Победители — стр. 4

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Кэролайн Миллер 3.0
In 1934, Caroline Miller's novel Lamb in His Bosom won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature. It was the first novel by a Georgia author to win a Pulitzer, soon followed by Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind in 1937. In fact, Lamb was largely responsible for the discovery of Gone With the Wind; after reading Miller's novel, Macmillan editor Harold S. Latham sought other southern novels and authors, and found Margaret Mitchell.

Caroline Miller was fascinated by the other Old South—not the romantic inhabitants of Gone With the Wind, but rather the poor people of the south Georgia backwoods, who never owned a slave or planned to fight a war. The story of Cean and Lonzo, a young couple who begin their married lives two decades before the Civil War, Lamb in His Bosom is a fascinating account of social customs and material realities among settlers of the Georgia frontier. At the same time, Lamb in His Bosom transcends regional history as Miller's quietly lyrical prose style pays poignant tribute to a woman's life lived close to nature—the nature outside her and the nature within.
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Т. С. Стриблинг 0.0
Winner of a Pulitzer Prize in 1933, The Store is the second novel of Stribling's monumental trilogy set in the author's native Tennessee Valley region of North Alabama. The novel's action begins in 1884, when Grover Cleveland became the first Democratic president since the end of the Civil War, and it centers about the emergence of Colonel Miltiades Vaiden as a figure of wealth and power in the city of Florence.
In The Store, Stribling succeeds in presenting the essence of an age through the everyday lives of his characters. Writing in The New Statesman and Nation upon publication of the book, Gerald Bullett stated The Store "is a first-rate book of its kind, a good story filled with diverse and vital characters; and much of it cannot be read without that primitive excitement, that eagerness to know what comes next, which is, after all, the triumph of the good story teller."
Художественная книга
Перл Бак 4.5

The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck

Первая книга грандиозной семейной саги, за которую писательница была удостоена Нобелевской премии по литературе. Кажется, этот роман, действие которого происходит в Китае начала прошлого века, не мог выйти из-под пера западного автора — настолько аутентично в нем поведана масштабная и глубоко психологичная история честного и работящего крестьянина Ван Луна, его нелегкого пути к богатству и преуспеванию и того, сколь дорого пришлось ему заплатить на этот успех. История его жены и его молодой наложницы, его детей, каждый из которых готов идти собственной дорогой. Но кто из них станет для отца гордостью, а кто разобьет ему сердце?..
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Оливер Ла Фарж 0.0
Capturing the essence of the Southwest in 1915, Oliver La Farge's Pulitzer Prize-winning first novel is an enduring American classic. At a ceremonial dance, the young, earnest silversmith Laughing Boy falls in love with Slim Girl, a beautiful but elusive "American"-educated Navajo. As they experience all of the joys and uncertainties of first love, the couple must face a changing way of life and its tragic consequences.
Художественная книга
Торнтон Уайлдер 4.1

The Bridge of San Luis Rey, by Thornton Wilder

«Мост короля Людовика Святого» переносит читателя в Латинскую Америку начала XVIII века, где философ-монах брат Юнипер расследует обстоятельства катастрофы, унесшей жизни пяти очень разных людей – авантюриста, легендарной актрисы, писательницы-герцогини, ее юной служанки и молодого человека из низов общества.
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Синклер Льюис 4.2

Arrowsmith, by Sinclair Lewis

Интересный и со знанием дела написанный роман о состоянии и проблемах американской медицины 1920-х годов. Главный герой, молодой и талантливый врач, Мартин Эроусмит, борется с косностью и алчностью, процветающими в существующей системе здравоохранения. Победы редки и даются очень дорогой ценой...
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Маргарет Уилсон 0.0
This neglected novel tells the story of Wully McLaughlin coming home from the Civil War to find his sweetheart pregnant with another man’s child.
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Booth Tarkington 3.0
This compelling satire details irresistible characteristics of social status in a small Midwestern town. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and their two children are members of the lower middle-class. Their daughter, Alice, wrestles with this economic classification and attempts to make the society folk of the town appreciate her. Because Alice has no social influence nor wealth and her presence is held in disregard by prospective suitors, Mrs. Adams tries to improve the situation by persuading her husband to leave a job he's held all his life and to establish a new career. After much apprehension and in possession of a glue formula stolen from his previous employer, he resigns his mediocre but satisfying employment which puts him in a predicament that leads to his professional downfall. Tarkington's understanding of class rivalries, social condescension, and financial avarice is evident in this tale where his main point indicates that in every joyless moment hope, though unexpected, is attainable. He illustrates how the Adams' laborious efforts are ultimately unsuccessful. Any intrusion by Alice and her mother on the upper class is unlikely and Tarkington's depiction of such is secretly amusing.
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Booth Tarkington 4.2
Tarkington's novel portrays the changing landscape of the American dream as it follows the decline of the aristocratic and wealthy Amberson family. Believing that "being things" is preferable to "doing things," the Ambersons refusal to change and their eventual fall is sharply contrasted with the social and industrial evolution of the early 20th century.
Художественная книга
Эрнест Пул 0.0
In this 1918 Pulitzer Prize winning story, widower Roger Gale struggles to deal with the way his children and grandchildren respond to the changing society. His Family is the story of a sixty-year-old New York man who reflects on his life and the lives of his three daughters. The women represent three separate types - one maternal, the second devoted to social movements, and the third living a happy and carefree existence - and the father sees something of himself in each.
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