipoli and Egypt, to the Mesopotamia campaign.

Carwyn’s and Ahmad’s paths cross, and their fates are bound together. Both are forever changed, not only by their experience of war, but also by the parallel discrimination and betrayal they face.

Ruqaya Izzidien’s evocative debut novel is rich with the heartbreak and passion that arise when personal loss and political zeal collide, and offers a powerful retelling of the history of British intervention in Iraq.
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Ребекка Лэй 0.0
When a wealthy client visits Mathilde’s dressmaking shop, she finds herself drawn into the only surviving circle of luxury left in a barren London. Attending parties offers a welcome escape from life governed by ration cards and a strictly enforced child policy. Here she meets enigmatic government minister, George, and piano-playing Jaminder, with whom an intense friendship blossoms. As their relationship grows stronger, George’s grip on Mathilde tightens, as she tries to discover where the illicit food is coming from, where women disappear to, and what price she must pay to avoid bringing a child into a cruel, ever-changing world.
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Софи Макинтош 2.7
Три сестры на изолированном острове. Их отец Кинг огородил колючей проволокой для них и жены территорию, расставил буйки, дав четкий сигнал: «Не входить». Здесь женщины защищены от хаоса и насилия, идущего от мужчин с большой земли. Здесь женщины должны лечиться водой, чтобы обезопасить себя от токсинов разлагающегося мира. Когда Кинг внезапно исчезает, на остров прибывают двое мужчин и мальчик. Выстоят ли женщины против них?
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Имоджен Гермес Гауэр 3.8
Сентябрьской ночью 1785 года купца Джону Хэнкока будит отчаянный стук в дверь. Это с многомесячным опозданием вернулся капитан одного из его кораблей — «Каллиопы». Однако вернулся без «Каллиопы»: капитан Джонс продал корабль, чтобы купить диво дивное — чучело русалки. Новость мгновенно разносится по Лондону, по блестящим салонам и продымленным кофейням. Русалка открывает скромному купцу самые неожиданные двери — и вот на приеме в «Королевской обители» Джона Хэнкок встречает Анжелику Нил — самую пленительную женщину, какую ему только доводилось видеть. Судьбы их неизбежно — и самым неожиданным образом — переплетутся; но смогут ли они избегнуть рокового проклятия, которое, по древнему поверью, накладывает русалка?..

Впервые на русском — главный бестселлер из британских дебютов 2018 года, «бесподобный исторический роман о страсти и наваждении» (The Times), «неистощимый кладезь рискованного юмора и читательского удовольствия» (Evening Standard).
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Омар Роберт Гамильтон 0.0
We've been doing the same thing for hundreds of years. Marching, fighting, chanting, dying, changing, winning, losing . This time will be different. This time the future can still be made new.

"The City Always Wins" is a novel from the front line of a revolution. Deeply enmeshed in the 2011 uprising in Tahrir Square, Mariam and Khalil move through Cairo’s surging streets and roiling political underground, their lives burning with purpose, their city alive in open revolt, the world watching, listening, as they chart a course into an unknown future. They are―they believe―fighting a new kind of revolution; they are players in a new epic in the making.

But as regimes crumble and the country shatters into ideological extremes, Khalil and Mariam’s commitment―to the ideals of revolution and to one another―is put to the test.

From the highs of street battles against the police to the paralysis of authoritarianism, Omar Robert Hamilton’s bold debut cuts straight from the heart of one of the key chapters of the twenty-first century.Arrestingly visual, intensely lyrical, uncompromisingly political, and brutal in its poetry, "The City Always Wins" is a novel not just about Egypt’s revolution, but also about a global generation that tried to change the world.
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Сара Дэй 0.0
Francesco has a memory of his father from early childhood, a night when life for his family changed: their name, their story, their living place. From that night, he has vowed to protect his mother and to follow the words of his father: Non mollare. Never give up.

When Francesco is rounded up with a group of young men and herded into a camp on the island of San Domino, he realises that someone has handed a list of names to the fascist police; everyone is suspicious of one another. His former lover Emilio is constantly agitating for revolution. His old friend Gio jealously watches their relationship rekindle. Locked in spartan dormitories, resentment and bitterness between the men grows each day.

Elena, a young and illiterate island girl on the cusp of womanhood, is drawn to the handsome Francesco yet fails to understand why her family try to keep her away from him. By day, she makes and floats her paper birds, willing them to fly from the island, just as she wants to herself. Sometimes, she is given a message to pass on. She's not sure who they are from; she knows simply that Francesco is hiding something. When Elena discovers the truth about the group of prisoners, the fine line between love and hate pulls her towards an act that can only have terrible consequences for all.
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Клэр Фишер 0.0
Twenty-one year old Beth is in prison. The thing she did is so bad she doesn't deserve to ever feel good again.

But her counsellor, Erika, won't give up on her. She asks Beth to make a list of all the good things in her life. So Beth starts to write down her story, from sharing silences with Foster Dad No. 1, to flirting in the Odeon on Orange Wednesdays, to the very first time she sniffed her baby's head.

But at the end of her story, Beth must confront the bad thing.

What is the truth hiding behind her crime? And does anyone-even a 100% bad person-deserve a chance to be good?
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Эли Голдстоун 0.0
A darkly funny and seductive novel that confronts the black undercurrent of possession inherent in love, and the impossibility of ever truly knowing even those dearest to us, Strange Heart Beating is a breathtaking debut from an author whose vision is both acerbic and tender.

Seb's beautiful, beloved wife Leda has been killed by a swan. With a name like that, with a bizarre family history like hers, it isn't really surprising. Seb has a grip on her story and its aesthetics; he knows how it should go. Except that he doesn't. Sorting through her belongings after her death, he comes across a packet of unopened letters from a man whom Leda has never mentioned. It is a loose detail in the thread of his narrative that, when pulled, unravels the whole story of his marriage. Who is this stranger who knew her so well? Why did she flee her home village in Latvia? What happened to her as a young woman in London? Who, Seb wonders, was his wife? Floundering professionally and sunk by grief, he decides to travel to Latvia to find her. He is met, instead, with the living ghosts of her past, all of whom knew a fragment of Leda - but none of whom are willing to share their secrets with him.

'If the Coen Brothers had a sister, she would likely write like Goldstone, her pen dipped in weird black ink, piquant with fantasies and dread delusion' -- Jewish Chronicle

'Overwhelmingly, Strange Heart Beating, with its savage yet comforting undercurrent of a swan as an emblem of the soul reborn, is an ardent examination of loss, framed by multiple cultural allusions' -- Financial Times

'What a beautiful, rare thing Strange Heart Beating is -- funny and tender, yes, but so ferocious, sweeping its reader towards wholly devastating realisations' -- Lisa McInerney
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Ллойд Маркхам 0.0
The people of the lost English-Welsh border town Goregree are losers and weirdos, sometimes pathetic, sometimes terrible. They all long for something more, but are trapped by poverty, disease, and addiction to a unique local drug. Inspired by the author’s hometown of Bridgend, Bad Ideas \ Chemicals follows a group of 20-somethings on a bad night out in a depressed, strange little town.
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Масанде Нтшанга 0.0
In a city that has lost its shimmer, Lindanathi and his two friends Ruan and Cecelia sell illegal pharmaceuticals while chasing their next high.

Lindanathi, deeply troubled by his hand in his brother’s death, has turned his back on his family, until a message from home reminds him of a promise he made years before. When a puzzling masked man enters their lives, Lindanathi is faced with a decision: continue his life in Cape Town, or return to his family and to all he has left behind.

Rendered in lyrical, bright prose and set in a not-so-new South Africa, The Reactive is a poignant, life-affirming story about secrets, memory, chemical abuse and family, and the redemption that comes from facing what haunts us most.
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Кэтлин Джовитт 0.0
A new year at the University of Stancester, and Lydia Hawkins is trying to balance the demands of her studies with her responsibilities as an officer for the Christian Fellowship. Her mission: to make sure all the Christians in her hall stay on the straight and narrow, and to convert the remaining residents if possible. To pass her second year. And to ensure a certain secret stays very secret indeed.

When she encounters the eccentric, ecumenical student household at 27 Alma Road, Lydia is forced to expand her assumptions about who’s a Christian to include radical Quaker activist Becky, bells-and-smells bus-spotter Peter, and out (bisexual) and proud (Methodist) Colette. As the year unfolds, Lydia discovers that there are more ways to be Christian – and more ways to be herself – than she had ever imagined.

