
Художественная литература
Мишель де Крецер 0.0
A profoundly original exploration of racism, misogyny, and ageism—three monsters that plague the world—this novel from a beloved and prize-winning author is made up of two narratives, each told by a South Asian migrant to Australia.

"When my family emigrated it felt as if we'd been stood on our heads."

Michelle de Kretser's electrifying take on scary monsters turns the novel upside down—just as migration has upended her characters' lives.

Lili's family migrated to Australia from Asia when she was a teenager. Now, in the 1980s, she's teaching in the south of France. She makes friends, observes the treatment handed out to North African immigrants and is creeped out by her downstairs neighbour. All the while, Lili is striving to be A Bold, Intelligent Woman like Simone de Beauvoir.

Lyle works for a sinister government department in near-future Australia. An Asian migrant, he fears repatriation and embraces 'Australian values'. He's also preoccupied by his ambitious wife, his wayward children and his strong-minded elderly mother. Islam has been banned in the country, the air is smoky from a Permanent Fire Zone, and one pandemic has already run its course.

Three scary monsters—racism, misogyny and ageism—roam through this mesmerising novel. Its reversible format enacts the disorientation that migrants experience when changing countries changes the story of their lives. With this suspenseful, funny and profound book, Michelle de Kretser has made something thrilling and new.

"Which comes first, the future or the past?"
Документальная литература
Марго Джефферсон 0.0
Stunning for her daring originality, the author of Negroland gives us what she calls "a temperamental autobiography," comprised of visceral, intimate fragments that fuse criticism and memoir.

Margo Jefferson constructs a nervous system with pieces of different lengths and tone, conjoining arts writing (poem, song, performance) with life writing (history, psychology). The book's structure is determined by signal moments of her life, those that trouble her as well as those that thrill and restore. In this nervous system:
- The sounds of a black spinning disc of a 1950's jazz LP as intimate and instructive as a parent's voice.
- The muscles and movements of a ballerina, spliced with those of an Olympic runner: template for what a female body could be.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe's Topsy finds her way into the art of Kara Walker and the songs of C�cile McLorin Salvant.
- Bing Crosby and Ike Turner become alter egos.
- W.E.B. DuBois and George Eliot meet illicitly, as he appropriates lines from her story "The Hidden Veil" to write his famous "behind the veil" passages in The Souls of Black Folk.
- The words of multiple others (writers, singers, film characters, friends, family) act as prompts and as dialogue.
The fragments of this brilliant book, while not neglecting family, race, and class, are informed by a kind of aesthetic drive: longing, ecstasy, or even acute ambivalence. Constructing a nervous system is Jefferson's relentlessly galvanizing mis en scene for unconventional storytelling as well as a platform for unexpected dramatis personae.
Виктория Адуквей Булли 0.0
'In Quiet, Victoria Adukwei Bulley advances a poetics of balance. The poems collected in these pages mix a technically assured, sonically resonant, surface with a profoundly evocative, scrupulously integrated core. This book is a seismic event; its vibrations will be felt for a long time to come.' Kayo Chingonyi

Victoria Adukwei Bulley's debut collection, Quiet, circles around ideas of black interiority, intimacy and selfhood, playing at the the tensions between the impulse to guard one's 'inner life' and the knowledge that, as Audre Lorde writes, 'your silence will not protect you'. The poems teem with grace and dignity, are artful in their shapes, sharp in their intelligence, and possessing of a good ear, finely attuned to the sonics that fascinate and motivate the writing 'at the lower end of sound'.
Премия Фолио
Колм Тойбин 4.0
Colm Tóibín’s new novel opens in a provincial German city at the turn of the twentieth century, where the boy, Thomas Mann, grows up with a conservative father, bound by propriety, and a Brazilian mother, alluring and unpredictable. Young Mann hides his artistic aspirations from his father and his homosexual desires from everyone. He is infatuated with one of the richest, most cultured Jewish families in Munich, and marries the daughter Katia. They have six children. On a holiday in Italy, he longs for a boy he sees on a beach and writes the story Death in Venice. He is the most successful novelist of his time, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature, a public man whose private life remains secret. He is expected to lead the condemnation of Hitler, whom he underestimates. His oldest daughter and son, leaders of Bohemianism and of the anti-Nazi movement, share lovers. He flees Germany for Switzerland, France and, ultimately, America, living first in Princeton and then in Los Angeles.

