Победители — стр. 4

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Грэм Грин 4.1
Увлекательный роман "Суть дела", в котором эффектно и причудливо переплелись мотивы "колониальной прозы", политического триллера и классического детектива.
В маленькой африканской стране, находящейся под властью Британской империи, английские чиновники изнывают от жары и скуки, а их жены развлекаются сплетнями и мелкими интригами.
Но в унылую и спокойную жизнь колониального общества вторгается Вторая мировая война - и маленькая страна становится сценой для очередного акта большой игры...
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L.P. Hartley 0.0
The three books gathered together as Eustace and Hilda explore a brother and sister's lifelong relationship. Hilda, the older child, is both self-sacrificing and domineering, as puritanical as she is gorgeous; Eustace is a gentle, dreamy, pleasure-loving boy: the two siblings could hardly be more different, but they are also deeply devoted. And yet as Eustace and Hilda grow up and seek to go their separate ways in a world of power and position, money and love, their relationship is marked by increasing pain.

L. P. Hartley's much-loved novel, the magnum opus of one of twentieth-century England's best writers, is a complex and spellbinding work: a comedy of upper-class manners; a study in the subtlest nuances of feeling; a poignant reckoning with the ironies of character and fate. Above all, it is about two people who cannot live together or apart, about the ties that bind—and break.
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Чарльз Эрл Рэйвен 0.0
C. E. Raven (1885 1964) was an academic theologian elected Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge in 1932, who developed an interest in natural history and the history of scientific thought. First published in 1947, this volume demonstrates how changing attitudes to the natural world reflected and influenced the transformations in scientific thought between the medieval period and the eighteenth century. Raven's focus on the field of 'natural history' reveals how the scientific ideas behind modern biological studies developed from the richly illustrated and often fantastical bestiaries of the medieval world. The subjects of this volume are grouped chronologically into Pioneers, Explorers and Popularisers, with biographical details woven together with discussions of their academic work. The book provided a wealth of new information concerning the founders of natural history and remains a valuable contribution to this subject."
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Oliver Onions 0.0
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Ричард Олдингтон 5.0
Впервые выходящий на русском языке роман классика английской литературы XX века Р. Олдингтона посвящен знаменитому полководцу, фельдмаршалу Артуру Уэлсли Веллингтону (1769-1852).
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Форрест Рейд 0.0
In many ways, ten-year-old Tom is like other boys: his life centres on his parents, school, and his best friend Pascoe. But he also has another existence, equally real, in his dreams and imagination. In this novel, we follow him as he plays with his three canine companions, Barker, Pincher and Roger, befriends and communicates with a rat and a squirrel, and tries to find out what happened to Ralph Seaford, the dead boy whose ghost now haunts Tom's grandmother's attic. In exquisite prose, without sentimentality, exaggeration, or a single false note, Reid brings to life Tom, his greatest creation, and accomplishes the difficult feat of allowing readers to revisit and experience anew the wonders and mysteries of childhood. This [Valancourt] edition features a new introduction by Andrew Doyle.