Then a disgruntled member of the Catholic Society starts asking whether the Christian Fellowship is really as Christian as it claims to be, and Lydia finds herself at the centre of a row that will reach far beyond the campus. Speak Its Name explores what happens when faith, love and politics mix and explode.
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Дэниел Шанд 0.0
Аt the heart of this tense and at times times darkly comic novel is the relationship between two brothers bound by a terrible crime. Paul and Mikey are on the run, apparently from the press surrounding their house after Mikey’s release from prison. His crime – child murder, committed when he was a boy. As they travel, they move from one disturbing scenario to the next, eventually involving themselves with a bizarre religious cult. The power between the brothers begins to shift, and we realise there is more to their history than Paul has allowed us to know.
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Эльнатан Джон 0.0
From two-time Caine Prize finalist Elnathan John, a dynamic young voice from Nigeria, Born on a Tuesday is a stirring, starkly rendered first novel about a young boy struggling to find his place in a society that is fracturing along religious and political lines.

In far northwestern Nigeria, Dantala lives among a gang of street boys who sleep under a kuka tree. During the election, the boys are paid by the Small Party to cause trouble. When their attempt to burn down the opposition’s local headquarters ends in disaster, Dantala must run for his life, leaving his best friend behind. He makes his way to a mosque that provides him with food, shelter, and guidance. With his quick aptitude and modest nature, Dantala becomes a favored apprentice to the mosque’s sheikh. Before long, he is faced with a terrible conflict of loyalties, as one of the sheikh’s closest advisors begins to raise his own radical movement. When bloodshed erupts in the city around him, Dantala must decide what kind of Muslim—and what kind of man—he wants to be. Told in Dantala’s naïve, searching voice, this astonishing debut explores the ways in which young men are seduced by religious fundamentalism and violence.
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Барни Норрис 0.0
One quiet evening in Salisbury, the peace is shattered by a serious car crash. At that moment, five lives collide – a flower seller, a schoolboy, an army wife, a security guard, a widower – all facing their own personal disasters.
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Роуэн Хисайо Бьюкенен 0.0
Written in startlingly beautiful prose, Harmless Like You is set across New York, Connecticut, and Berlin, following Yuki Oyama, a Japanese girl fighting to make it as an artist, and Yuki’s son Jay who, as an adult in the present day, is forced to confront his mother’s abandonment of him when he was only two years old.

The novel opens when Yuki is sixteen and her father is posted back to Japan. Though she and her family have been living as outsiders in New York City, Yuki opts to stay, intoxicated by her friendship with the beautiful aspiring model Odile, the energy of the city, and her desire to become an artist. But when she becomes involved with an older man and the relationship turns destructive, Yuki’s life is unmoored. Harmless Like You is a suspenseful novel about the complexities of identity, art, adolescent friendships, and familial bonds that asks—and ultimately answers—how does a mother desert her son?
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Роб Маккарти 0.0
A stunning and original debut crime thriller starring Harry Kent, a police surgeon who uncovers a shocking conspiracy after a hostage situation goes wrong.

Dr. Harry Kent likes to keep busy: juggling hospital duties with his work as a police surgeon for the Metropolitan Police - anything to ward off the memories of his time as an Army medic.

Usually the police work means minor injuries and mental health assessments. But Solomon Idris's case is different. Solomon Idris has taken eight people hostage in a chicken takeaway, and is demanding to see a lawyer and a BBC reporter. Harry is sent in to treat the clearly ill teenager...before the siege goes horribly wrong.

When Solomon's life is put in danger again from the safety of a critical care ward, it becomes clear he knows something people will kill to protect. Determined to uncover the secret that drove the boy to such desperate action, Harry soon realises that someone in the medical world, someone he may even know, has broken the doctors' commandment 'do no harm' many times over...
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Алекс Кристофи 0.0
Glass is pure. Glass is transparent. Glass is sharp.

Günter Glass, ex-milkman and aspiring window-cleaner, is certainly pure. And he's pretty transparent. But the jury's still out on how sharp he is.

What naïve young Günter does have is a head for heights and, ever since he visited a glassblower's workshop as a child, an unusual fixation with glass. When a minor adventure up the spire of Salisbury Cathedral makes Günter a local celebrity, John Blades - window-cleaner to the stars - comes calling. He wants Günter to join him in London to clean Europe's tallest skyscraper, the newly constructed Shard in London Bridge.

With his mother recently passed away, his dad retired and no money to pay off the mortgage, Günter takes Blades up on his offer and soon finds himself, for the first time, among the bright lights of London. He has his first experience of romantic love with short-range psychic Lieve Toureau, tries not to encourage Blades' frequent racist outbursts, and cohabits a Hackney 'bachelor-pad' with a reclusive landlord who has spent decades writing a never-ending book in his cork-lined bedroom. But above all, Günter spends his time trying to figure out how to be good and follow his dear departed mother's advice as best he can.

Will Günter find his way along the straight and narrow? Or will his innocence put him on collision course with the frequently baffling modern world?
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Lucy Wood 0.0
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year.

Pearl doesn't know how she's ended up in the river--the same messy, cacophonous river in the same rain-soaked valley she'd been stuck in for years. But here her spirit swirls and stays . . . Ada, Pearl's daughter, doesn't know how she's ended up back in the house she left thirteen years ago--with no heating apart from a fire she can't light, no way of getting around apart from an old car she's scared to drive, and no company apart from her own young daughter, Pepper. She wants to clear out Pearl's house so she can leave and not look back. Pepper has grown used to following her restless mother from place to place, but this house, with its faded photographs, its boxes of cameras and its stuffed jackdaw, is something new. Fascinated by the scattering of people she meets, by the river that unfurls through the valley, and by the strange old woman who sits on the bank with her feet in the cold, coppery water, Pepper doesn't know why anyone would ever want to leave.

As the first frosts of autumn herald the coming of a long winter and Pepper and Ada find themselves entangled with the life of the valley, with new companions who won't be closed out, each will discover the ways that places can take root inside us, bind us together, and become us.
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Наташа Полли 3.9
Лондон, 1883 год. Молодой телеграфист Таниэль Стиплтон, вернувшись домой в свою крошечную квартиру в Пимлико, обнаруживает на подушке оставленные таинственным посетителем ручные золотые часы изысканной работы. Пока он пытается разобраться, как к нему попал неожиданный дорогой подарок, часы спасают ему жизнь — заставив молодого человека покинуть место, где через мгновение произойдет мощный взрыв, который разрушит Скотланд-Ярд и кварталы вокруг. Так Таниэль оказывается втянут в полицейское расследование.
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Иреносен Окоджи 0.0
With wry humour and a deft touch, Butterfly Fish, the outstanding first novel by a stunning new writer, is a work of elegant and captivating storytelling. A dual narrative set in contemporary London and 18th century Benin in Africa, the book traverses the realms of magic realism with luminous style and graceful, effortless prose.
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Бен Фергюссон 0.0
Watch everyone. Trust no one.

The war is over, but Berlin is a desolate sea of rubble. There is a shortage of everything: food, clothing, tobacco. The local population is scrabbling to get by. Kasper Meier is one of these Germans, and his solution is to trade on the black market to feed himself and his elderly father. He can find anything that people need, for the right price. Even other people.

When a young woman, Eva, arrives at Kasper's door seeking the whereabouts of a British pilot, he feels a reluctant sympathy for her but won't interfere in military affairs. But Eva is prepared for this. Kasper has secrets, she knows them, and she'll use them to get what she wants. As the threats against him mount, Kasper is drawn into a world of intrigue he could never have anticipated. Why is Eva so insistent that he find the pilot? Who is the shadowy Frau Beckmann and what is her hold over Eva?

Under constant surveillance, Kasper navigates the dangerous streets and secrets of a city still reeling from the horrors of war and defeat. As a net of deceit, lies and betrayal falls around him, Kasper begins to understand that the seemingly random killings of members of the occupying forces are connected to his own situation. He must work out who is behind Eva's demands, and why - while at the same time trying to save himself, his father and Eva.
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Эмма Хили 3.8
У восьмидесятилетней Мод Стенли серьезные проблемы с памятью. Она моментально забывает все, что произошло с нею буквально пять минут назад. Порою даже не может вспомнить свою дочь, которая приходит к ней каждый день. При этом события своей юности она помнит ярко и в мельчайших подробностях. Но одна мысль крепко-накрепко засела в ее мозгу: Мод считает, что ее ближайшая подруга Элизабет недавно пропала, и ее необходимо найти. И вот, ежеминутно теряясь во времени и пространстве, Мод пытается выяснить, куда подевалась Элизабет, при этом постоянно вспоминая подробности еще одного загадочного исчезновения – своей сестры Сьюки в конце 1940-х годов. Ей даже в голову не может прийти, насколько тесно окажутся связаны между собой эти два события …
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Зои Пилгер 0.0
Meet 2014's most outrageous, funny and shocking anti-heroine: Ann-Marie. She's 23, her life has collapsed, and she's blaming everyone but herself. Heartbroken, skint and furious, she's convinced that love - sweet love! - is the answer to all of her problems, until she meets legendary feminist Stephanie Haight, a woman who could be her saviour - or her final undoing.