The Magician is an intimate, astonishingly complex portrait of Mann, his magnificent and complex wife Katia, and the times in which they lived—the first world war, the rise of Hitler, World War II, the Cold War, and exile.
Премия Фолио
Кармен Мария Мачадо 4.1
Автобиографический роман Кармен Марии Мачадо — одной из главных представительниц современной прозы. На основе своего личного опыта писательница исследует механизмы психологического насилия и пытается разобраться, как она оказалась в разрушительных отношениях.

Для каждой главы, рассказывающей о ее многолетнем романе с харизматичной, но психологически неустойчивой женщиной, Кармен использует приметы различных литературных жанров. В канву вплетаются черты хоррора, эротики, истории взросления, эссе и других жанров. Опираясь на феномены массовой культуры и сопровождая свою историю острым юмором, Мачадо выстраивает книгу, которая будет интересна ценителям новой экспериментальной прозы.

«Дом иллюзий» — воспоминания о доме, который не был домом, и о мечте, которая вовсе не была мечтой.
Премия Фолио
Валериа Луиселли 4.1
Мать, отец, сын и дочь отправляются в роуд-трип из Нью-Йорка в Аризону. Их пункт назначения — Апачерия, место, которое апачи когда-то называли домом. Но грандиозное путешествие прерывают печальные новости по радио: тысячи детей-иммигрантов потерялись в пустыне при попытке пересечь юго-западную границу США. Грядет перелом — как в стране, так и в судьбе семьи...

Рассказанный несколькими голосами, сочетающий в себе слова, звуки и образы, «Архив потерянных детей» представляет собой образец литературной виртуозности. Это история о том, как мы документируем свой опыт и запоминаем то, что для нас важнее всего. Она погружает нас в жизнь одной семьи, рождая сочувствие и исследуя природу справедливости и равенства в наше время.
Премия Фолио
Рэймонд Энтробус 4.0
The Perseverance is the remarkable debut book by British-Jamaican poet Raymond Antrobus. Ranging across history and continents, these poems operate in the spaces in between, their haunting lyrics creating new, hybrid territories.

The Perseverance is a book of loss, contested language and praise, where elegies for the poet’s father sit alongside meditations on the d/Deaf experience.
Премия Фолио
Ричард Ллойд Пэрри 4.5
On 11 March 2011, a massive earthquake sent a 120-foot-high tsunami smashing into the coast of north-east Japan. By the time the sea retreated, more than 18,500 people had been crushed, burned to death, or drowned.

It was Japan’s greatest single loss of life since the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. It set off a national crisis, and the meltdown of a nuclear power plant. And even after the immediate emergency had abated, the trauma of the disaster continued to express itself in bizarre and mysterious ways.

Richard Lloyd Parry, an award-winning foreign correspondent, lived through the earthquake in Tokyo, and spent six years reporting from the disaster zone. There he encountered stories of ghosts and hauntings. He met a priest who performed exorcisms on people possessed by the spirits of the dead. And he found himself drawn back again and again to a village which had suffered the greatest loss of all, a community tormented by unbearable mysteries of its own.

What really happened to the local children as they waited in the school playground in the moments before the tsunami? Why did their teachers not evacuate them to safety? And why was the unbearable truth being so stubbornly covered up?