Young Tom (1944) completes the trilogy of novels featuring Tom Barber, which began with Uncle Stephen (1931) and The Retreat (1936), and it is probably Forrest Reid's finest achievement. Acclaim from contemporary critics was unanimous, and the book won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize as the best novel of the year.
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С. В. Веджвуд 0.0
This famous book by a celebrated historian recounts the life of the unlikely revolutionary hero and favourite of Emperor Charles V, William Prince of Orange, who mobilised the legendary group of rebels known as the Beggars to fight the imperial forces of Spain. William's life and exploits reveal him as an inspiring symbol of moral and political force in an age when ideology and intolerance were the rule.
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Joyce Cary 0.0
The narrator, Evelyn, recalls the series of experiences during childhood summers at Donegal, which led to his perception of the world as an adult.
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Джон Гор 0.0
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone
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Чарльз Морган 0.0
Set in the Charente country and the Paris music halls of the 1930s, The Voyage tells of the travails of one mans finest work is that rare thing: a novel with appeal across ages and tastes. It is at once romance and adventure, a hymn to France.
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Aldous Huxley 3.8
A Hollywood millionaire with a terror of death, whose personal physician happens to be working on a theory of longevity-these are the elements of Aldous Huxley's caustic and entertaining satire on man's desire to live indefinitely. With his customary wit and intellectual sophistication, Huxley pursues his characters in their quest for the eternal, finishing on a note of horror. "This is Mr. Huxley's Hollywood novel, and you might expect it to be fantastic, extravagant, crazy and preposterous. It is all that, and heaven and hell too....It is the kind of novel that he is particularly the master of, where the most extraordinary and fortuitous events are followed by contemplative little essays on the meaning of life....The story is outrageously good." New York Times. "A highly sensational plot that will keep astonishing you to practically the final sentence." The New Yorker. "Mr. Huxley's elegant mockery, his cruel aptness of phrase, the revelations and the ingenious surprises he springs on the reader are those of a master craftsman; Mr. Huxley is at the top of his form." London Times Literary Supplement."
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Нил М. Ганн 0.0
Ken is a scientist, with a scientist's dispassionate eye for the material world, as he reviews his life from the difficult 1930s, through the slaughter of World War I, back to an idyllic boyhood in the Highlands. When the mature man finally reaches the source of the river that has haunted his imagination for so many years, he finds that the wellsprings of magic and delight were always there, in the world all around him at the time, inexhaustible and irreverent. Awarded the James Tait Memorial Prize 1937, Highland River is written in prose as cool and clear as the water it describes, and is the simplest, most poetic, and perhaps the greatest of Neil Gunn's novels.
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Winifred Holtby 5.0

"a fascinating depiction of a time and place... in its celebration of social spirit, and in Burton's final urging of her girls to serve yet also to challenge and question and strive, it feels both timely and necessary"
The Observer

"Rich in humour and worldly insight... this panoramic story of local politics stands as testament not only to Holtby's strong belief in public service, but her affection for the people and "rain-rinsed green" landscapes of her native Yorkshire"
The Independent

Book Description

A new TV tie-in edition of Winifred Holtby's classic novel South Riding, accompanying Andrew Davies's three-part adaptation for BBC1.
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L.H. Myers 0.0
Set in the war-torn world of Mughal India and first published in the gathering darkness of the 1930s, the three novels collected in The Root and the Flower are stories of intrigue, murder, and romance; of Tantric abandonment and Buddhist renunciation; of emotional delirium and spiritual adventure. This enthralling visionary trilogy is, as Penelope Fitzgerald remarks in her introduction, a "strange masterpiece," and one of the unsung glories of modern literature.
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Роберт Грейвз 4.4
История 59-летнего (с 10 г. до н.э. до 40 г. н.э) периода тиранического правления трех римских императоров: Августа, Тиберия, Калигулы, рассказанная от лица Тиберия Клавдия, будущего императора Рима.
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J.E. Neale 0.0
Long considered the definitive biography of the great Tudor Queen, this scholarly and immensely readable book won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Biography and has been translated into nine languages.

It is one of the first works of history to receive both scholarly and popular acclaim -- testimony, indeed, to both its authority and readability.

Exploring every aspect of Elizabeth's life and rule--her shrewd policies at home and abroad--Professor Neale establishes the fact that she was unique as a strong-minded, independent woman ruling in an age of exclusively masculine power.
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Арчибальд Гордон Макдонелл 0.0
“It’s very, very comforting, it’s very funny and whenever you think things in this country are pretty bonkers then you can read this book from the thirties and realise ‘Ah, they’ve always been fairly similar’ ... I love it.” IAN HISLOP
As a young Scot exiled to the alien landscape of 1920s England, Douglas Cameron finds himself navigating his way through the intimacies and excesses of a nation undergoing great cultural and social upheaval. Witnessing the last gasps in the demise of a privileged earlier world, our hero finds himself negotiating archetypal English situations, including the lavish country house weekend, a traditional fox hunt, international diplomacy at the League of Nations and, most famously, a village cricket match – all as part of his efforts to compile a book capturing the essence of Englishness. Affectionately narrated, eloquent and poignant, yet at times just slightly ruthless and often with an acerbic note of satire, this description of England in the throes of social turmoil remains an hilarious, irreverent yet compassionate portrait.
Since winning the James Tait Black Memorial Prize on publication in 1933, England, Their England has retained an enduring appeal for generations and is now regarded as a classic of literary humour. 5 stars - "So much more than just the cricket match."
5 stars - "Fun Everlasting."
5 stars - "Wonderful."
5 stars - "Such a good book."
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Helen de Guerry Simpson 0.0
When Boomerang was published in 1932, Helen Simpson came into her own.