From neo-burlesque pop-up strip clubs, to ironic Little Mermaid-themed warehouse parties via ritual worship ceremonies summoning ancient power goddesses, disastrous one night stands with extravagantly unsuitable men, naked cleaning jobs, a forced appearance on Woman's Hour and baby boomer house parties in Islington, Ann-Marie hurtles through London and life, urged on by Stephanie, who is convinced that if she can save Ann-Marie she'll rescue an entire generation from the curse of ironic detachment.

Fiercely clever and unapologetically wild, Eat My Heart Out is the satire for our narcissistic, hedonistic, post-post-feminist era.
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Саймон Роу 0.0
An outrageously funny and original debut set in the fast-paced and treacherous world of a restaurant kitchen

Fresh out of the university with big dreams, our narrator is determined to escape his past and lead the literary life in London. But soon he is two months behind on rent for his depressing Camden Town bed-sit and forced to take a job doing grunt work in the kitchen of The Swan, a formerly grand restaurant that has lost its luster.

Mockingly called “Monocle” by his boisterous co-workers for a useless English lit degree, he is suddenly thrust into the unbelievably brutal, chaotic world of professional cooking and surrounded by a motley cast of co-workers for which no fancy education could have prepared him. There’s the lovably dim pastry chef Dibden, who takes all kinds of grief for his “girly” specialty; combative Ramilov, who spends a fair bit of time locked in the walk-in freezer for pissing people off; Racist Dave, about whom the less said the better; Camp Charles, the officious head waiter; and Harmony, the only woman in a world of raunchy, immature, drug- and rage-fueled men. But worst of all, there’s Bob, the sadistic head chef, who runs the kitchen with an iron fist and a taste for cruelty that surprises and terrifies even these most hardened of characters.
Once initiated and begrudgingly accepted, Monocle enters into a strange camaraderie with his fellow chefs, one based largely on the speed and ingenuity of their insults. In an atmosphere that is more akin to a zoo—or a maximum security prison—than a kitchen he feels oddly at home. But soon an altogether darker tale unfolds as Monocle and his co-workers devise a plot to overthrow Bob and Monocle’s dead-beat father (who has been kicked out of the family home) shows up at his door. Not only does his dad insist on sleeping on the floor of Monocle’s apartment; he starts hanging out at The Swan’s dissolute bar in the evenings. As the plan to oust Bob clicks into motion and the presence of his father causes Monocle to revisit lingering questions from his unhappy childhood, Chop Chop accelerates toward its blackly hilarious, thrilling, and ruthless conclusion.
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Натан Файлер 3.5
Девятнадцатилетний Мэтью Хомс живет в расколотом мире, где даже самые безобидные вещи и привычные с детства лица искажаются, черное превращается в белое, а «хорошо» порой не отличить от «плохо». Но Мэтью понимает, как с этим бороться и как сохранить целостность своей личности...
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NoViolet Bulawayo 3.1
Darling is only ten years old, and yet she must navigate a fragile and violent world. In Zimbabwe, Darling and her friends steal guavas, try to get the baby out of young Chipo's belly, and grasp at memories of Before. Before their homes were destroyed by paramilitary policemen, before the school closed, before the
But Darling has a chance to escape: she has an aunt in America. She travels to this new land in search of America's famous abundance only to find that her options as an immigrant are perilously few. NoViolet Bulawayo's debut calls to mind the great storytellers of displacement and arrival who have come before her - from Junot Diaz to Zadie Smith to J.M.Coetzee - while she tells a vivid, raw story all her own.
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Сэм Байерс 0.0
A debut novel of love, narcissism, and ailing cattle

Idiopathy (?d?'?p??i): a disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown.

Idiopathy: a novel as unexpected as its title, in which Katherine, Daniel, and Nathan—three characters you won't forget in a hurry—unsuccessfully try to figure out how they feel about one another and how they might best live their lives in a world gone mad. Featuring a mysterious cattle epidemic, a humiliating stint in rehab, an unwanted pregnancy, a mom–turned–media personality ("Mother Courage"), and a workplace with a bio-dome housing a perfectly engineered cornfield, it is at once a scathing satire and a moving meditation on love and loneliness. With unusual verbal finesse and great humor, Sam Byers neatly skewers the tangled relationships and unhinged narcissism of a self-obsessed generation in a remarkable, uproarious first novel.
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Мэйв Феллоуз 0.0
With Chaplin & Company, a charming coming-of-age story set amid the grim magic of London's canals, Mave Fellowes has quickly established herself as one of the most exciting new voices to emerge from England.

When young Odeline Milk is left orphaned by her mother, she casts off her identity as a suburban outcast and moves to the big city in pursuit of her dream to become a great mime. So it must be fate when she finds a houseboat available--in London's peculiar canal neighborhood--called, of all things, Chaplin & Company. Though she starts out determined to keep to herself, she's quickly drawn into the dramatic lives of the larger-than-life and down-on-their-luck characters in the world around her.

Fellowes's deceptively smooth prose vibrates with the weird but lovable world she's built. Chaplin & Company is, indeed, "a deeply quirky and very charming first novel" (The Times).
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Мэтт Грин 0.0
This is Alex’s story. But he doesn’t know exactly what it’s about yet, so you probably shouldn’t either.

Instead, here are some things that it’s sort of about (but not really):

It’s sort of (but not really) about brain surgery.

It’s sort of (but not really) about a hamster named Jaws 2 (after the original Jaws (who died), not the movie Jaws 2).

It’s sort of (but actually quite a lot) about Alex’s parents.

It’s sort of (but not really) about feeling ostrichized (which is a better word for excluded (because ostriches can’t fly so they often feel left out)).

It’s sort of (but not really (but actually, the more you think about it, kind of a lot)) about empathy (which is like sympathy only better), and also love and trust and fate and time and quantum mechanics and friendship and exams and growing up.

And it’s also sort of about courage. Because sometimes it actually takes quite a lot of it to bury your head in the sand.
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Грейс Макклин 3.8
Впервые на русском — самый ошеломляющий дебют в современной британской литературе, самая трогательная и бескомпромиссно оригинальная книга нового века! В этом романе находят отзвуки и недавнего бестселлера Эммы Донохью «Комната» из «букеровского» шорт-листа, и такой нестареющей классики, как «Убить пересмешника» Харпер Ли, и даже «Осиной Фабрики» Иэна Бэнкса. Но с кем бы Грейс Макклин ни сравнивали, ее ни с кем не спутаешь.

Итак, познакомьтесь с Джудит Макферсон. Ей десять лет. Она живет с отцом. Отец работает на заводе, а в свободное от работы время проповедует, с помощью Джудит, истинную веру: настали Последние Дни, скоро Армагеддон, и спасутся не все. В комнате у Джудит есть другой мир, сделанный из вещей, которые больше никому не нужны; с потолка на коротких веревочках свисают планеты и звезды, на веревочках подлиннее — Солнце и Луна, на самых длинных — облака и самолеты. Это самая прекрасная земля на свете, текущая молоком и медом, краса всех земель. Но в школе над Джудит издеваются, и однажды она устраивает в своей Красе Земель снегопад; а проснувшись утром, видит, что все вокруг и вправду замело и школа закрыта. Постепенно Джудит уверяется, что может творить чудеса; это подтверждает и звучащий в Красе Земель голос. Но каждое новое чудо не решает проблемы, а порождает новые…
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Чибунду Онузо 0.0
Seventeen-year-old Abike Johnson is the favourite child of her wealthy father. She lives in a sprawling mansion in Lagos, protected by armed guards and ferried everywhere in a huge black jeep.

A world away from Abike's mansion, in the city's slums, lives an eighteen-year-old hawker struggling to make sense of the world. His family lost everything after his father's death and now he sells ice cream at the side of the road to support his mother and sister.