Ghosts of the Tsunami is a classic of literary non-fiction, a heart-breaking and intimate account of an epic tragedy, told through the personal accounts of those who lived through it. It tells the story of how a nation faced a catastrophe, and the bleak struggle to find consolation in the ruins.
Премия Фолио
Хишам Матар 4.0
WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE - The acclaimed memoir about fathers and sons, a legacy of loss, and, ultimately, healing--one of The New York Times Book Review's ten best books of the year, winner of the PEN/Jean Stein Book Award, and a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award
Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times - The Washington Post - The Guardian - Financial Times
When Hisham Matar was a nineteen-year-old university student in England, his father went missing under mysterious circumstances. Hisham would never see him again, but he never gave up hope that his father might still be alive. Twenty-two years later, he returned to his native Libya in search of the truth behind his father's disappearance. The Return is the story of what he found there.
The Pulitzer Prize citation hailed The Return as "a first-person elegy for home and father." Transforming his personal quest for answers into a brilliantly told universal tale of hope and resilience, Matar has given us an unforgettable work with a powerful human question at its core: How does one go on living in the face of unthinkable loss?
Praise for The Return
"A tale of mighty love, loyalty and courage. It simply must be read."--The Spectator (U.K.)
"Wise and agonizing and thrilling to read."--Zadie Smith
"[An] eloquent memoir . . . at once a suspenseful detective story about a writer investigating his father's fate . . . and a son's efforts to come to terms with his father's ghost, who has haunted more than half his life by his absence."--Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times
"This outstanding book . . . roves back and forth in time with a freedom that conceals the intricate precision of its art."--The Wall Street Journal
"Truly remarkable . . . a book with a profound faith in the consolations of storytelling . . . a testament to [Matar's] father, his family and his country."--The Daily Telegraph (U.K.)
"The Return is a riveting book about love and hope, but it is also a moving meditation on grief and loss. . . . Likely to become a classic."--Colm Toibin
"Matar's evocative writing and his early traumas call to mind Vladimir Nabokov." --The Washington Post
"Utterly riveting."--The Boston Globe
"A moving, unflinching memoir of a family torn apart."--Kazuo Ishiguro, The Guardian
"Beautiful . . . The Return, for all the questions it cannot answer, leaves a deep emotional imprint."--Newsday
"A masterful memoir, a searing meditation on loss, exile, grief, guilt, belonging, and above all, family. It is, as well, a study of the shaping--and breaking--of the bonds between fathers and sons. . . . This is writing of the highest quality."--The Sunday Times (U.K.)
Премия Фолио
Akhil Sharma 2.5
Ajay, eight years old, spends his afternoons playing cricket in the streets of Delhi with his brother Birju, four years older. They are about to leave for shiny new life in America. Ajay anticipates, breathlessly, a world of jet-packs and chewing-gum.

This promised land of impossible riches and dazzling new technology is also a land that views Ajay with suspicion and hostility; one where he must rely on his big brother to tackle classroom bullies. Birju, confident, popular, is the repository of the family's hopes, and he spends every waking minute studying for the exams that will mean entry to the Bronx High School of Science, and reflected glory for them all.

When a terrible accident makes a mockery of that dream, the family splinters. The boys' mother restlessly seeks the help of pundits from the temple, while their father retreats into silent despair - and the bottle. Now Ajay must find the strength of character to navigate this brave new American world, and the sorrows at home, on his own terms.

By turns blackly funny, touching, raw and devastating, Family Life is a vivid and wrenching portrait of sibling relationships and the impact of tragedy on one family from a boy's eye view.
Премия Фолио
Джордж Сондерс 4.0
Американский писатель Хунот Диас так описал «эффект Джорджа Сондерса»: «Он, как никто, метко подметил абсурдные и обесчеловечивающие параметры нашей нынешней „культуры капитала“. Но есть в его произведениях и другая грань: холодная строгость уравновешивается глубочайшим состраданием». Это относится и к сборнику «Десятого декабря», где присутствуют все любимые жанры Сондерса: душераздирающая антиутопия, чистый реализм, социальная сатира. В США сборник стал одним из самых заметных литературных событий 2013 года. 3 января «Нью-Йорк таймс» категорично заявила в заголовке: «Джордж Сондерс написал лучшую книгу из тех, которые вы прочтете в наступившем году». А уже в апреле Сондерс был включен в список «Сто самых влиятельных людей мира», регулярно составляемый журналом «Тайм», и удостоен премии для крупных мастеров короткой прозы «ПЕН/Маламуд» (среди лауреатов прошлых лет — Сол Беллоу, Джон Апдайк, Джойс Кэрол Оутс). Давние поклонники писателя были приятно удивлены этим ажиотажем. Сондерс далеко не дебютант. В 1996 году Томас Пинчон похвалил его первую книгу, заметив: автор «рассказывает именно те истории, которые помогают выжить в наше время». Собратья по цеху давно ценят Сондерса за виртуозную работу со словом. Зэди Смит поставила его рядом с Марком Твеном. «Сондерс словно бы играючи решает почти непосильные задачи. Нам очень повезло, что он у нас есть», — написал Джонатан Франзен. Почему же широкий читатель открыл для себя Сондерса именно в 2013 году? Рассказы из новой книги «пробирают сильнее, чем ранние» — как пишут в отзывах в интернете. С другой стороны, на фоне экономического кризиса и затяжных войн в каких-то непостижимых странах легче понять проблемы любимого персонажа Сондерса — измученного безденежьем «маленького человека», потерявшегося в жестоком и абсурдном мире.