Here was a long rambling novel beginning in Paris at the end of the eighteenth century, wandering all over the world, including Australia, and ending in the trenches in France during the 1914–18 war. Always interesting and vivid and often exciting.

Winner of the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction

Expertly formatted with a linked table of contents. Look for more classic books from Green Light.
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Эмили Хильда Янг 0.0
E.H. Young (1880-1949) was born in Northumberland, England and lived for many years in Bristol, which became the setting for most of her novels. Of Young's twelve works of fiction, Miss Mole is considered to be her masterpiece.
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Франсис Йейтс-Браун 0.0
India was one of the most adventurous and romantic places on Earth in the early twentieth century. Though decades of political unrest, and eventual independence from Britain, were only a few years away, India in the early 1910s was a magnet for young men with a longing for adventure. Such a man was Francis Yeats Brown. Arriving in 1905, Brown soon discovered that life among his chosen regiment, the famed Bengal Lancers, was anything but boring. When he wasn't practising his military skills, the young cavalryman was riding his various horses in polo matches, or chasing wild boars. Plus there were a million mysteries waiting outside his door to explore, including his forbidden love affair with Masheen, the dancing girl. Yet in addition to being a skilful soldier and an intrepid traveller, Yeats Brown was a terrific writer. He takes the reader to out-of-the-way corners of the India that once was, but is no more. There he introduces a timeless cast of fakirs, mercenaries, rajas, and rogues. It was normal in the colourful world that Yeats-Brown moved through to have breakfast with an English general, then pass the time of day with a native whose speciality was locating cobras in the bedroom! Thus "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" remains a charming classic full of delightful descriptions, mystic experiences, and enduring legends from a place and a time now gone forever.
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J.B. Priestley 4.1
Probably the most popular of Priestley's novels, The Good Companions was an instant best-seller when it was first published in July 1929, and, while JBP came to feel its success subsequently overshadowed many more important works, the book has remained popular. It was his third novel and it is certainly well-written and very readable. It is, too, an enjoyable romp, all about a stranded theatrical group the Dinky Doos rescued by Miss Trant and coverted into the Good Companions, and involving their adventures with such characters as Jess Oakroyd, the middle-aged joiner from Bruddersford, who breaks free from his miserable domestic existence, Susie Dean and Inigo Jollifant. It is the sort of long, colourful novel which was one of Priestley's hallmarks, and it is clear that Priestley enjoyed himself writing it. He regarded the job as not so much a task, more a kind of holiday.
One of the ironies of the success of The Good Companions is that when he discussed his idea for the book with his publishers they told him that such a book would not appeal to the current reading public. However, the germ of the story was embedded deep into his mind and heart, and writing the novel became something of an obsession. He had made up his mind to write a novel that he himself could enjoy even if nobody else did...and, in the event, a great many others also loved it! (The novel arrived at a time when the country was in depression, and someone commented that The Good Companions "soared out of the gloom like a fairy tale to lift thousands of minds into a world of literary enchantment."
David Hughes in "J.B. Priestley:An Informal Study of His Work", wrote: "The Good Companions is a simple book, plainly constructed and straightforwardly told. Like so much of Priestley's work, its action begins on a note of rebellion, while its impulse is the search for romance without losing sight of reality; indeed, staring into the very heart of reality for the magic. Jess Oakroyd is pitched into loneliness by the drab quarrrelling of his family. Miss Trant, suddenly relieved in early middle age of a burden that might have lasted her lifetime, turns against the trivial monotony of her genteel days in a Cotswold village. Inigo Jollifant, surrounded in the prep school where he teaches by petty rulings, is refused permission to play the piano by the headmaster's wife, gets drunk and escapes into the night. Three separate rebellions against the frustrations of life put three characters on the road for what is probably the longest picaresque novel in English since Pickwick."
Priestley started to write The Good Companions in January 1928, and he delivered the manuscript to Heinemann in March 1929.
At least two films have been made of The Good Companions, and it has been turned into a play on several occasions.
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Siegfried Sassoon 3.5
The first volume in Siegfried Sassoon’s beloved trilogy, The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston, with a new introduction by celebrated historian Paul Fussell

A highly decorated English soldier and an acclaimed poet and novelist, Siegfried Sassoon won fame for his trilogy of fictionalized autobiographies that wonderfully capture the vanishing idylls of Edwardian England and the brutal realities of war.