When Abike buys ice cream from the hawker one afternoon, they strike up a tentative and unlikely romance. But as they grow closer, revelations from the past threaten their relationship and both Abike and the hawker must decide where their loyalties lie.
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Francesca Segal 0.0
What if everything you'd ever wanted was no longer enough?

Adam and Rachel are getting married at last. Childhood sweethearts whose lives and families have been intertwined for years; theirs is set to be the wedding of the year.

But then Rachel's cousin Ellie makes an unexpected return to the family fold. Beautiful, reckless and troubled, Ellie represents everything that Adam has tried all his life to avoid - and everything that is missing from his world. As the long-awaited wedding approaches, Adam is torn between duty and temptation, security and freedom, and must make a choice that will break either one heart, or many.
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Уилл Уайлс 0.0
A bold and brilliant debut from a darkly funny new voice. Oskar is a minimalist composer best known for his piece "Variations on Tram Timetables". He lives with his wife and two cats in an unnamed Eastern European city. But this book isn't really about Oskar. Oskar is in Los Angeles, having his marriage dismantled by lawyers. Meanwhile, he has entrusted an old friend to take care of his perfect, beautiful apartment. Despite Oskar leaving extensive notes on how to keep his flat in pristine condition, a tiny oversight initiates a chain of farcical, and even fatal, disasters. "Care of Wooden Floors" is about loneliness, friendship and the quest for, and struggle against, perfection. And it is, a little, about how to take care of wooden floors.
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David Whitehouse 4.0
Mal Ede, a child of untamed manners and unbounded curiosity, is the eccentric eldest son of an otherwise typical middle-class family. But as the wonders of childhood fade into the responsibilities of adulthood, Mal's spirits fade too. On his twenty-fifth birthday, disillusioned, Mal goes to bed, back to his childhood bed and never emerges again.
Narrated by Mal's shy, diligent younger brother, Bed details Mal's subsequent extreme and increasingly grotesque transformation: immobility and a gargantuan appetite combine, over the course of two decades, to make him the fattest man in the world. Despite his seclusion and his refusal to explain his motivations, Mal's condition earns him worldwide notoriety and a cult of followers convinced he is making an important statement about modern life. But Mal's actions will also change the lives of his haunted parents, his brother and the woman they both love, Lou.
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Калинда Эштон 0.0
Alice and Louise are sisters united by a distant tragedy - the house fire their brother lit and burnt to death in, fourteen years ago. Alice teaches dirt-poor students at a state high school that the government wants to close, and she pursues an episodic, estranged relationship with a married man. Louise, a habitual liar and recovering heroin addict, has been playing 'the danger game' since she was a child, and she can't stop. But when Louise decides to unravel the truth about her twin brother's death, and seeks out the mother who abandoned her a ten-year-old, everything changes.
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Эмма Джейн Ансуорт 0.0
Helen Burns is a food critic with a big black hole in her past. But when she embarks upon a tasting menu at a mysterious restaurant, she finds over the course of the meal that she is forced to confront her deepest, darkest memories – for better or for worse...
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Аннабель Питчер 4.4
Десятилетний Джейми не плакал, когда это случилось. Он знал, что ему положено плакать. Ведь старшая сестра Жасмин плакала, и мама плакала, и папа плакал. Только Роджер не плакал. Но что с него возьмешь – он ведь всего лишь и кот, пусть и самый классный кот на свете. Все вокруг говорили, что со временем все утрясется, жизнь наладится и все станет как прежде. Но это проклятое время шло себе и шло, а ничего не налаживалось. Даже хуже становилось с каждым днем. Папа не расстается с бутылкой, Жасмин ходит мрачнее тучи, а мама так и вовсе исчезла. Но Джейми надеется, что все же наступит день, когда все они снова станут счастливыми. Даже его вторая сестра Роза – та, что живет на каминной полке. Вот только нужно подтолкнуть события, направить в нужное русло. И у Джейми возникает план. Ели он, например, прославится на всю страну, а то и на всю планету, то ведь все обязательно изменится...
Удивительный роман для людей всех возрастов, печальный и веселый, оптимистичный и полный надежды, главная идея которого состоит в том – что бы ни случалось, какие бы беды не постигали вас, только вы сами являетесь хозяевами своей судьбы, своего настроения и отношения к жизни.
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Элизабет Дэй 0.0
Charles Redfern is in a coma. As he lies motionless in hospital, his wife, Anne, and daughter, Charlotte, are forced to come together to confront their relationships with him - and with each other.
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Анджали Джозеф 5.0
Mohan, a middle-aged letter writer sits under a banyan tree in Fort, furnishing missives for village migrants, disenchanted lovers, and when pickings are slim, filling in money order forms. But Mohan's true passion is collecting second-hand books and he's particularly attached to novels with marginal annotations.
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Саймон Лелич 3.8
Как часто вас одолевает ярость? А ненависть? А желание убить? Как часто мы думаем про себя, что "готовы убить того-то и того-то"? И что будет, если такое желание прорвет оболочку цивилизованности и вырвется наружу? Чья вина тяжелее? Убийцы или того, кто подтолкнул его?..
Душным летним днем преподаватель истории Сэмюэл Зайковски приходит на общее школьное собрание и открывает огонь. Убив трех школьников и коллегу, он стреляет в себя. Что это было? Приступ маниакального безумия? Расчетливый и продуманный поступок? Как вообще тихий, незаметный учитель истории мог совершить такое? Для полиции дело предельно ясно: еще один школьный инцидент с участием психопата. И только инспектор Люсия Мэй сомневается, ее беспокоит вопрос: что же все-таки стоит за этим страшным событием? Погружаясь в предысторию трагедии, разговаривая с учениками, учителями, родителями, она убеждается, что дело совсем не простое.
Блестящий ироничный роман о природе зла, об изнанке сытого благополучия, о ненависти, что живет в самых неожиданных местах.
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Лора Бартон 0.0
Jeannie is twenty years old and she's Lancashire's worst perfume girl. She works in her small town's department store, where all the other girls have perfect make-up (if a little too orange, and a mite too thick) and hair in buoyant ponytails. Jeannie, with wet hair and pale skin, doesn't fit the bill. And she doesn't really care - she arrived as a temp two years ago and has never got round to leaving. Being bored by work gives her plenty of time to think about her impending nuptials to Jimmy, her teenage sweetheart who's now a mechanic. He's a local lad and like everyone in the town, he lives for Saturday nights: beer, brawls and bare flesh. Jeannie is happier at home on the sofa, or better still, day-dreaming about leaving the town behind. Just as her feet are at their most cold, she stumbles upon Danny at the train station. He's a well-read, well-travelled, sophisticated ladies' man and represents everything her life is not. Or at least that's how it seems. And before long, it all becomes complicated.
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Robert Williams 0.0
Luke's mum is dead. He finds himself in a small, scruffy northern hill town, with a near silent father, who he fears might be trying to drink himself to death. Then he meets Jon. Jon is massively strange. He wears 1950s clothes, has a side-parting and a twitch. The kids at school call him 'Slackjaw'. When Luke discovers his secret, Jon changes his life in more ways than he can imagine. Luke and Jon is a coming of age novel about family, bereavement and how lives can change forever in a single second. Written with great power, warmth and humour, it signals a hugely engaging and original new voice. Compelling and emotionally acute, it is a unique debut.
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Надифа Мохамед 3.0
For fans of Half of a Yellow Sun, a stunning novel set in 1930s Somalia spanning a decade of war and upheaval, all seen through the eyes of a small boy alone in the world.

Aden, Yemen, 1935; a city vibrant, alive, and full of hidden dangers. And home to Jama, a ten year-old boy. But then his mother dies unexpectedly and he finds himself alone in the world.

Jama is forced home to his native Somalia, the land of his nomadic ancestors. War is on the horizon and the fascist Italian forces who control parts of East Africa are preparing for battle. Yet Jama cannot rest until he discovers whether his father, who has been absent from his life since he was a baby, is alive somewhere.

And so begins an epic journey which will take Jama north through Djibouti, war-torn Eritrea and Sudan, to Egypt. And from there, aboard a ship transporting Jewish refugees just released from German concentration camps, across the seas to Britain and freedom.

This story of one boy's long walk to freedom is also the story of how the Second World War affected Africa and its people; a story of displacement and family.
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Дженн Эшворт 0.0
An intense and intriguing novel that never quite lets the reader get comfortable. It understands about the fuzzy boundary between the normal and the strange, and weaves them together in a gripping, ever-darkening narrative (Jenny Diski)

who wouldn't kill for a comic gift like Jenn Ashworth's? (Guardian)

a hugely readable debut novel...about the inability to know others and ourselves (Independent)

evokes a damaged mind with the empathy and confidence of Ruth Rendell (The Times)

extremely intense and powerfully intriguing (Waterstone's)
Book Description
The prize-winning debut by Jenn Ashworth, which led her to be picked as one of the 12 Best New British Novelists by BBC TV's The Culture Show in 2011, a blackly funny and compelling tale of obsession, misplaced passion and one seriously mixed-up young woman - the kind of neighbour you would not wish on your worst enemy.
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Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani 4.0
A deeply moving debut novel set amid the perilous world of Nigerian email scams, I Do Not Come to You by Chance tells the story of one young man and the family who loves him.

Being the opara of the family, Kingsley Ibe is entitled to certain privileges--a piece of meat in his egusi soup, a party to celebrate his graduation from university. As first son, he has responsibilities, too. But times are bad in Nigeria, and life is hard. Unable to find work, Kingsley cannot take on the duty of training his younger siblings, nor can he provide his parents with financial peace in their retirement. And then there is Ola. Dear, sweet Ola, the sugar in Kingsley's tea. It does not seem to matter that he loves her deeply; he cannot afford her bride price.

It hasn't always been like this. For much of his young life, Kingsley believed that education was everything, that through wisdom, all things were possible. Now he worries that without a "long-leg"--someone who knows someone who can help him--his degrees will do nothing but adorn the walls of his parents' low-rent house. And when a tragedy befalls his family, Kingsley learns the hardest lesson of all: education may be the language of success in Nigeria, but it's money that does the talking.

Unconditional family support may be the way in Nigeria, but when Kingsley turns to his Uncle Boniface for help, he learns that charity may come with strings attached. Boniface--aka Cash Daddy--is an exuberant character who suffers from elephantiasis of the pocket. He's also rumored to run a successful empire of email scams. But he can help. With Cash Daddy's intervention, Kingsley and his family can be as safe as a tortoise in its shell. It's up to Kingsley now to reconcile his passion for knowledge with his hunger for money, and to fully assume his role of first son. But can he do it without being drawn into this outlandish mileu?
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Эви Уайлд 3.5
After the departure of the woman he loves, Frank struggles to rebuild his life among the sugarcane and sand dunes that surround his oceanside shack. Forty years earlier, Leon is drafted to serve in Vietnam and finds himself suddenly confronting the same experiences that haunt his war-veteran father. As these two stories weave around each other—each narrated in a voice as tender as it is fierce—we learn what binds Frank and Leon together, and what may end up keeping them apart.

Set in the unforgiving landscape of eastern Australia, Evie Wyld’s accomplished debut tackles the inescapability of the past, the ineffable ties of family, and the wars fought by fathers and sons.
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Samantha Harvey 0.0
It's Jake's birthday. He is sitting in a small plane, being flown over the landscape that has been the backdrop to his life - his childhood, his marriage, his work, his passions. Now he is in his early sixties, and he isn't quite the man he used to be. He has lost his wife, his son is in prison, and he is about to lose his past. Jake has Alzheimer's.

As the disease takes hold of him, Jake struggles to hold on to his personal story, to his memories and identity, but they become increasingly elusive and unreliable. What happened to his daughter? Is she alive, or long dead? And why exactly is his son in prison? What went so wrong in his life? There was a cherry tree once, and a yellow dress, but what exactly do they mean? As Jake, assisted by 'poor Eleanor', a childhood friend with whom for some unfathomable reason he seems to be sleeping, fights the inevitable dying of the light, the key events of his life keep changing as he tries to grasp them, and what until recently seemed solid fact is melting into surreal dreams or nightmarish imaginings. Is there anything he'll be able to salvage from the wreckage? Beauty, perhaps, the memory of love, or nothing at all?

From the first sentence to the last, The Wilderness holds us in its grip. This is writing of extraordinary power and beauty.
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Eleanor Catton 4.0
A teacher's affair with his underage student jolts a group of teenage girls into a new awareness of their own power. Their nascent desires surprise even themselves as they find the practice room where they rehearse with their saxophone teacher is the safe place where they can test out their abilities to attract and manipulate. It seems their every act is a performance, every platform a stage. But when the local drama school turns the story into their year-end show, the real world and the world of the theater are forced to meet. With the dates of the performances--the musicians' and the acting students'--approaching, the dramas, real and staged, begin to resemble each other, until they merge in a climax worthy of both life and art.
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David Szalay 0.0
David Szalay's debut novel is set in the alcohol-sodden, materialistic, insecure and increasingly sham world of a telephone salesman. The salesman in question is Paul Rainey, a 40-year-old functioning alcoholic on anti-anxiety medication who commutes into London every day from Hove.
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Анна Ральф 0.0
It’s almost a year since fifteen-year-old Matt and his younger brother, Tom, rowed out to the island. Matt, confined to a wheelchair and haunted by nightmares, can’t remember what happened. Nor does he want to.
Only when Sarah Bell, a tough, Geordie girl with a no-nonsense approach, takes up the newly vacant position of Matt’s carer, do things begin to change for him.

As the floating island returns to the surface of the lake, Matt is forced to confront the truth about his brother’s death, but also, unknowingly, exposes him to an adult world of passion, guilt, and betrayal
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Томас Леверитт 0.0
A dysfunctional love story set in Sarajevo 2003 amid reconstruction programs, mercenaries, black marketers, private enterprise initiatives, the UN and the international justice business. It is a brilliantly original and funny new voice in fiction.
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Росс Рейзин 0.0
Sam Marsdyke is a lonely young man, dogged by an incident in his past and forced to work his family farm instead of attending school in his Yorkshire village. He methodically fills his life with daily routines and adheres to strict boundaries that keep him at a remove from the townspeople. But one day he spies Josephine, his new neighbor from London. From that moment on, Sam's carefully constructed protections begin to crumble—and what starts off as a harmless friendship between an isolated loner and a defiant teenage girl takes a most disturbing turn.
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Уилл Дэвис 0.0
My name is Jarold, but everyone calls me Jaz, which is a damn sight cooler I think you'll agree. I'm sixteen (just) and I have two remarkably undivorced parents, along with a sister and a grandmother and we all live in the same house together just like in a TV show.

I've just started my A levels too, which me and Al are planning to fail, which is our way of saying Fuck You to the British educational standard.

So what if your parents hate each other and want you to have therapy? So what if your holier-than-thou sister and her posse have decided you're going to hell? So what if the school tyrant and his goons are hunting you down, or if your best friend has just outed you to a neo-Nazi?

Jaz isn't planning to lose any sleep over it -- at least until he meets the guy of his dreams at the local gay bar. Suddenly things are a lot more complicated...

Witty, acerbic, and incredibly funny, My Side of the Story is the perfectly rendered portrait of a precocious, troubled teenager faced with the awkward process of growing up and coming out.
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Карен Маклеод 0.0
Lizzie is lonely. Her parents have gone and her brother, who believes he's a woman, is missing. Most of all, though, Lizzie misses Sally, her former lover who has gone off with a man with a fat neck. She starts to stalk Sally, collecting bathroom fluff, dust and pubes from Sally's bed - all the things that prove that somewhere life is taking place without her.

In Search of the Missing Eyelash is a novel about home and love and what can become undone when we try to make it all better. It's also about gender and sex and it flips from heartbreaking to hilarious within the stroke of an eyelash.
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Кинан Джонс 0.0
Waking up early to check the cattle. Gareth notices that one of the calving cows is missing and sets off to find her before the sun gets too strong. What follows is a search through memory and anxiety about losing what he has as Gareth walks the land looking for the missing cow. The day unfolds, and the cow's behavior emerges as a metaphor for the relationship between Gareth and his wife Kate as they stumble on desperately in their changing care for each other. Only the reader is aware of the tragedy that awaits the family a few days down the line, throwing the story into shadow with a terrible poignancy.
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Adam Foulds 0.0
Ten year-old Saul Dawson-Smith has an extremely impressive memory, so much so that he can remember every conversation he's ever had. Howard McNamee is a lonely, poorly educated and overweight twenty-eight year old. Struggling to pay his rent with a succession of menial jobs, he finds himself thrust into an unlikely friendship with Saul when he is taken under the wing of his parents. While Howard is having to cope with the demands of London and accidentally acquiring himself a Russian internet fiancee, Saul is focussed on the World Memory Championships, an event he has been training for his whole life. With Howard realising he has to save his friend from a lifetime of unbearable expectations, the pair embark on an extraordinary road trip and voyage of dicovery as they attempt to escape their lives.
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Джули Максвелл 0.0
'Few disappointments compare to the loss of eternity...'