In this first novel of the semiautobiographical George Sherston trilogy, Sassoon wonderfully captures the vanishing idylls of the Edwardian English countryside. Never out of print since its original publication in 1928, when it won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, Sassoon's reminiscences about childhood and the beginning of World War I are channeled through young George Sherston, whose life of local cricket tournaments and fox-hunts falls apart as war approaches and he joins up to fight. Sassoon's first novel, though rife with comic characters and a jaunty sense of storytelling, presents his own loss of innocence and the destruction of the country he knew and loved.

For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.
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Фрэнсис Бретт Янг 0.0
After the death of her mother and her father's remarriage, Claerwen Lydiatt is sent to live at Pen House with her grandfather and Aunt Cathie. Although they love Clare, this rather austere pair does not know how to relate to a girl of her age; neither are they impressed to find that Clare has embraced the religion which they had so determinedly renounced. Thus Clare's life journey begins amidst the disapproval of her family, the attraction of their glamorous neighbours, the Hingstons, and the persistent presence of family friend Dudley Wilburn. Brett Young's Portrait of Clare tells the story of one woman's struggle to find happiness through the dramas and decisions that make up her story. The setting of Clare's life is the West Midlands countryside. Despite the changes it undergoes, this landscape remains a constant throughout Claerwen’s life that rushes and flows like the river after which she is named.
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Герберт Фишер 0.0
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Radclyffe Hall 0.0
Adam's Breed is a novel about a waiter that becomes disgusted with his job and goes to live in the forest as a hermit.

Marguerite Radclyffe Hall was born on 12th August 1880, in Bournemouth, England. Hall's first novel The Unlit Lamp (1924) was a lengthy and grim tale that proved hard to sell. It was only published following the success of the much lighter social comedy The Forge (1924), which made the best-seller list of John O'London's Weekly.
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Лиам О’Флаэрти 5.0
First published in 1925 and long unavailable in paperback, "The Informer" tells of Gypo Nolan, an Irish revolutionary who betrayed his friend, and who is hunted through the streets of Dublin. O'Flaherty's major works include "Skerret", "Famine" and "Insurrection"
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Джеффри Скотт 0.0
This slim book is a revelation of psychological acuity, the soul of the biographer's art. In 1925, Scott, an English man of letters, one-time librarian and secretary to Bernard Berenson and author of The Architecture of Humanism, published this biography of Isabelle de Charriere, who wrote using the pen name Zélide. Born Isabella van Serooskerken van Tuyll in 1740, the Dutch girl earned early recognition around Europe for her precocious intellect. She had a dozen or so suitors, including the impossibly egotistical Boswell, but her uncompromising, somewhat perverse devotion to ratiocination led her to marry her brothers' lackluster tutor. Her most renowned relationship, however, took place some 15 years later, when she met Benjamin Constant, a man 27 years her junior. That eight-year relationship informs the bulk of the book and for Scott, the story of Zélide and Benjamin and Madame de Stael, the woman he left her for, is nothing less than Europe's renunciation of reason and the Enlightenment for sensibility and Romanticism.
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Эдвард Морган Форстер 3.6
Молодая англичанка вместе с группой туристов осматривает местную достопримечательность — Марабарские пещеры, а после экскурсии неожиданно обвиняет в домогательствах одного из своих спутников — молодого, интеллигентного, блестяще образованного врача-индийца. Банальная на первый взгляд история мгновенно сводит на нет те отчаянные усилия, которые делают благожелательно настроенные представители английского и индийского общества для взаимного сближения.

Два мира сталкиваются насмерть в этом блестящем, горьком и безысходном романе: мир европейских колонизаторов и индийской интеллигенции. Два мира, заведомо обреченные на взаимное недоверие и фатальное непонимание, которые рано или поздно должны завершиться трагедией. "О, Запад есть Запад, Восток есть Восток, и не встретиться им никогда", — сказал когда-то Киплинг. И Форстер решительно подтверждает эту беспощадную истину.
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