Alice is going to live forever. She's been promised this since childhood. All she has to do is follow the true religion of The Unbelievable Potential of Human Beings. Her mother is a pillar of the church and her brother is a deacon. But Alice is faltering, she's losing the knack of living forever. Things aren't helped by her father William, a part-time arsonist, rejected husband, ladies' man and fraudster, or by Jude, an attractive fellow church-goer with a longing for womankind.

In this intricate and satisfying debut, which was featured on BBC Radio 5 Live as Book of the Month, Julie Maxwell writes with dry, dark humour, wit and intelligence about sex and the sect and the heart of darkness.

Winner of the Betty Trask Award.
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Ник Лэйрд 0.0
Danny Williams didn't mean to be a lawyer, but somehow he is -- and for up to eighteen hours a day. He's well paid, home owning, and twenty-seven but is also overworked, lonely, and frequently stoned. The plan was to leave the troubles of a small town in Northern Ireland for the big city in England, but one evening an old school friend, Geordie, bursts into Danny's shiny new life. On the run from a Loyalist militia, Geordie brings everything Danny thought he had left behind and dumps it on his doorstep.

With infectious wit and energy to burn, Utterly Monkey is a searing, fiercely funny, and ultimately redemptive novel about surviving an office job, outwitting the bad guys, and, hopefully, getting the girl.
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Никола Монаган 0.0
In her stunning debut, Nicola Monaghan lays bare the gritty underbelly of life in Nottingham, England.

Very early on, Kerrie-Ann begins to dream of the world beyond the rough council estate where she lives. Her father is nowhere to be found, her mother is a junkie, and she is left to care for her little brother. Clever, brave, and frighteningly independent, Kerrie-Ann has an unbreakable will to survive. She befriends her eccentric, elderly neighbor, who teaches her about butterflies, the Amazon, and life outside of her tough neighborhood. But even as Kerrie-Ann dreams of a better life she becomes further entangled in the cycles of violence and drugs that rule the estate.

Brilliant, brutal, and tender, The Killing Jar introduces a brave new voice in fiction. Nicola Monaghan's devastating prose tells an unforgettable story of violence, love, and hope
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Питер Хоббс 0.0
This is the story of four seasons in the life of Charles Wenmoth, a twenty-seven-year-old apprentice blacksmith and Methodist lay preacher in Cornwall in 1870. Life is at its hardest; poverty is everywhere. Charles crosses and recrosses the raw, beautiful landscape, attending to the sick and helping the poor, preaching in chapels with ever-dwindling congregations. He questions his faith along the way but never quite loses it, balancing it with the pleasure he takes in nature, the light in the skies, the colors of the earth, and in his attachment to a girl to whom he is drawn by the piety and patience she maintains despite her long illness. Inspired by the language of his great-great-grandfather's diaries and the Bible, influenced by authors as diverse as Hardy, Blake, and Faulkner, Peter Hobbs has created a first novel of breathtaking ambition and stylistic innovation, and of enormous emotional power.
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Susan Fletcher 0.0
Pregnant with her first child, Eve Green recalls her mother's death when she was eight years old and her struggle to make sense of her parents' mysterious romantic past. Eve is sent to live with her grandparents in rural Wales, where she finds comfort in friendships with Daniel, a quiet farmhand, and Billy, a disabled, reclusive friend of her mother's. When a ravishing local girl disappears, one of Eve's friends comes under suspicion. Eve will do everything she can to protect him, but at the risk of complicity in a matter she barely understands. This is a timeless and beautifully told story about family secrets and unresolved liaisons
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Helen Walsh 0.0
Upon its release in the United Kingdom, British Vogue said “if you want to find out what it is like to be a woman in England today [read] Brass.” Literary circles, critics, students, and readers of all stripes are talking about Brass for its raw, unrelenting, yet compassionate and utterly compelling portrait of Millie, a promising college kid drifting into a deceptively inviting world of rough hewn street culture, drug-induced adorations, and sexual hedonism.

Helen Walsh, at the age of 27, has produced a staggeringly alive debut novel that portrays a generation of youth—those coming of age in the 80s and 90s—through the prism of Millie. Millie and her best friend Jamie have been through it all together. However, as Millie is lured away from a promising academic career toward a life of numbing drugs and increasingly deviant sexual encounters, Jamie is finally settling down with his girlfriend. Millie feels betrayed by one of the few authentic and nurturing relationships in her life at a pivotal time of self-revelation.
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Диана Эванс 0.0
A hauntingly beautiful, wickedly funny, and devastatingly moving novel of innocence and dreams that announces the arrival of a major new talent to the literary scene

In the attic room at 26 Waifer Avenue, identical twins Georgia and Bessi Hunter share nectarines and forge their identities, while escaping from the sadness and danger that inhabit the floors below. But innocence lasts for only so long--and dreams, no matter how vivid and powerful, cannot slow the relentless incursion of the real world.
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Энтони Картрайт 0.0
Years after the death of toddler Adam, a family is bound together in sadness and joy as they fight to overcome feeling haunted by that tragic day. Meet the family: there's Luke at work at Paradise Meatpacking, out on the town with Jamie,hitting the bars with his unnerving mate Risley, and back in bed with his ex-fiancee. Despite his actions, he knows he can count on his parents to bail him out of trouble, or for his sister Kerry to have his back and give him sound advice, as they all struggle to understand and prevail above an untimely death years before.
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Ханна Макдональд 0.0
Readers of Charming Billy and Crow Lake will identify the landscape of quiet pain and years-held secrets that informs the lives our narrator, Beth Standing, and her mother, Lizzie, a woman who seems to have never been happy. As a child, Beth escaped across the busy London road to her best friend's house, finding solace in the energetic Frederick family: the perfect antidote to the stifling atmosphere of her own home. There, the question of why Beth's family was "different" never really needed an answer.

But as an adult embarking upon an affair with this childhood friend, Beth finds herself confronting memories she had long repressed as she faces the possible consequences of giving in to passion, and of losing one's future to the irrevocable choices of the past.

The Sun Road marks a promising debut for Hannah MacDonald, a novel perfect for discussing, for sharing, and for probing the questions of love, loss, and finally, hope
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Луиз Дин 0.0
After more than half a century of marriage, Dorothy and George are embarking on their first journey abroad together. Three decades younger, Jan and Annemieke are taking their last, as illness and incompatibility bring their unhappy union to an end. At first the luxury of a Caribbean resort is no match for the well-worn patterns of domestic life. Then the couples' paths cross, and a series of surprises ensues--a disappearance and an assault, most dramatically, but also a teapot tempest of passions, slights, misunderstandings, and small awakenings that punctuate a week in which each pair struggles to come to terms with what's been keeping them apart.

A hit with readers and critics alike when it was published, Becoming Strangers is a different kind of love story, in which there's seldom a happy ending but sometimes a chance to redeem a life half-lived.

Longlisted for the Man Booker prize. Winner of The Betty Trask Prize. Winner of Le Prince Maurice. Nominated for The Guardian First Book Award. Longlisted for IMPAC. Named by The Observer and The Independent as one of the best books of the year.

'I have read Becoming Strangers with pleasure and admiration.' J.M.Coetzee.

'Remarkably moving. The first half [of the book] is a fine display of economic writing, never wasting a word and yet revealing a wealth of emotion, history, and desire. It reads like mature Anne Tyler . . . The second half, as the action accelerates, is even better, both page-turning and heart-breaking. This is the sort of book that makes you want to immediately go back to page one and start again . . . One of the best books of the year.'The Independent.

'Quite exceptional . . . There aren’t many first-time novelists I’d dare to compare to Alan Bennett, but Louise Dean has his wicked yet empathetic eye, his ear for pathos, and his almost supernatural talent for observing and measuring the comedy and tragedy of ordinary, heartfelt lives.' The Guardian

‘Very accomplished . . . Dean has a deliciously lucid and seemingly effortless style, as well as the gift of being able to write about each character from the inside, making their motives and actions clear. She has an unerring ear for dialogue, particularly between married couples . . . An exceptionally enjoyable book.’ Daily Mail

‘The best book in its genre that I have read in a long time’ Jenni Murray, Woman’s Hour

‘Both heartbreaking and thrilling. Dean deserves a huge readership’ The Times

‘All her characters are perfectly conceived, their inner dialogues spot on, her observations so sharp they make you wince’ Time Out

‘It’s quite hard to put into words the special qualities of this novel, although you feel these at once when you begin to read it. A very accomplished piece of writing.’ Helen Dunmore

'Breathtaking . . . Dean crafts a gut-wrenching tale of marital recklessness and guilt that is reminiscent of John Updike at his most masterful . . . Becoming Strangers is poignant, authentic, funny and extraordinary. For Dean, it marks the beginning of what promises to be a spectacular career.' San Francisco Chronicle

'Dean peels back the skin of these marriages with an unflinching lack of sentimentality and an immense talent for close observation and evocative, often poetic detail. She can reach straight into a character’s heart . . . The ending is unexpected, yet entirely deserved. Dean has produced an ideal novel.' The Atlantic Monthly

‘I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. In the end, I was so uplifted, I did both’ Julie Myerson
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Сиддхарт Дханвант Шанхви 0.0
“Set in 1920s India, this magical debut novel tells the story of beautiful Anuradha, whose songs are spellbinding, but whose fate is troubled.”

When the astonishingly lovely Anuradha moves to Bombay to marry Vardhmaan, a charming young doctor, their life together has all the makings of a fairy tale. But when their firstborn son dies in a terrible accident, tragedy transforms their marriage into a bleak landscape. As the pair starts fresh in a heartbroken old villa by the sea, they are joined by Nandini, a dazzling and devious artist with a trace of leopard blood in her veins. While Nandini flamboyantly takes on Bombay’s art scene, the couple attempts to mend their marriage, eventually discovering that real love, mercurial and many-hued, is given and received in silence. Sensuous and electric, achingly moving and wickedly funny, The Last Song of Dusk is a tale of fate that will haunt your heart like an old and beloved song.

“A cornucopia of life at full tilt and high color . . . Shanghvi–who’s been compared to Arundhati Roy, Zadie Smith, and Vikram Seth–combines ribald humor with prose poetry.”
–Sunday Oregonian

“Few first novelists achieve such perfection, such control, in their performance.”
–India Today

“A gorgeous novel . . . written with a youthful twinkling eye.”
–Los Angeles Times Book Review

“Lush, witty . . . sassy prose . . . moves like a carnival ride.”
–San Francisco Chronicle
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Jon McGregor 3.7
Risky in conception, hip and yet soulful, this is a prose poem of a novel -- intense, lyrical, and highly evocative -- with a mystery at its center, which keeps the reader in suspense until the final page. In a tour de force that could be described as Altmanesque, we are invited into the private lives of the residents of a quiet urban street in England over the course of a single day. In delicate, intricately observed closeup, we witness the hopes, fears, and unspoken despairs of a diverse community: the man with painfully scarred hands who tried in vain to save his wife from a burning house and who must now care for his young daughter alone; a group of young clubgoers just home from an all-night rave, sweetly high and mulling over vague dreams; the nervous young man at number 18 who collects weird urban junk and is haunted by the specter of unrequited love. The tranquillity of the street is shattered at day's end when a terrible accident occurs. This tragedy and an utterly surprising twist provide the momentum for the book. But it is the author's exquisite rendering of the ordinary, the everyday, that gives this novel its freshness, its sense of beauty, wonder, and hope. Rarely does a writer appear with so much music and poetry -- so much vision -- that he can make the world seem new
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Зои Страчан 0.0
Dying at twenty-four is unnatural, but Simon did, leaving his sister alone and haunted by the past. Clutching at refuge where she can find it, she tries to decide whether secrets are better exposed, or buried. Then an unexpected trip to Orkney offers a change in her tense and frightening world, and perhaps an answer to the question, what do you do when you don't know what to do?
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Adam Thirlwell 2.6
Politics is about: a) a threesome; b) politics

Moshe loves Nana. But love can be difficult -- especially if you want to be kind. And Moshe and Nana want to be kind to someone else.

They want to be kind to their best friend, Anjali.

Politics explores crucial problems of sexual etiquette. What should the sleeping arrangements be in a ménage-à-trois? Is it polite to read while two people have sex beside you? Is it permissible to be jealous?
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Sarah Hall 0.0
The village of Marsdale is a quiet corner of the world, cradled in a remote dale in England's lovely Lake District. The rhythm of life in the deeply religious, sheltered community has not changed for centuries. But in 1936, when Waterworks representative Jack Ligget from industrial Manchester arrives with plans to build a new reservoir, he brings the much feared threat of impending change to this bucolic hamlet. And when he begins an intense and troubled affair with Janet Lightburn—a devout local woman of rare passion and strength of spirit—it can only lead to scandal, tragedy, and remarkable, desperate acts.

From Sarah Hall, the internationally acclaimed author of the Man Booker Prize finalist The Electric Michelangelo, comes a stunning and transcendent novel of love, obsession, and the passing of an age.
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Stephanie Merritt 3.0
Gaveston is a journey into the dark heart of obsession and sexual politics by one of the rising stars of contemporary British fiction.

When Gaby Harvey, daughter of media magnate Sir Edward Hamilton Harvey and research student at the prestigious St Dunstan's College, first sets eyes on Piers Gaveston, she immediately senses danger. Aloof, narcissistic and devastatingly attractive, Gaveston's charms still prove irresistible to Gaby and as he works his way through the London media world, so he works a way into her affections, with devastating consequences.

'Stephanie Merritt's deliciously dark d�but novel has an unusually erudite cast of characters . . . The glamorous life that these characters enjoys suggests, in the most enjoyable way, an episode of 'Dallas' co-written by Iris Murdoch and David Lodge, and directed by Ingmar Bergman.' New Statesman
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Хари Кунзру 4.0
Англичанин по отцу, индиец по матери, герой этой книги вынужден перевоплощаться, становясь тем, кого в нем хотят видеть другие. В Индии он - мальчишка-неприкасаемый, в Англии - молодой аристократ. Меняя маски, он вдруг понимает, что своего лица у него уже нет. Этот реалистический роман, написанный сухим и размеренным языком, затягивает в себя, как воронка, и в конце концов выводит читателя на границы реальности, к метафизическому ужасу пустоты.
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Rachel Seiffert 0.0
The Dark Room tells the stories of three ordinary Germans: Helmut, a young photographer in Berlin in the 1930s who uses his craft to express his patriotic fervour; Lore, a twelve-year-old girl who in 1945 guides her young siblings across a devastated Germany after her Nazi parents are seized by the Allies; and, fifty years later, Micha, a young teacher obsessed with what his loving grandfather did in the war, struggling to deal with the past of his family and his country.
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Хлоя Хупер 0.0
Kate Byrne is having an affair with the father of her most gifted pupil, Lucien. Unnervingly, her lover's wife has just published Murder at Black Swan Point, a true crime novel about the brutal slaying of a young adulteress. Suspecting the adult account of Black Swan Point's murder to be wrong, Kate imagines her own version of the novel, for children, narrated by Australian animals. But has her obsession with the crime aligned her fate with that of the murdered adulteress?

Compelled by the lives of her nine-year-old students, Kate is a misfit among their parents. And though, in scenes of escalating eroticism, Lucien's father brings her to life sexually, he does nothing to penetrate her obsession with the past. Kate is fixated on the crime of passion that occurred years earlier, less and less aware of her own reputation in the present.
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Сюзанна Джонс 3.3
Люси Флай — изгой. Она сбежала из Англии и смогла обрести покой только в далеком и чуждом Токио. Загадочный японский фотограф подарил ей счастье. Но и оно было отнято тупой размалеванной соотечественницей-англичанкой. Мучительная ревность, полное отчаяние, безумие... А потом соперницу находят убитой и расчлененной. Неужели это сделала Люси? Возможно. Она не знает точно. Не знает даже, был ли на самом деле повод для ревности. Ничего не понимает и полиция. Известно лишь, что в жизни Флай было столько случайных смертей, что ее впору считать непреднамеренным серийным убийцей…

Вместе с героиней вы будете прорываться к истине сквозь толщу ее сознания, замутненного комплексами, страхами и саморазрушением.
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Гвендолин Райли 0.0
Carmel McKisco is wry, volatile and full of longing: a twenty-year-old girl working nights in a Manchester dive bar. Cut off from her family, and from Tony, her carefree ex, she forges strange alliances with her customers, and daydreams, half-heartedly, about escaping to Cornwall.

Cold Water is a poignant picaresque of barmaids and barflies; eccentric individuals all somehow tethered to their past - not least Carmel herself, who is nurturing mordant fixations on both her lost love, Tony, and her washed-up adolescent hero: a singer from Macclesfield. As she spins out the days and nights of an unrelentingly rainy winter she finds herself compelled to confront her romantic preoccupations, for better or worse.
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Зэди Смит 3.6
"Белые зубы" Зэди Смит - один из самых ярких и успешных дебютных романов, появившихся за последние годы в британской литературе. Блестящее комическое повествование, в котором рассказывается о дружбе, любви, войне, землетрясении, трех культурах, трех семьях на протяжении трех поколений и одной очень необычной мыши.
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Mohsin Hamid 5.0
Available for the first time from Riverheada. The debut novel from the bestselling author of The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Moth Smoke, Mohsin Hamid’s deftly conceived first novel, immediately marked him as an uncommonly talented and ambitious young writer to watch when it was published in 2000. It tells the story of Daru Shezad, who, fired from his banking job in Lahore, begins a decline that plummets the length of Hamid’s sharply drawn, subversive tale. Fast-paced and unexpected, Moth Smoke was ahead of its time in portraying a contemporary Pakistan far more vivid and complex than the exoticized images of South Asia then familiar to the West. It established Mohsin Hamid as an internationally important writer of substance and imagination, a promise he has amply fulfilled with each successive book. This debut novel, meanwhile, remains as compelling and deeply relevant to the moment as when it appeared more than a decade ago.
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Justin Hill 0.0
When Space Rocket Factory Number Two closes down in the small Chinese town of Shaoyang, it is the signal for the old culture to confront the new. Party Secretary Li cannot cope, and commits suicide, but not before daubing a series of slogans onto sheets of rice paper and hanging them outside his bedroom window (Our Leaders Are Drunk On The Taste Of Corruption reads one; The Party Officials Are Screwing Our Daughters, reads another).Those left behind have to clear up after him: Old Zhu has to keep Party Secretary Li's ashes in the bottom of his wardrobe. On the other side of the courtyard, their aria singing neighbour Madam Fan is temporarily silenced by the tragedy. Meanwhile Old Zhu's son, Da Shan, has returned from the city and fallen in love with not one but two childhood sweethearts.
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Maggie O'Farrell 0.0
A distraught young woman boards a train at King's Cross to return to her family in Scotland. Six hours later, she catches sight of something so terrible in a mirror at Waverley Station that she gets on the next train back to London.

AFTER YOU'D GONE follows Alice's mental journey through her own past, after a traffic accident has left her in a coma. A love story that is also a story of absence, and of how our choices can reverberate through the generations, it slowly draws us closer to a dark secret at the family's heart.
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Вивьен Келли 0.0
Sam Glass wants to go far. But not up the career ladder. Sam wants to go to Antarctica.

Sam is a slave to his pager. A drone in the advertising industry, he spends his days being insulted by bosses, ad agency creatives and clients alike, and his evenings drinking with friends. At twenty-five, he's stuck in a rut of post-university, first-job existence. And he hates it. When he notices an advert for a research job in Antarctica, Sam is galvanised into action: this magical land of snow, ice and utter serenity represents the ultimate escape. While he and his best friend, Henry, endure the gruelling selection procedure, he embarks on both the destruction of his ordered, career-orientated, tidy life, and a string of well-organised, casual affairs. What Sam doesn't bargain for, however, is falling in love.

Lively, funny and incredibly perceptive, Take One Young Man is a profoundly intelligent and moving novel.
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Patrick Neate 0.0
The close resemblance of Patrick Neate's fictitious state of "Zambawi" to contemporary Zimbabwe, makes Musungu Jim and Great Chief Tuloko a tall but politically perceptive tale in which Neate takes the reader on a humorous tour of the downfall of a corrupt neo-colonial government.
Weaving from presidential palace to rural homestead, and from intercontinental hotel to red light district, this is a splendid farce, full of pathos and biting humour, reminiscent of Tom Sharpe. A clear sense of each character's humanity prevails as Neate entwines the destinies of a young English teacher whose naiveté saves him as he finds himself centre-stage in a growing rebellion, a herb-smoking witchdoctor who exercises mystical powers with uncanny skill, presidents down on their luck whose attempts to exercise any power are increasingly futile, the blessed-into-boredom presidential offspring who slowly learn to control their own destiny, and a disenchanted soldier who wishes he had stayed a poet. Storytelling is the framework for this tale, as Neate constructs whole oral histories, and local myths through which the characters come to find themselves. With frequent reference to Latin maxims, and "Zamba" proverbs, ancestral powers are invoked to unfold the rich tapestry of "Zamba" legend. The "Zamba" language and proverbs are cleverly close to, but not quite identifiable as Shona and Swahili, giving the whole farce an extraordinary credibility and life. --Oliver Phillips
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Джулия Ли 0.0
The hunter arrives in an isolated community in the Tasmanian wilderness with a single purpose in mind - to find the last thylacine, the tiger of fable, fear and legend.
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Джонатан Таллох 0.0
This is the story of a friendship between a modern-day Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, set in northeast England. Sewell is tall and strong, Gerry is small yet crafty. Both are broke. They have only one purpose in life. They each want a season ticket to Newcastle United. And for that they need money, lots of money. The Season Ticket is the story of how they go about getting it.
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Galaxy Craze 0.0
This internationally acclaimed debut novel by a young actress captures the bittersweet world of youth through the eyes of 12-year-old May, who lives in an oceanfront bed-and-breakfast run by her single mother. An absent father comes calling and freezes the possibilities stirring in her life.
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Susan Elderkin 0.0
Susan Elderkin's brilliant Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains explores our places in the lives of our loved ones and in the universe. Theobald Moon lives in a lonely corner of the Arizona desert, tending his spectacular cactus garden, his tiny mobile home, and his astounding appetite. He has fled a stifled, cardigan-and-tea-cozy life in south London for this unfamiliar country and is raising Josephine, who has known no other life than their cheerful yet isolated American one. But when a jangling ice-cream truck finds its way into the desert carrying two ill-fated lovers--a pregnant Slovakian shoemaker and a mysterious ice-cream man--it throws Theo's and Josie's careful lives into a chaotic state for which they're totally unprepared. Fantastic upheaval ensues, as well as an inspired redemption. Innovative and accessible, funny and profound, Elderkin's "beautiful, touching story" (Bookseller) explores love and responsibility, and the joys and fears such emotions inspire. It is a rare and tantalizing first novel.
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Николас Гриффин 0.0
William Williams is forced into an apprenticeship with ex-slaver turned pirate Bartholomew Roberts. Set in the 18th century, the novel follows the captain and crew and their quest for treasure whilst evading the British Royal Navy.
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Катрин Чиджи 0.0
When Clifford Stilton dies, his son Gene crams his carefully kept diaries into a hall cupboard. But Clifford's words have too much life in them to be ignored, and start to permeate his family's world. This book tells the story of three generations of the Stilton family.
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Giles Foden 0.0
Shortly after his arrival in Uganda, Scottish doctor Nicholas Garrigan is called to the scene of a bizarre accident: Idi Amin, careening down a dirt road in his red Maserati, has run over a cow. When Garrigan tends to Amin, the dictator, in his obsession for all things Scottish, appoints him as his personal physician. And so begins a fateful dalliance with the central African leader whose Emperor Jones-style autocracy would transform into a reign of terror.

In The Last King of Scotland Foden's Amin is as ridiculous as he is abhorrent: a grown man who must be burped like an infant, a self-proclaimed cannibalist who, at the end of his 8 years in power, would be responsible for 300,000 deaths. And as Garrigan awakens to his patient's baroque barbarism--and his own complicity in it--we enter a venturesome meditation on conscience, charisma, and the slow corruption of the human heart. Brilliantly written, comic and profound, The Last King of Scotland announces a major new talent.
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Сара Уотерс 3.7
Впервые на русском языке - дебютный роман автора "Тонкой работы", один из ярчайших дебютов в британской прозе рубежа веков.
Нэнси живет в провинциальном английском городке, ее отец держит приморский устричный бар. Каждый вечер, переодевшись в выходное платье, она посещает мюзик-холл, где с бурлескным номером выступает Китти Батлер. Постепенно девушки сближаются, и когда новый импресарио предлагает Китти лондонский ангажемент, Нэнси следует за ней в столицу. Вскоре об их совместном номере говорит весь Лондон. Нэнси счастлива, еще не догадываясь, как близка разлука, на какое дно ей придется опуститься, чтобы найти себя, и какие хищники водятся в придонных водах...
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Деннис Бок 0.0
A story of evolution, love and death which centres on three generations of Olympic athletes - the Bavarian grandparents who escaped Nazi Germany, and their Canadian descendents.
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